- DarkLight
Identity Authentication
- DarkLight
Identification Authentication is a process that ensures the enterprise has communicated with the correct individual. This process verifies the identity of the person, confirming they are who they claim to be, thereby securing the Interaction and protecting sensitive information.
Identity Authentication tab is visible in the System menu only if the backend configurations are activated.
Here is an illustration. If an enterprise, such as a bank, requires customers to authenticate for a process, the Campaign Manager sends a pre-call authentication request to the contacts, asking the customers to schedule a time for a call. If the customer responds within the threshold time, they are called or not called based on their response. If there is no response from the customer, the application dials out the contact after the threshold time. After successful pre-call authentication, the Agent requests the customer to carry out identity authentication during the call using the Identity Authentication Widget.
Create Identity Authentication
To add identity authentication:
Click + Create Identity Authentication.
Enter the Name and the Description of the Identity Authentication template.
Select the appropriate fields from the Available Identity Authentication Fields and move to Selected Identity Authentication Fields box.
Click Next.
Notification Message
Select the Pre-Call Notification to predefined wait-time or select the Enter Manual option to set one.
Enter a Pre-Call Notification Message that is delivered as a pre-call notification.
Select the Receive a call right away, Schedule a call back, and Decline a call. These options are given to the customer to select for an identity authentication call. Select at least one of the options other than Decline a call. If Decline a call is selected, select one of the other two options.
Enter a On-Call Notification Message that is delivered to the customer during the authentication call.
Use the slide bar or manually enter the number of Retries for Rescheduling an identity authentication call.
Click SAVE.
Update Identity Authentication
To update Identity authentication:
Select an Identity authentication name and click Edit under the Action tab.
Update the appropriate details and click SAVE.
To Delete, select an Identity Authentication name and click Delete under Action tab.
Click Ok on the confirmation pop-up window.
Fields | Description |
Name | The name of the Identity Authentication template. |
Description | Description of the intended Identity Authentication template. |
Pre-Call Notification | Predefined wait time before the call. |
Pre-Call Notification Message | A message delivered as a pre-call notification. |
Action on Notification | Provides the customer with options for an identity authentication call, such as receiving a call right away, scheduling a Callback, or declining the call. |
On-Call Notification Message: | A message delivered to the customer during the authentication call. |
Retries for Reschedule: | Allows entering the number of retries for rescheduling an identity authentication call. Access the + and - buttons to change the number. This feature permits the customer to reschedule the call by choosing a later period, as configured in the Identity Authentication template. A new pre-call notification is sent to the customer at the chosen time. The customer can then fix a time for the call or reschedule it again. This rescheduling process can be done as many times as specified in the Retries for Reschedule field. If this limit is exceeded, the Identity Authentication process is canceled. |
Action | Allows editing and deleting an Identity Authentication template. |