Post-Call Summary Configuration for Five9
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    Post-Call Summary Configuration for Five9

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    Article summary

    Enabling the Conferences setting in Five9 VCC is specifically required to execute a successful post-call summary for conference calls. These settings determine who is responsible for disposing of the call after the conference ends. For normal calls, these settings are not necessary.

    To enable post-call summary generation for conference calls, you need to enable either of the following options in Five9 VCC Admin:

    1. Last Agent to leave conference must disposition call

    2. Conference initiator decides who must disposition call.

    Enabling either of these options ensures the call is disposed of smoothly, and the call summary is generated successfully.

    To choose any one of the above options, follow these steps:

    1. Log into Five9 VCC Admin.

    2. Click Campaigns.

    3. Click the required campaign.

    4. In the campaign properties pop-up, click the Dispositions tab.

    5. Scroll down to the Conferences dropdown list.

    6. Select one of the following options:

      1. Last Agent to leave conference must disposition call.

      2. Conference initiator decides who must disposition call.

    7. Click Save.


      Selecting either of the above-mentioned options is mandatory for generating the post-call summary successfully for conference calls.

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