How Objects Work
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    How Objects Work

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    Article summary

    Objects are like containers for data. Each entry is a record (like a row in a table), and the data points are fields (like columns).

    • Records: A record is analogous to a row in a database table. For example, in the Contact object, a record could be John Doe, which contains all the data specific to this contact, like phone number, email, and address.

    • Fields: Fields hold the data for each record. Standard objects have predefined fields, while custom objects can have user-defined fields. Fields are analogous to columns in a database table. For instance, in the Contact object:

      • Standard Field: Phone is a predefined field where you store John Doe's phone number.

      • Custom Field: You can create a field called Favorite Product to store information about John Doe's preferred product from your organization’s Catalog.

    • Relationships: Objects can be connected through relationships that allow data to be linked and organized logically. This can be lookup relationships, master-detail relationships, or hierarchical relationships. For example, a Contact can be linked to an Account through a lookup relationship, showing that John Doe works for "ABC Corporation." This Connection helps organize and view related data efficiently.

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