- DarkLight
Post-call Scripts
- DarkLight
Post-Call Script Before
Post-call Script Before | Data Type | Description |
RecoveryKey | float | Unique ID to reschedule a contact. (Refer t_Dialer_Detail table). |
CampaignGroupID | nvarchar(64) | Cisco Campaign Group ID, This is an Internal ID of Campaign Group (refer Obd_Campaign_Group table). |
CampaignID | nvarchar(64) | Name of the Campaign. |
Phone | nvarchar(64) | Phone number to which the call will be dialed (or) Email ID to which the email will be sent. |
ContactID | nvarchar(128) | Unique ID for a Campaign. |
CallResult | int | Outcome of the contact attempt (either Telephony or Business Outcome). |
ModeID | int | Internal ID of Mode Name (refer OBD_Modes table). |
ContactRetries | int | Attempts made for the contact so far. |
ModeRetries | int | The number of tries in the same mode. This is reset when dialing switches to the different mode. |
OutcomeRetries | int | The number of attempts Agent sets the same outcome. For Telephony Outcome, It is reset when mode switches. For Business Outcome, the counter is not reset even mode switches. |
TimeZoneID | int | Internal ID of Time Zone Name (refer OBD_TimeZone table). |
ValidModes | nvarchar(256) | Number of Modes available for a contact. This field holds the value of List of Mode ID, separated by the pipe character. |
DailyRetries | int | The number of attempts dialed today. It is reset when day changes. |
CycleRetries | int | The number of cycles completed. (When all modes for a contact is dialed once then it considered as cycle completed. The next cycle commences after this.) |
IsProcessOutcome |
| Flag to determine which outcome is to be processed. This flag is mainly used for Dual Outcome. When agent sets both Telephony and Business Outcomes, the flag is: True for Telephony Outcome - is used to reschedule the contact. False for Business Outcome - is used only for reporting and Chaining. |
CallType | int | 0 - Regular 1 - Callback 2 - AEM |
ConditionID | int | The CSS Condition through which the contact is picked up for dialing. This is an internal ID (refer Obd_CustomFilter table). |
BussFld1 to BussFld20 | nvarchar(128) | Value of Business field1 to Value of Business field20. |
BussFld21 to BussFld26 | nvarchar(max) | Value of Business field21 to Value of Business field26. |
ContactDetail | nvarchar(max) | Optional Business Field value. This field holds the value in the XML type. |
GID | int | Global List ID. |
ListID | int | List ID (Unique ID for a Campaign). |
ChildListID | int | This is secondary list ID. The child list ID is different within a list while records are appended again after list is generated. |
AgentComments | nvarchar(4000) | Comments set by an agent during the conversation with the customer. |
TargetAmount | float | Sale made for the Interaction. This is set by an agent after completing the conversation with customer. |
ContactPriority | int | Priority of the contact. This is incremented / decremented based on the outcome received (Telephony / Business Outcome). |
Agentperipheralnumber | nvarchar(32) | Agent ID of the agent who has handled this attempt. |
Skillgroupskilltargetid | int | Skill Group ID, used only for the Cisco dialer. |
Routercallkey | int | This is specific to Cisco UCCE. This is a unique ID that is created once a day. |
Routercallkeyday | int | This is specific to Cisco UCCE. This is a unique ID that is created once a day. (This number will not duplicate for a specific day.) |
ChannelType | int | Channel Type of the Mode. 1 - SMS 2 - Voice 3 - Email |
DialerDateTime | DateTime | The date and time when dialing is completed. |
DeliveredType | nvarchar(32) | A contact delivery type - either through a dialer or as Non-PEWC. |
TargetCampaignGroup | nvarchar(64) | A Cisco Campaign to which the contact is delivered to. This is used only for Shared List campaigns. |
AccountNumber | nvarchar(30) | A Unique ID that is generated during contact delivery. This is the ID used for interactions between the dialer and the application. |
UserID | nvarchar(32) | This field is no longer used. |
ContactTries | tinyint | Attempts made for the contact so far. |
CallbackRegisteredType | int | A Type of callback the agent has set. 1 - Personal Callback 2 - Regular Callback |
CallBackDateTime | nvarchar(50) | The date and time when a callback is requested by the customer. |
DeliveredTime | DateTime | The date and time when the contact is delivered to dialer. |
CallDuration | bigint | The duration, in minutes, that an agent was in an interaction with the customer. |
CallBackRetries | int | Number of attempts receiving "Agent Reservation Failure" as an outcome. This is used to switch the contact from PCB to NCB. |
