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    Article summary

    The Outcome tab allows you to set the Telephony Outcome / Business Outcome for the call.

    An outcome is the disposition set by an Agent based on the result of an Interaction with a customer. By configuring a business outcome, you can define rules for recall and closure for each business outcome.

    Vertical Layout

    Horizontal Layout

    To set the outcome:

    1. Select the call or telephony outcome from the dropdown list.

    2. Select Parent Business Outcome for this call.

    3. Select business outcome for this call. Fields in the dropdown list are independent of the parameter selected in Call Outcome.

      The above three fields, Call/Telephony outcome, Parent Business Outcome, and Child Business Outcome display the values based on the configurations in Acqueon Campaigns. The values are displayed as per the following configurations in Acqueon Campaigns.

      • If all  three fields – telephony outcome, parent business outcome, and child business outcome have one or more values in the dropdown list, all fields display ‘None’ as default. As a minimum, the user should select either telephony outcome or a child business outcome to submit the disposition. If not, the system does not allow the user to submit the data.

      • If all three fields are not configured with any values, all fields display ‘None’ as default and fields are in disabled state. The agent is not able to submit any outcome.

      • If any of the fields is not configured with any values, the dropdown list remains disabled.

        The sample screens that are displayed based on Campaign Manager configurations:

        Agent desktop screen shows the only value configured in Telephony outcome as default and the other dropdown lists are disabled.

        In the below screen, the telephony outcome value is not set and hence it shows None and is disabled.

        • If only telephony Outcomes are configured and the business outcomes are empty:

          • If there is only one telephony outcome configured, the value is pre-populated in the dropdown list.

          • If there are more than one telephony outcome configured, by default ‘None’ is displayed, and the user has to select the option.

        • If both telephony and parent business outcomes are empty:

          • If there is only one child business outcome configured, the value is pre-populated in the dropdown list.

          • If there are more than one child business outcome configured, by default ‘None’ is displayed, and the user has to select the option.

        • If telephony outcome is empty and parent business outcome has only one value configured:

          • If there is only one child business outcome configured, the parent business outcome and child business outcome are pre-populated.

          • If there is more than one child business outcome configured, the parent business outcome is pre-populated and the child business outcome displays ‘None’. The user should select the required child business outcome.

          • If telephony outcome is empty and parent business outcome has more than one value configured, the user has to select the parent business outcome. By default, the dropdown displays ‘None’.

          • Child business outcome shows as None.

          • The user can select the child business outcome without selecting the parent business outcome.

          • If the user does not select the parent business outcome, child outcome shows all values.

    4. If the call outcome is selected as Callback, the following fields are displayed as per options enabled in Campaign Manager configurations:

      • Personal Callback: Select this option if you want to set this contact for a personal call back.

      • Customer Timezone: If selected, allows you to set the start and end date/time in customer time zone from the campaign configurations.

      • Agent Timezone: Displays the agent’s local time zone.

      • Callback Mode: Modes available for the callback call.

      • Callback Start Date – Time (24 Hours) – Specify the Start Date and Time for the call back call.

      • Callback End Date – Time (24 Hours) – Specify the End Date and Time for the call back call.


        • You can choose the start date and end date, along with specific times solely within the campaign run-time. Ensure that your selected Callback slots fall within the specified duration of the campaign and do not extend beyond the campaign schedule. For example, if the campaign run time is scheduled from 8.00 hours to 18.00 hours, you must choose a Callback slot within that time range and not beyond 18.00 hours or before 8.00 hours. If you choose a date and time slot that fall outside the campaign run time, the Submit button is not available.

    5. If the call outcome is selected as DNC, the following fields are displayed as enabled in Campaign Manager configurations:

      • Customer Timezone - If this option is selected, the DNC start date and time and DNC end date and time displays the customer’s time zone else displays the Agent’s time zone. The Customer Timezone is the time zone configured in the campaign.

      • DNC StartDate - Displays the Start date as configured in Acqueon Campaigns. If Agent selection is configured, the agent can specify the start date.

      • DNC StartTime – Displays the Start Time set for DNC based on configurations in Acqueon Campaigns. If Agent selection is configured, the agent can specify the time in this field.

      • DNC EndDate - Displays the End date as configured in Acqueon Campaigns. If Agent selection is configured, the agent can specify the End date in this field.

      • DNC EndTime - Displays the End Time set for DNC based on configurations in Acqueon Campaigns. If Agent selection is configured, the agent can specify the End date in this field.

      • DNC Blocked by – select the applicable modes set for DNC such as Phone, Business Field, and Campaign-based DNC.


