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The Campaign Manager offers a subscription model for licenses. The License fee is billed based on the maximum number of users, contact attempts, or minutes consumed while logged in during the billing cycle. A subscription license does not have a limit on the quantity purchased, and overage is charged accordingly. Billing occurs at a pre-agreed frequency.
The license must be renewed upon expiry on the date mentioned in the License File. If the license is not renewed upon expiry, an Administrator cannot log in. However, the application continues to work for 12 hours, processing and delivering contacts. After 12 hours, it stops delivering contacts to the dialer.
View License Reports
To view license reports:
Click License to view the Concurrent Login Report opens.
Enter the Start Date and End Date to display the report for a defined period of time.
Click Show. The report contains a grid showing the number of Used licenses for Admin Ports, Supervisor Ports, IVR Ports, and Agent Ports.
Click Export to download the report.
License Upload
Upload is not applicable for all the variants.
User can upload the license and view the details of the same. Go to License > Upload. Browse the file and click Open.
The following fields are displayed:
Fields | Description |
Licensed Details | Displays the user details: Admin: Number of permitted logged-in users with the Admin Role permitted under the terms of this license. Supervisor: Number of permitted logged-in users with the Supervisor role permitted under the terms of this license. Agent: Number of permitted logged-in users with the Agent role permitted under the terms of this license. |
License Usage | Displays license usage details for the current day: Admin: Number of permitted Admin users logged in for the current day. Supervisor: Number of permitted Supervisors logged in for the current day. Agent: Number of permitted Agents logged in for the current day. |
License Features | List of the application features that are available on this license. |
License Violation
Application displays a static alert if:
Configured days before expiry of the license, a countdown to the license expiry date and time.
A countdown to the cease date.
Agent License Calculation
The license must be renewed upon expiry on the date mentioned in the license file. If the license is not renewed upon expiry, an administrator cannot log in. However, the application continues to work for 12 hours, processing and delivering contacts. After 12 hours, it stops delivering contacts to the dialer.
Here is an example of how agent license calculation is performed:
Campaign A is mapped to one or more Campaign Manager campaigns. We have 10 agents mapped to this Campaign A. The License Manager service polls the agent count information from AWS at 15-minute intervals to update license usage. The highest number of agents logged in at any point during the day is used to determine the number of licenses used. For example, if 7 agents are logged in between 8:00 am and 12:00 noon, 9 agents are logged in between 12:00 noon and 3:00 pm, and 5 agents are logged in between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm, the number of agents for the day is considered to be 9. All agent states except the logout state are accounted for when polling the agent count information. This information is also available in the License Reports.
Usage Reports - Concurrent Agent report
Go to License > Usage. Usage Report displays three types of quantified report:
Concurrent Agent report
The billing is based on the highest number of logins on any given day in a calendar month. Example, three agents (A1, A2, and A3) log in on day one, three agents (A1, A4, and A5) log in on day two, and three agents (A6, A7, and A8) log in on day three. The customer is billed based on the highest number of logins in this case and that is three as different agents have logged in, the highest number of agents remains three.
The usage report shows details based on the configuration’s settings performed during the provision process and contractual terms. Contact our provisioning team for additional details. The billing for SaaS model is performed based on the billing type such as Concurrent Agent, Named Agent, or Agent Usage and Minimum Commit signed during the contractual process.
Usage Reports - Agent Usage Report
The report shows the unique agent logins, at one line for each month.
The usage report shows details based on the configuration’s settings performed during the provision process and contractual terms. Contact our provisioning team for additional details. The billing for SaaS model is performed based on the billing type such as Concurrent Agent, Named Agent, or Agent Usage and Minimum Commit signed during the contractual process.
Usage Reports - Named Usage Report
This report also shows the unique agent logins, but daily. Example, three agents (A1, A2, and A3) log in on day one, three agents (A1, A4, and A5) log in on day two, and three agents (A6, A7, and A8) log in on day three. The customer is billed based on the unique agent logins and in this case, it is eight.
The usage report shows details based on the configuration’s settings performed during the provision process and contractual terms. Contact our provisioning team for additional details. The billing for SaaS model is performed based on the billing type such as Concurrent Agent, Named Agent, or Agent Usage and Minimum Commit signed during the contractual process.
View Usage Report
Set the time filter to view the report:
Enter the specific Year to view the data for a different year. By default, the report displays the data of the current year. The report for each month is displayed in an individual tab. The first tab displays the data for the current month while the data for the previous months are available in the subsequent tabs.
Select the Custom Date Range.
Click the Start Date to select a Start Date and Time.
Click the End Date to select an End Date and Time.
By default, the Start Date and the End Date fields display the current date and the time when the Usage Report page is last opened.
Click Show to fetch the report.
Click Refresh to refresh the data to the current.
Click Export to download the report. Select the type of report (Summary and Agent) to be downloaded in the popup that appears.
a. Summary (default selection): This report type features the same columns of data as represented in the application. Besides each duration column, the exported file features an extra column that displays the corresponding duration converted to seconds.
b. Agent: This report type features only the billing dates, agent names, logins, and the duration of the calls handled by the agents, correspondingly.
c. Select the required months, in case of selecting the Year option in the filter.
Click Export.
Field | Description |
Total Named Agent | |
Date | Dates for which the usage data is populated. |
License Type | License type consumed for the given month. This can be either 'Basic' or 'Premium'. A Basic license holder is otherwise considered Premium when enabled with at least one of the AI features, such as P2P and BTTC. |
Number of Login | The total count of login. |
Total Calls Handled | The total count of calls handled by the agents for the given date. |
Actual Call Duration | The total actual duration of all the calls handled by the agents for the given date. It is the duration consumed from the start to the end of a call. |
Computed Call Duration | The total computed duration of all the calls handled by the agents for the given date. It is the sum of the rounded off value of each call duration. The rounding off value for the call duration is configured in the back-end for seconds and minutes. |
Total Active Duration | The total active duration of all the logged-in agents for the given date. It is the duration for which the given agent remains in an active state such as Ready, In Call, and so on. |
Total Login Duration | The total login duration of all the logged-in agents for the given date. |
Total Supervisor Logins | The total number of supervisors logged into the console for the given date. |
Digital Transactions | |
SMS | Displays the count of campaign SMS sent for the given date. |
Displays the count of campaign Emails sent for the given date. | |
Social Media | Displays the count of social media engagements related to campaigns for the specified date. |
Total Consumed Units | The total number of digital transaction units conducted for the given date. The value of a unit is configured in the back-end. Example, one unit can be configured as 100 digital transactions. |
Identity Verifications | |
Total Primary Auth | The total number of pre-call authentication requests sent for the given date. |
Verified Primary Auth | The total number of successful pre-call authentications for the given date. |
Total Secondary Auth | The total number of on-call authentications conducted for the given date. |
Verified Secondary Auth | The total number of successful on-call authentications completed for the given date. |
Total Transactions | The overall count of all transactions processed on the specified date. |
IVR Voice Drop | |
Total Calls Handled | The total number of calls handled by the system on the given date. |
Actual Call Duration | The cumulative duration of all calls (in minutes or seconds) as recorded during the given date. |
Computed Call Duration | The total calculated call duration for all calls on the given date. |
CPaaS Usage | |
Total Calls Handled | The total number of calls processed through the CPaaS platform on the specified date. |
Actual Call Duration | The total duration of all calls, specifically within the CPaaS environment, for the given date. |