Post-Installation Configuration Prerequisites
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    Post-Installation Configuration Prerequisites

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    Article summary

    The following table defines the prerequisites that must be met on the customer side before proceeding with the post-installation configurations.



    Finesse Desktop URL

    Ensure the Cisco Finesse Desktop URL is available for

    configuration. This URL is used to acquire the Finesse SDK Path URL.

    Finesse Admin URL

    This is the URL where the Workspace XML layout is configured.

    CORS Origin Allowlist

    Add the Acqueon Workspace URL to the CORS origin allowlist in Cisco Finesse.

    Test Agent Credentials

    Required to verify that the Acqueon Workspace widgets are displayed correctly.

    Finesse team name

    • The name of the Finesse team to which the workspace layout/widgets will be assigned.

    • The provided test agent credentials must be associated with this Finesse team and will be used to log in to the layout and validate it.

    On the Acqueon side, to integrate Acqueon Workspace with Finesse, FQDN and FQDN value must be configured.


    To learn more about the steps involved in performing the integration, refer to Workspace Widgets Embedded in Cisco Finesse.

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