        The DNC start date/time and End date/time field displays values based on the configurations set up in Acqueon Campaigns at the campaign level.

    6. If DNC Period Type is set as Permanent, the DNC Start date and time is enabled and displays the current date and time by default. End date and time is disabled and displays the date 20 years from the current date.

    7. If the DNC Period Type is set as Specific day and EOD is selected, the DNC start and end date are displayed.

    8. If the DNC Period Type is set as Specific day and EOD is not selected, the DNC start date and time displays the current date and time and the end date and time are disabled and the values are displayed based on the configured days. For instance, if DNC days is selected as 1 day – the end date and time are displayed as Current date time + (24 hours * total days configured in DNC days field).

    9. If the DNC Period Type is set as Agent selection, then the agent is able to select the DNC start/end date and time.

    10. Campaign Category: Displays a list of campaign categories. The agent can select the campaign category for which the DNC has to be set. This field is displayed only if multiple categories are selected from DNC type. For all other DNC Type settings, this field is not displayed.

    11. Target: Target achieved during this call.

    12. Lead score: Select the lead score based on the current call. Previous score displays the previous score that was given at the time of loading the contact details. Current score displays the currently selected score.

    13. Comments: Text box to record comments regarding the call.

    14. Personal Call Back: Option to specify the call outcome as personal callback. Select checkbox if end user requests a personal callback.

    15. Click Submit. You receive a notification that wrap-up is saved successfully. On submit, if the current date / time is greater than 75 secs in comparison to the DNC start date and time, the system displays an error message.

    16. Click Submit & Clear if you want to clear the call details after wrap-up. This button displays only for Non-PEWC calls in After Call Work (ACW) state.

    Outcome for Inbound and Manual Outbound Calls


    This feature is available for Amazon Connect only.

    An agent can set an outcome for inbound and manual outbound calls if an Administrator has enabled these configurations. The Disposition Widget consists of the Parent and Child Business Outcomes dropdown menus and the Comments field.

    • Parent Business Outcome: Select the parent business outcome for this call.

    • Child Business Outcome: Select the child business outcome for this call.

    • Comments: Record the necessary information based on the conversation with the customer.

    After providing the required information, click Submit.

    Based on the configurations for setting disposition, the agent can set the disposition during the call or in the After Call Work (ACW) state before moving to the next call. The admin configurations control whether setting disposition is mandatory or optional for an agent.

    Agent Experience

    Non-Mandatory Disposition Setting

    Agents can set disposition for inbound and manual outbound calls.

    • Agents can set the disposition during the call or in the ACW state after disconnecting the call.

    • If set before disconnecting, the agent moves to the ACW state, and the Clear Call button is available to clear the call.

    • Clicking Clear Call transitions the Agent State to the previous or next state. This means agents return to the state they were in before taking the call.

    • Agents can clear the call without setting a disposition if it is not mandatory.

    Mandatory Disposition Setting

    In this configuration, setting a disposition becomes mandatory for agents. Based on the configured parameters for mandatory disposition, the agent experience varies.

    • Mandatory Disposition Enabled: If mandatory disposition is enabled, the Clear Call button is not available until the agent sets the disposition. After setting the disposition, the button is available for the agent to clear the call.

    • Mandatory Disposition and Auto Call Clearing Enabled: When both mandatory disposition and auto call clearing are enabled, this is the the agent’s workflow is as follows:

      • During Call - If an agent sets disposition during the call, the call automatically clears after the disconnect.

      • No Disposition Set - If the agent does not set a disposition during the call, the agent gets into the ACW state and the Clear Call button is unavailable. After the agent sets the disposition, the call is auto-cleared.

      • ACW Timer Expiry: If the agent does not set disposition during the call, the agent gets into the ACW state after the call is disconnected. If the ACW timer expires, the agent transitions to the previous or next state. This means agents return to the state they were in before taking the call.

      • Manual State Change: Agents can manually change their state using the Agent State dropdown menu.

    • Mandatory Disposition, Auto Call clearing, and Block State Change On ACW Enabled:

      When mandatory disposition, auto call clearing, and Block State Change On ACW are all enabled, the agent encounters the same experience mentioned in the Mandatory Disposition and Auto Call Clearing Enabled section for the following scenarios:

      • During Call

      • No Disposition Set

      • ACW Timer Expiry

    The difference in agent experience occurs only when the agent wants to change the state manually. With Block State Change in ACW enabled, agents cannot manually change their state using the Agent State dropdown menu until the ACW timer expires.

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