Non - PEWC
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    Non - PEWC

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    Article summary

    PEWC (Prior Express Written Consent) is a form of compliance mandating telemarketers to obtain the prior express written consent of the called party for autodialed or prerecorded telemarketing calls to wireless numbers and prerecorded calls to residential landline. Such contacts are also classified as Consent contacts.

    Contacts that have not expressed a prior written consent are Non-PEWC contacts. This tab enables the Agent to handle non-PEWC calls. This tab is displayed when the agent is other than Available State, that is, Not Ready state.


    In case, if Show Non-PEWC during Ready state option is enabled in the Campaign Manager Admin, this tab is displayed in the Ready state as well.

    Vertical Layout

    Horizontal Layout

    Vertical Layout

    Horizontal Layout

    The Non-PEWC tab consists of the following two sections (images above):

    • Dial a Contact - Allows you to get a non-PEWC contact list and make a call.

    • PCB - Allows you to view the Non-PEWC contacts that have opted for personal Callback.

    To make a Non-PEWC call:

    1. In the Dial a Contact section, click the Get Contact icon to get a contact list uploaded in Acqueon Campaigns console. The Non-PEWC contact is displayed in the box. If Prefix and Suffix are configured, those details are also displayed along with the number.

    2. You can click Copy to copy the number to Dial pad, if required.

    3. Click the Dial button to make a call.

    4. Click the Cancel button to skip the call and get the next contact.


      The Get Contact icon is in disabled mode until you complete the outcome for the current call.

    5. Select the outcome details in the Outcome tab and click Submit or Submit & Clear button. You can view the following Non-PEWC contact details:

      • Campaign - The campaign that the non-PEWC contact belongs to.

      • Contact ID - The unique contact ID for this non-PEWC contact.

      • Call Type - The call type for this non-PEWC contact such as regular or Normal Callback.

      • Expiry Time - The earliest expiry from Campaign, Contact, List, Time Zone, or Mode.

      • Callback Time - The time that the callback request was first registered.

    6. In the PCB section, you can view the Non-PEWC contacts that have opted for Personal Callback. The following details are displayed as shown below:

      • Callback Time – The call back time agreed by the customer.

      • Contact # - The Contact number of the customer to make PCB call.

      • Contact ID – The Unique Contact ID for the PCB contact.


    The Non-PEWC Widget is compatible up to Campaign Manager version 2308. Subsequently, the Manual Dial widget replaces Non-PEWC. Also, the Non-PEWC widget is not applicable for Genesys.

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