- DarkLight
Pre-call Scripts
- DarkLight
Pre-scall Script | Data Type | Description |
CampaignID | nvarchar(64 | Name of the Campaign. |
ContactID | Int | Unique ID for a Campaign. |
ListID | Int | List ID is Unique ID for a Campaign. |
MODEID | Int | Internal ID of Mode Name, refer as OBD_Modes table. |
CampaignKey | Int | Internal ID for a Campaign, refer Obd_Campaign Table. |
CampaignKey | Int | Attempts made for the contact so far. |
ModeRetries | Int | The number of tries in the same mode. This is reset when dialing switches to the different mode. |
MaxRetries | Int | The number of tries made for a contact till this moment. It is equivalent to contact retries. |
CValue | nvarchar(12) | Phone number to which the call will be dialed (or) Email ID to which the email will be sent. |
TimeZoneID | Int | Internal ID of Time Zone Name, refer as OBD_TimeZone table. |
TenantID | Int | This is applicable only for Tenant module, this is unique ID for a Tenant. |
UserID | Int | For PCB contacts, the Agent ID from which the callback is registered. For Regular Callback this field holds the value as LCM. For AEM Contacts, the contact is tagged to this Agent. |
CallType | Int | Identifies the call mode (0 - Regular call, 1 - Callback, 2 - AEM). |
ConditionID | Int | Internal ID of CSS Condition (refer OBD_CustomFilters). |
CISCOALTERNATEVDN | nvarchar(12) | No longer used. |
PhoneNumber | nvarchar(12) | Phone number to which the call will be dialed (or) Email ID to which the email will be sent. |
BUSSFLD1 to BU0SSFLD20 | nvarchar(128) | Value of Business field1 to Value of Business field20. |
BUSSFLD21 to BU06SSFLD26 | nvarchar(Max) | Value of Business field21 to Value of Business field26. |
CONTACTDETAIL | nvarchar(Max) | Optional Business field value. This field holds the value in XML type. |
MailSubject | nvarchar(1024) | Email subject. |
MailMessage | nvarchar(Max) | Email body. |
MailAttach | nvarchar(1024) | Email attachment. This must absolute path to the location where the attachment is saved. |
SMSText | nvarchar(4000) | SMS message. |
ZONENAME | nvarchar(128) | Zone Name of the Mode. The current mode which the contact has picked. |
ZipCode | nvarchar(32) | Zip code of the contact. |
AreaCode | nvarchar(50) | Area Code of the Mode. The current mode which the contact has picked. |
StateName | nvarchar(64) | State Name of the contact. |
RescheduleExpiredTime | DateTime | Call end time — For Reschedule contacts, the call end time is considered. For Callback contacts, the callback end time is considered. |
ListEndTime | DateTime | End Time of the List. |
CallbackTime | DateTime | CallBack Start Time. |
PRIORITY | int | Priority of the Contact. |
LastAccessed | DateTime | The date and time when contact information is updated on the Contact table. |
ListTimeToLive | int | Time to live for a List. |
DailyRetries | int | Retries made for the current day. |
CycleRetries | int | Number of cycle Retries has made so far. |
LastOutCome | int | The last outcome received from the dialer for this contact. |
GID | int | Global List ID. |
IsWireless | Bool | Flag to determine whether the current mode is wired or wireless. |
MAILCC | nvarchar(Max) | The recipients that need to be mapped in the CC field while sending an email. |
MAILBCC | nvarchar(Max) | The recipients that need to be mapped in the BCC field while sending an email. |
EmailRetries | int | Number of Emails sent so far. |
SMSRetries | int | Number of SMS sent so far. |
ListProcessingDate | DateTime | List start date time. |
LeadScore | int | Lead Score. This can be part of Upload List to rank the Contact. |
Weightage | int | Weightage of the Mode. The current mode which the contact has picked. |
ChannelType | int | Channel type of the Mode. The current mode which the contact has picked. |
EmailSMSTemplateName | nvarchar(64) | Name of the template that is executed. This is the template selected based on the conditions defined. |
AccountNumber | nvarchar(30) | It is a unique ID to identify a call attempt for a contact. |
DeliverType | nvarchar | This defines whether the contact is delivered to a dialer or an agent such as Manual dialing (Deliver - PEWC, Deliver - Regular). |
RetValue | bool | This flag must be set to True when the script is executed and the contact must be dialed out. This flag must set to False when this contact are prevents from being dialed out at this moment. |
IsListExpired | bool | A flag which denotes the expiry of this contact under a List based on the Time Zone. |
BusinessOutcome | nvarchar | This is related to the RetValue field. While RetValue is set to false, it is mandatory to set the Business/Telephony outcome when there is a need to prevent the contact from dialing. |
Module | nvarchar | Expiry Module (Campaign, Time Zone, Mode, Contact, List). This is applicable for manual dialling (non-PEWC). |
