Other Settings
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    Other Settings

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    Article summary

    This section includes key components, each serving a specific role in the application to enhance performance and efficiency:

    • Attempt Counter

    • Dimension

    • Alerter

    Attempt Counter

    The Attempt Counter allows you to assign outcome types to each pre-configured Telephony Outcome. This feature helps identify whether an outcome is a Right Party Contact (RPC) or not. Additionally, it keeps a count of every retry made for contacts being dialed out from the application. This information is crucial for monitoring and optimizing call attempts.

    1. Go to the Other Settings > Attempt Counter.

    2. Select an outcome Group, update the required fields, activate or deactivate the required fields, and click SAVE. The page displays the following parameters:

      • Outcomes: Lists all the telephony outcomes.

      • Type: Defines the outcome type for each outcome, such as Telephony Outcome.

      • RPC Type: Allows you to set the outcome type as Right Party Contact (RPC) Type or Non-Right Party Contact (Non-RPC) Type. You cannot add any new Telephony Outcomes; you can only change the assigned outcome type between RPC and Non-RPC.

      • Right Party Contact (RPC): This is the telephony or Business Outcome when you can confirm that the person you intended to contact has responded to your voice call.

      • Non-Right Party Contact (Non-RPC): This is the telephony outcome when your voice call is not answered by the intended person. Examples include an answering machine, fax machine, no reply, etc.

      • Global Retry: The maximum number of retries allowed for dialing each contact in a Campaign. Contacts will no longer be dialed once the global retry limit is exhausted.

      • Daily Retry: The maximum number of retries allowed for dialing each contact in a single day for a campaign.

      • Mode Retry: The maximum number of retries allowed in one mode before switching to the next available mode. If the outcome retry limit is reached first, dialing moves to the next mode. If there is no second mode available, the dialing continues in the only available mode until the Daily and/or Global retry limit is reached.

      • Outcome Retry: Similar to Mode Retry, this is the maximum number of retries for a specific outcome before moving to the next mode. If the mode retry limit is reached first, dialing proceeds to the next mode. If there is no second mode available, the only available mode is dialed out until the Daily and/or Global retry limit is reached.

      • Window Retry: The maximum number of retries allowed within a specific calling window.

      • Live Call Outcome: Selecting this checkbox indicates that the application should consider this outcome as a live call outcome (i.e., a customer-answered call). The live call outcome is used to calculate the Abandoned Percentage.


    The Alerter is a self-detecting facility within the Campaign Manager that ensures all components and services are functioning smoothly. It continuously scans the application for any service disruptions. If a service is down, the Alerter sends out an alert via email to designated recipients configured in this section. This proactive alert system helps the dialer Administrator take timely corrective actions to maintain seamless application performance.

    1. Go to the Alerter tab.

    2. Enter a Sender Email address. This is displayed in the From field when the alerter sends out a mail only when:

      1. Any component is stopped or started working

      2. Any alert raised by the SNMP Receiver. See Email Settings.

      3. A scheduled report is sent to the configured recipient.

    3. Enter an SMTP server address that the Email is sent from and an SMTP Port that is reserved for the SMTP server.

    4. Enter a Username for the SMTP server and a Password for the SMTP server.

    5. Enter a Recipient Email ID. The alert Email is sent to this Email.

    6. To add more recipients, click Add and add Email IDs.

    7. Click Save.


    Dimension facilitates the creation of customized reports within the Campaign Manager. It offers a wide range of real-time and Historical Reports tailored to specific business parameters. Campaigns often have unique business parameters, both mandatory and optional, configured according to their specific requirements.

    For instance, a Sales Channel might be a critical business parameter in one campaign but less significant in another. While campaign-level reporting is possible, Dimension allows for enterprise-level reporting by mapping similar business parameters across different campaigns under one dimension. This enables comprehensive analysis and reporting across various sales channels and campaigns, providing valuable insights into overall performance.

    Create Dimension

    To create dimension:

    1. Go to the Dimension tab and click CREATE DIMENSION.

    2. Add a Dimension Name and a Description.

    3. Enter a Dimension Value such as Credit Card, Debit Card, Charge Card, or Loyalty Card for a Business Field Card Type. If you want a customized report grouping enterprise-level data on credit card, you can enter Credit Card in this field.

    4. To add more values, click Add and add the Dimension Value.

    5. Click Save.




    Unique Identifier

    Name of the Unique Identifier. Helps in providing a unique identification to the identical business fields across multiple campaigns.

    Common Field

    Identical business field name

    Data Type

    Data type for business parameter such as

    • Number, for numeric data.

    • Float, for numbers with decimal values.

    • DateTime, for values that represent date and time. If you select this data type, select a desired date format in the Format field.

    • String, for alphanumeric data that includes any character.

    Dimension Name

    Name of the dimension. Dimension helps you in creating a customize report.


    Description of the dimension

    Dimension Value

    Defines a value for which you want a customized report grouping enterprise-level data, such as credit card, debit card

    Sender Email

    Email Id from which alerter sends out a mail


    Server name that the Email is sent from

    SMYP Port

    Port that is reserved for the SMTP server

    User Name

    User Name for the SMTP server that Campaign Manager uses to send Emails


    Password for authenticating a user

    Recipient Email ID

    Alert Email is sent to this Email

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