ScheduledDeliveryTime | DateTime |
ICMId | int | List ID (Unique ID for a Campaign). |
IsPostCallScript | bit | Flag to check if a post-call Script is available. |
IsWireless | bit | Flag to check if the contact number is Wireless contact. |
CallReferenceID | nvarchar(35) | This is Unique ID. This field is used to identify the dual outcome when the records go to Call Activity. |
ICRCallKey | int | No longer used. |
PeripheralCallKey | int | No longer used. |
RouterCallKeySequenceNumber | int | No longer used. |
ReservationCallDuration | int | No longer used. |
PreviewTime | DateTime | No longer used. |
DialingMode | nvarchar(32) | No longer used. |
SFUID | nvarchar(max) | This is an internal ID for the user who has Sales Force access (refer Obd_User table). This field is mainly used to identify the user who downloaded the contact from the Service Cloud Voice. |
SFLeadId | nvarchar(256) | This is the Salesforce Lead ID. This ID is filled when contacts are downloaded from the Service Cloud Voice CRM. |
SFContactId | nvarchar(256) | This is the Salesforce Contact ID. This ID is filled when contacts are downloaded from the Service Cloud Voice. |
SFCampaignId | nvarchar(256) | This is the Salesforce Campaign ID. This ID is filled when contacts are downloaded from the Service Cloud Voice. |
CallBackRequestedBy | nvarchar(64) | Agent ID who has requested for a callback. |
CallBackAttemptType | nvarchar(3) | The type of callback contacts the system has delivered to dialer. 1 - PCB 2 - NCB |
Campaignkey | int | A Unique ID for the Campaign (refer Obd_Campaign Table). |
PreviousLeadScore | int | Lead Score of the contact before the current attempt. |
CurrentLeadScore | int | Lead Score of the contact after the current attempt. |
ResetContactLeadScore | bit | Flag to know whether the lead score has been reset in this attempt. |
CallbackMode |
| A Mode ID to which the callback should be made. |
PhoneNumber | nvarchar(64) | A Contact Number that was dialed. |
IsPhoneNoDNC | bit | Flag to identify whether the DNC is marked for this Phone Number. This will be set by an Agent. |
BussfldDNCValue | nvarchar(max) | The value of the business field which is marked for DNC which blocks the contact. |
Blockedby | nvarchar(100) | This is to identify what blocks a contact as DNC (either Business Field DNC / Phone Number). |
IsInbound | bit | A flag to identify if this call is an Inbound call. |
OUTCOMEGROUP | nvarchar(32) | Outcome Group Name. |
OUTCOMEID | int | This is an internal ID for the Outcome (refer Obd_Outcome table). |
DeviceID | nvarchar(255) | The ID of the device used for Identity Authentication. |
DNCBlockedStartDate | datetime | The contact is blocked as DNC commencing this date. |
DNCBlockedEndDate | datetime | The DNC block for the contact ends on this date. |
DNCType | nvarchar(10) | The DNC type - whether global or for a specific campaign. |
Status | int | The status of the contact after the Reschedule algorithm is executed. |
ZONENAME | nvarchar(max) | The zone name of the mode. The current mode that the contact has picked. |
Zipcode | nvarchar(32) | The Zip Code of the contact. |
Uploadedtime | datetime | The date and time when the contacts are uploaded. |
DialerAgentCallback | bit | This indicates who has set a specific callback - external agent or clicker agent. |
OverridePEWCValidation | bit | It is used to determine whether a customer has permitted to auto dialing for one immediate delivery, without PEWC validation. |
SMSTransactionCount | int | The number of SMS transactions for the contact. |
StateLawGroupName | nvarchar(128) | The State Law Group name. |
BussfldDNCValue1 | nvarchar(128) | This is the business field based on which a contact is marked as DNC. |
NICEContactId | nvarchar(64) | This is set aside for the Nice CXone dialer. |
IdentityAuthenticationEnabled | bit | This indicates if the contact is enabled for Identity Authentication or not. |
TotalPrimaryAuth | int | The number of fields enabled to authenticate of a contact via a primary authentication. For example, three fields - mother’s name, date of birth, and debit card number may be verified for authentication. |
VerifiedPrimaryAuth | bit | This indicates whether the primary authentication was successful or not. |
TotalSecondaryAuth | int | The number of fields enabled to authenticate of a contact via a secondary authentication. For example, two fields - SSN and debit card PIN may be verified for authentication. |
VerifiedSecondaryAuth | bit | This indicates whether the secondary authentication was successful or not. |
CampaignCategoryID | int | The Campaign Category ID. |
