Finesse Settings Configurations
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    Finesse Settings Configurations

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    Article summary

    After completing the installation, follow these steps to configure the integration with Cisco Finesse Desktop:

    1. Access and log into Workspace Admin.

    2. Click the dropdown menu on the top-right (positioned before the   icon) and then click Finesse.

      The Finesse Admin Settings page is displayed, with all the fields initially blank.

    3. Provide the details in the following fields:



      Finesse SDK Path

      • Enter the Finesse Desktop URL provided by the customer to acquire the SDK path. The

        URL format is:


      • Replace FQDN and port, if applicable (based on the environment) in the URL with the customer Finesse domain.

        Example -


        Finesse JS SDK is a Cisco-provided JavaScript library for creating custom gadgets and applications for the Cisco Finesse desktop. The file at this location contains the JavaScript SDK files required to integrate with Acqueon


      HandlerFile Path

      This field allows adding the Finesse core library to the Finesse gadget XML to capture Finesse events.

    4. Click Save.

      A success message confirming that the Finesse Configurations have been updated is displayed. Next, you must you must create a layout in Acqueon Workspace admin to integrate with the Cisco Finesse Desktop.

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