Integration Requirements
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    Integration Requirements

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    Article summary

    Workspace Widgets in Webex CC Desktop

    Customer-side Requirements

    To integrate Acqueon Workspace with Webex Contact Center, the customer must do these:

    • Configure the required Webex CC team.

    • Create a Desktop layout

    • Add the Workspace Layout URL.

    Acqueon-side Requirements

    To integrate Acqueon Workspace with Webex Contact Center, Acqueon must provide the following configurations and details:

    • Create an Acqueon Workspace Layout.

    • Add widgets to the layout.

    Acqueon Workspace for Webex CC

    Customer-side Requirements

    To integrate Acqueon Workspace with Webex Contact Center, the customer must do these:

    • Configure the required Webex CC team.

    • Set up the additional Webex CC configurations.

    Acqueon-side Requirements

    To integrate Acqueon Workspace with Webex Contact Center, Acqueon must provide the following configurations and details:

    • Create an Acqueon Workspace Layout.

    • Add widgets to the layout.


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