DNCCampaignCategoryID | nvarchar(max) | The DNC category ID. |
CampaignCategoryName | nvarchar(64) | The campaign category name. |
DiallerReferenceID | nvarchar(64) | This is a unique ID referring to the dialer that dials out the call. |
CallID | nvarchar(64) | This is a unique ID. This is used to identify the call with dual outcome when the records are moved to the Call Activity table. |
BUSINESSOUTCOME | int | This is related to the "RetValue" field. While "RetValue" is set to false, it is mandatory tor the agent to set the Business/Telephony outcome when it is desired to prevent the contact from dialing. |
DELETED | int | This indicates if the outcome is deleted or is still a valid outcome. |
RPCType | nvarchar(8) | This indicates the Right Party Connect (RPC) type. |
IncrementRetries | bit | This flag determines if the retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
GlobalRetry | bit | This flag determines if the Global Retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
DailyRetry | bit | This flag determines if the Daily Retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
ModeRetry | bit | This flag determines if the Mode Retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
OutcomeRetry | bit | This flag determines if the Outcome Retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
AgentView | bit | This flag determines if the outcome can be viewed by the agent or not. |
DefaultOffset | int | This the default time zone offset from GMT for the contact. |
DefaultCloseContact | bit | This is the flag to indicate if the contact should be closed based on the outcome set by the agent. |
DefaultMaxRetry | int | This flag determines if the maximum retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
DialerID | int | This is the dialer ID assigned by the application when a dialer is created. |
PaceID | int | This is the ID assigned to the Pacing Mode (Preview, Progressive, Predictive, etc.) when creating a campaign. |
CampaignGroup | nvarchar(64) | This is the Campaign Group name as created by the user or synchronized from the dialer. |
Post-Call Script After
Post-call Script After | Data Type | Description |
CampaignGroupID | nvarchar(64) | Cisco Campaign Group ID, this is an Internal ID of Campaign Group (refer Obd_Campaign_Group table). |
CampaignID | nvarchar(64) | Unique ID for a campaign. |
DialPlanName | nvarchar(64) | Contact Strategy that is used to reschedule the contact for this attempt. |
ContactId | nvarchar(128) | Unique ID for a contact. |
ModeId | int | Internal ID of Mode Name (refer OBD_Modes table). |
RescheduleModeId | int | A mode ID to which the contact is rescheduled for the next attempt. |
CallStartDate | DateTime | Rescheduled Call Start Date. |
CallEndDate | DateTime | Rescheduled Call End Date. |
ContactRetries | int | Attempts made for the contact so far. |
DailyRetries | int | The number of attempts dialed today. It is reset when day changes. |
ModeRetries | int | The number of tries in the same mode. This is reset when dialing switches to the different mode. |
OutcomeRetries | int | The number of attempts agent sets the same outcome. For Telephony Outcome, It is reset when mode switches. For Business Outcome, the counter is not reset even mode switches. |
CycleRetries | int | The number of cycles completed. When all modes for a contact is dialed once then it considered as cycle completed. The next cycle commences after this. |
Outcome | int | Outcome of the contact attempt such as Telephony or Business Outcome. |
Status | int | The status of the contact after executing the Reschedule algorithm. |
ContactNumber | nvarchar(64) | Phone number to which the call will be dialed (or) Email ID to which the email will be sent. |
ValidModes | nvarchar(256) | Number of Modes available for a contact. This field holds the value of List of Mode ID, separated by the pipe character. |
IsProcessOutcome |
| Flag to determine which outcome is to be processed. This flag is mainly used for Dual Outcome. When agent sets both Telephony and Business Outcomes, the flag is: True for Telephony Outcome - is used to reschedule the contact. False for Business Outcome - is used only for reporting and chaining. |
CallID |
| This is Unique ID. This field is used to identify the calls with dual outcome when the records go to Call Activity. |
RefCallID |
| This is used only for calls with dual outcome. The primary outcome Call ID is copied here. |
RetainPCB |
| The flag that identifies if the Callback should stay with the same agent. |
IsCallback |
| The flag that identifies if the attempt is made for callback. |
ConditionID | int | The CSS Condition through which the contact is picked up for dialing. This is an internal ID (refer Obd_CustomFilter table). |
