Integration Steps
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    Integration Steps

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    Article summary

    The integration involves several key actions that must be performed sequentially. These actions include creating the Acqueon Workspace layout, adding the necessary widgets, configuring the Webex CC team, and linking the Workspace URL.

    Here’s a table for the integration steps, along with the responsibilities for each configuration step.




    Create an Acqueon Workspace Layout

    To get started, create an Acqueon Workspace layout. This layout serves as the foundation for the integration, where the Workspace widgets are displayed for agents.


    Add Widgets

    Once the layout is set up, add the required widgets. These widgets allow agents to interact with essential functions and tools within the Webex CC environment.


    Configure Webex CC Team

    After the workspace configuration, log in to Webex CC to create and configure the appropriate Webex CC team. This step ensures that the integration aligns with the team structure in Webex CC.


    Add the Workspace URL

    Finally, add the Acqueon Workspace URL to the Webex CC environment. This links the workspace with Webex CC, allowing agents to access and use Workspace within their Webex CC agent desktop.


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