Points to Note
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    Points to Note

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    Article summary

    • The Campaign Manager Administrator must deactivate the Total Active Duration, Total Login Duration, and CPaaS Usage within the billing configuration for a Tenant.

    • If any campaign is open on Five9 VCC Admin, the synchronization fails with an error stating that the campaign is locked. If the Web Admin UI is used, this lock does not occur. However, when using the Java Swing Admin, the lock occurs. If error occurs, call the API first, perform a soft delete, and insert during the synchronization process. This approach ensures that existing data is not wiped out in the event of an API failure.

    • AMD or Abandon Treatment—Use the Disposition Node on the IVR Call Flow, and set the outcome as AMD or Abandon based on the requirement.

    • The administrator must not provide rights to an Agent to add a number to the DNC list or manually dial a number for the DNC list. The agent must not be given any privileges to create a new outcome.

    • If a campaign is in the running state, you upload contacts in bulk. Five9 VCC delivers and dials the contacts, and agents are in calls with customers. Now, if a user stops the campaign in Campaign Manager, Five9 VCC does not deliver the call Outcomes of active calls to Campaign Manager. In Campaign Manager, this is interpreted as a Fresh Contact and redelivered as such to Five9 VCC. To prevent this, we recommend waiting until in-progress calls are completed before stopping the campaign.

    • The Campaign Manager does not receive the events from Five9 VCC for IVR Call duration. While Five9 VCC delivers the call start and end times, the call duration does not match with the Campaign Manager database.

    • The Campaign Manager does not receive the events from Five9 VCC for preview duration.

    • Call Outcomes are not updated in the HT reports database because Five9 VCC blocks invalid area codes, international numbers if configured, and so on.

    • If you create a Preview Outbound Campaign, go to Properties > Disposition after campaign creation and remove the Dispositions created by the system in Five9 VCC.

    • Five9 VCC allows you to set the AcqGuard time filter in hours and does not permit entry in minutes within the Campaign Profile. As a result, a call is dialed to the customer even if the call end time is exceeded.

    • When creating a campaign in Five9 VCC, if you use the copy option, ensure the lists copied from the original campaign are removed and replaced as needed.

    • If any object, such as a campaign, is open in the Five9 VCC Java Spring Admin UI, it does not sync in Campaign Manager and generates an error. Ensure no one is using the Five9 VCC Java Spring Admin

      UI during synchronization. This issue does not occur with the Web Admin UI.

    • Campaign Manager objects like campaign groups, QueueNames, and usernames/passwords are restricted to 64 characters. Similarly, users in Five9 VCC must avoid creating any objects with names exceeding 64 characters.

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