BussFld1 to BussFld20 | nvarchar(128) | Value of Business field1 to Value of Business field20 |
BussFld21 to BussFld26 | nvarchar(max) | Value of Business field21 to Value of Business field26 |
ContactDetail | nvarchar(max) | Optional Business field value. This field will hold the value in XML type. |
GID | int | Global List ID |
ListID | int | ListID (Unique ID for a Campaign). |
ChildListID | int | This is secondary list ID. The child list ID is different within a list while records are appended again after list is generated. |
AgentComments | nvarchar(4000) | Comments set by an agent during the conversation with the customer. |
TargetAmount | float | Sale made for the interaction. This is set by an agent after completing the conversation with customer. |
DeliveredType | int | A contact delivery type - either through a Dialer or as Non-PEWC. |
TargetCampaignGroup | nvarchar(32) | A Cisco Campaign to which the contact is delivered to. This is used only for Shared List campaigns. |
ContactPriority | int | Priority of the contact. This is incremented / decremented based on the outcome received (Telephony / Business Outcome). |
Agentperipheralnumber | int | Agent ID of the agent who has handled this attempt. |
Skillgroupskilltargetid | int | Skill Group ID, used only for the Cisco dialer. |
ChannelType | int | Channel Type of Mode. 1 - SMS 2 - Voice 3 - Email. |
DialerDateTime | DateTime | The date time at which the dialing is completed. |
CampaignGroupName | nvarchar(32) | Name of the dialer Campaign (Campaign Group) |
AccountNumber | nvarchar(64) | It is a unique ID to identify a call attempt for a contact. |
CallType | nvarchar(30) | 0 - Regular 1 - Callback 2 - AEM |
UserID | nvarchar(32) | No longer used. |
ContactTries | tinyint | An attempt the contact has completed so far. (Excluding the current attempt) |
CallbackRegisteredType | int | A Type of callback the agent is set for. 1 - Personal Callback 2 - Regular Callback |
CallBackDateTime | nvarchar(50) | The date time at which the callback is requested by the customer. |
DeliveredTime | DateTime | A date time at which the contact is delivered to dialer. |
Duration | bigint | Talk Time between Agent and Customer. This is shows in Minutes. |
CallStartDateTime | DateTime | The date and time that agent answers the call. |
ScheduledDeliveryTime | DateTime | The time when the contact is set for delivery, even though the actual delivery happens at a different time. |
CallbackRetries | int | Number of attempts receiving "Agent Reservation Failure" as an outcome. This is used to switch the contact from PCB to NCB. |
ActivityID | int | No longer used. |
ICMId | int | ID from which ICM this attempt is made. This is used only for Tenant module. |
IsAuthorized |
| No Longer used. |
IsPostCallScript |
| Flag to check if a post-call script is available. |
IsWireless | bit | Flag to check if the contact number is Wireless contact. |
CallReferenceID | nvarchar(32) | No longer used. |
ICRCallKey | int | No longer used. |
PeripheralCallKey | int | No longer used. |
RouterCallKeyDay | int | This is specific to Cisco UCCE. This is a unique ID that is created once a day. (This number will not duplicate for a specific day.) |
RouterCallKey | int | This is specific to Cisco UCCE. This is a unique ID that is created once a day. |
RouterCallKeySequenceNumber | int | No longer used. |
ReservationCallDuration | bigint | No longer used. |
PreviewTime | DateTime | No longer used. |
DialingMode | nvarchar(32) | No longer used. |
SFUID | nvarchar(MAX) | This is an internal ID for the user who has Sales Force access (refer Obd_User table). This field is mainly used to identify the user who downloaded the contact from the Service Cloud Voice. |
SFLeadId | nvarchar(256) | This is the Salesforce Lead ID. This ID is filled when contacts are downloaded from the Service Cloud Voice. |
SFContactId | nvarchar(256) | This is the Salesforce Contact ID. This ID is filled when contacts are downloaded from the Service Cloud Voice. |
CallBackRequestedBy | nvarchar(64) | Agent ID who has requested for a callback. |
CallBackAttemptType | nvarchar(3) | The type of callback contacts system has delivered to dialer. 1 - PCB 2 - NCB |
IsCurrentCycleCompleted | int | A flag to identify whether the current cycle is completed. |
CurrentCycle | int | Cycle count of the current cycle. |
Campaignkey | int | A Unique ID for the Campaign (refer Obd_Campaign Table) |
PreviousLeadScore | int | Lead Score of the contact before the current attempt. |
CurrentLeadScore | int | Lead Score of the contact after the current attempt. |
