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Other Documents
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This section lists other important documents used in Campaign Manager. Each document serves a specific purpose in ensuring smooth operation and integration. Here we cover:
Call Guide Wrapper Integration: A call guide wrapper is utilized to create questionnaires that are displayed in the Workspace, where agents can fill out call details. The call guide scripts are crafted in Campaign Manager for each specific Campaign.
Salesforce Adapter: The Salesforce Adapter is a component that facilitates communication between Campaign Manager and Salesforce CRM. Campaign Manager supports various data sources for its campaigns, such as CSV files and SQL database tables. Additionally, it can use Campaign Manager from Salesforce CRM as a lead Source. This document outlines the necessary configurations in Campaign Manager to integrate with Salesforce CRM via the Salesforce Adapter, ensuring seamless data flow and synchronization between the two systems.
Data Extraction Configuration: The Data Extraction Configuration involves setting up and managing the Data Extraction feature in Campaign Manager. This feature is designed to extract data from standard data sources, such as call attempts, at specified times. It allows users to select specific campaign groups or individual campaigns for data extraction. This document provides detailed instructions on configuring these settings to ensure accurate and timely data extraction for analysis and reporting purposes.
Performance Metrics Programming Guide: Performance Metrics in the Campaign Manager Reports Console offers a comprehensive view of the current live performance of both the dialer and agents. This real-time data is live-streamed and refreshed every 10 seconds, with the refresh interval being configurable. Administrators can monitor the performance of these two critical components of the Contact Center in real time, viewing live-streamed numerical data. This guide provides detailed instructions on programming and customizing performance metrics to ensure accurate and insightful monitoring of campaign operations.
Control Agent Desktop: This document provides instructions on setting up and managing the Control Agent Desktop. The Control Agent Desktop is a comprehensive web-based application enabling control agents to manage non-consent contacts during manual dialing with one-click operations. Agents can filter non-consent contacts by selecting one or more campaigns. It also provides performance reports with key metrics. When an Operator is chosen for the Non-Consent Group or State Group, the control Agent receives the contact number for manual clicking on their desktop.
Account Executive Mapping (AEM): Account Executive Mapping (AEM) in Campaign Manager facilitates personalized care for specialized customer segments by assigning specific agents to individual customers. This approach enables agent-based campaigns that provide tailored service through exclusive agent-customer mappings. Campaign Manager utilizes the Personal Callback feature to implement the functionality of AEM, ensuring personalized and consistent customer interactions.