- DarkLight
Genesys Console Configurations
- DarkLight
Configure the Genesys console for both types of integrations, Embedded or SDK-based integrations.
Use the Genesys PureCloud login URL - https://login.usw2.pure.cloud and follow the steps below.
Enter the Username and Password. Click Log In.
Select Collaborate/Communicate.
The home screen is displayed.
Navigate to the Integrations section to manage configurations for both embedded and SDK integrations.
Configuring Integrations
SDK-only Integrations
Follow the steps below to configure SDK-only integrations.
Select Integration.
Navigate to the Client Application tab. Click Install.
In the Details tab, provide the Name of the client application and enter Notes. Click Submit.
Select the Configuration tab and enter the configuration properties.
Complete the following mandatory fields.
Application URL
URL for the layout created in the configurator section.
Application Type
Select standalone - this is the default application type.
Group Filtering
This is a list of groups whose members can see this application. If no group is specified, the application is hidden from all members.
Click Save.
Configure allow-popups in the Iframe send box option if you permit popups for iframes.
Click Admin. Search for Integration via the search bar.
Select OAuth.
Click the Client Details tab.
Complete the mandatory fields.
App Name
Enter the application name.
Grant Types
Select Token Implicit Grant (Browser).
The Scope field displays the events subscribed from the Genesys SDK. The mandatory scope details that you must add are:
conversations:read only
outbound:read only
presence:read only
Authorized redirect URLs
Enter the Genesys Core URL.
Leave the remaining fields with default values.
Click Save.
Embedded Integrations
Configure the private cloud-embedded framework for embedded integrations.
Select Integration.
Click the specific Integration name.
Complete the information in the Details and the Configuration tabs.
Upload a js file that serves as the client-side configuration file, in the framework.js folder. The framework.js file is embedded here.
OAuth Configuration for Embedded Integrations
Redirect URL
Configure the softphone here: https://apps.usw2.pure.cloud/crm/embeddableFramework.html