StatusReasonId | int | Internal ID for Status Description (refer Obd_ContactStatusCode table). |
StatusChangedBy | nvarchar(256) | The module that has changed the status of the contact. |
StatusChangedAt | DateTime | The date and time when the status is changed for contact. |
ActualCValue | nvarchar(256) | Original Cvalue. This excludes the Campaign Prefix. |
DNCBussField | nvarchar(256) | The value of the business field which is marked for DNC which blocks the contact. |
BlockedBy | nvarchar(256) | This is to identify what blocks a contact as DNC (either Business Field DNC / Phone Number) |
IsInbound | bit | A flag to identify this attempt is to consider for Inbound. |
DailyRetriesValue | int | Number of attempts made today (Including Current attempts). |
IncrementRetriesForInbound | bit | A flag to identify whether the Daily retries should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
DeviceID | nvarchar (255) | The ID of the device used for Identity Authentication. |
DNCBlockedStartDate | DateTime | The contact is blocked as DNC commencing this date. |
DNCBlockedEndDate | DateTime | The DNC block for the contact ends on this date. |
DNCType | nvarchar(10) | The DNC type for global or a specific campaign. |
ZONENAME | nvarchar(max) | The mode’s zone name. The current mode that the contact has picked. |
Zipcode | nvarchar(32) | The Zip Code of the contact. |
Uploadedtime | DateTime | The date and time when the contacts are uploaded. |
DialerAgentCallback | bit | This indicates who has set a specific callback - external agent or clicker agent. |
OverridePEWCValidation | bit | It is used to determine whether a customer has permitted to auto dialing for one immediate delivery, without PEWC validation. |
SMSTransactionCount | int | The number of SMS transactions for the contact. |
StateLawGroupName | nvarchar(128) | The State Law Group name. |
BussfldDNCValue1 | nvarchar(128) | This is the business field based on which a contact is marked as DNC. |
NICEContactId | nvarchar(64) | This is set aside for the Nice CXone dialer. |
IdentityAuthenticationEnabled | bit | This indicates if the contact is enabled for Identity Authentication or not. |
TotalPrimaryAuth | int | The number of fields enabled to authenticate of a contact via a primary authentication. For example, three fields - mother’s name, date of birth, and debit card number may be verified for authentication. |
VerifiedPrimaryAuth | bit | This indicates whether the primary authentication was successful or not. |
TotalSecondaryAuth | int | The number of fields enabled to authenticate of a contact via a secondary authentication. For example, two fields - SSN and debit card PIN may be verified for authentication. |
VerifiedSecondaryAuth | bit | This indicates whether the secondary authentication was successful or not. |
CampaignCategoryID | int | The campaign category ID. |
DNCCampaignCategoryID | nvarchar(max) | The DNC category ID. |
CampaignCategoryName | nvarchar(64) | The campaign category name. |
DiallerReferenceID | nvarchar(64) | This is a unique ID referring to the dialer that dials out the call. |
BUSINESSOUTCOME | int | This is related to the RetValue field. While RetValue is set to false, it is mandatory tor the agent to set the Business/Telephony outcome when it is desired to prevent the contact from dialing. |
DELETED | int | This indicates if the outcome is deleted or is still a valid outcome. |
RPCType | nvarchar(8) | This indicates the Right Party Connect (RPC) type. |
GlobalRetry | bit | This flag determines if the global retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
DailyRetry | bit | This flag determines if the daily retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
ModeRetry | bit | This flag determines if the mode retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
OutcomeRetry | bit | This flag determines if the outcome retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
AgentView | bit | This flag determines if the outcome can be viewed by the agent or not. |
DefaultOffset | int | This the default time zone offset from GMT for the contact. |
DefaultCloseContact | bit | This is the flag to indicate if the contact should be closed based on the outcome set by the agent. |
DefaultMaxRetry | int | This flag determines if the maximum retries count should be incremented for the current attempt of the contact. |
DialerID | int | This is the dialer ID assigned by the application when a dialer is created. |
PaceID | int | This is the ID assigned to the pacing mode when creating a campaign. |
CampaignGroup | nvarchar(64) | This is the Campaign Group name as created by the user or synchronized from the dialer. |