ExpiryTime | DateTime | Expiry time of the contact. This is derived based on the end time of the listed module (Campaign, Time Zone, Mode, Contact, List). |
ResetContactLeadScore | bool | A flag to reset the lead score value (this is internal flag). |
TemplateName | nvarchar | Name of the template that is executed; this is the template selected, based on the conditions defined. |
CallID | nvarchar(64) | This is a unique ID for a call. |
DeliverdTimeZone | nvarchar(128) | The contact time zone is held in this field. |
TimezoneExpiryTime | nvarchar(32) | The expiry time for contact is calculated based on the time zone and filled in this field. |
CiscoTimezonebias | nvarchar(128) | This is the time zone bias for API contacts. |
CiscodstObsereved | Boolean | Flag to determine if the contact time zone is under Daylight Saving Time (DST). True if under DST False if not under DST. |
CampaignCategoryName | nvarchar(64) | The campaign category name associated to this campaign. |
CampaignCategoryID | int | The mapped campaign category ID. |
AuthScheduleRetry | int | The number of tries allowed for Identity Authentication. |
DeviceID | nvarchar(255) | The device ID used for Identity Authentication. |
CallerID | nvarchar(64) | The caller ID was identified by ANI. |
DialerAgentCallback | bit | This determines if a callback request was set by a clicker agent or an external agent. |
OverridePEWCValidation | bit | It is used to determine if customer has permitted autodialing. This enables immediate delivery of contact without validating for PEWC. |
DialerID | int | This is the dialer ID assigned by the application when a dialer is created. |
PaceID | int | This is the ID assigned to the pacing mode (Preview, Progressive, Predictive, etc.) when creating a campaign. |
CampaignGroup | nvarchar(64) | This is the Campaign Group name as created by the user or synchronized from the dialer. |
FilterConditionID | int | This is the auto-generated ID when a user creates filter conditions for the application to override the Group settings at the campaign level. This is applicable only for overriding CLI, Answering Machine Treatment, and Abandoned Call Treatment. |
DialerAttributes | nvarchar | This column contains all the pacing mode properties configured for a Campaign Group in a JSON string format. The default value is CampaignGroup. |
DialerAttributesModifiedBy | nvarchar | This is the entity name that overrides the group settings at the campaign level. For example, if the group settings are overridden by a pre-call script, this contains PreCallScript as the entry. The default value is CampaignGroup. |
Amazon Connect | ||
PacingMode | varchar | Pacing Mode of the Campaign. |
IsRequiredDisposition | varchar | Flag to indicate if the agent disposition is mandatory. True if mandatory. |
LCMKey | varchar | It is a unique ID to identify a call attempt for a contact. |
QueueName | varchar | The campaign group (Queue) name. |
QueueARN | varchar | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for this queue. |
isCPA | varchar | Flag to indicate if CPA detection is necessary. True if necessary. |
CPAResult | varchar | This contains the string of CPA detected. |
isWhisper | varchar | This propriety is not used in the contact flow. |
ContactNature | varchar | Type of the contact such as Fresh contact, Regular Callback contact, or a Personal Callback contact. |
CampaignID | varchar | The campaign name. |
CallType | varchar | This is the call type for the contact. Possible values are Agent call or agent-less IVR call. |
IsCallAnswered | varchar | This propriety is not used in the contact flow. |
AgentName | varchar | The name of the agent handling the Preview or Personal Callback call. |
AgentRoutableState | varchar | The state of the Agent Routable State. |
CallBackURL | varchar | This propriety is not used in the contact flow. |
AMDTreatment | varchar | The Answering Machine Treatment configured for this campaign. Sample values are Transfer to IVR or Play Message and Disconnect. |
AMDContactFlowId | varchar | If Answering Machine Treatment is Transfer to IVR, the name of Custom Contact Flow ID used by the application. |
AMDAudioPromptType | varchar | If Answering Machine Treatment is Play and Disconnect, the Prompt Type used by the application. |
AMDAudioPromptName | varchar | If Answering Machine Treatment is Play and Disconnect, the Audio Prompt file name used by the application |
AMDAudioTTSMessage | varchar | If Answering Machine Treatment is Play and Disconnect, the TTS Message configured in the application. |
AMDAudioTTSLanguage | varchar | If Answering Machine Treatment is Play and Disconnect , the language in which the TTS Message is played. |
AMDAudioTTSVoiceTalent | varchar | If Answering Machine Treatment is Play and Disconnect, the TTS Voice Talent configured in the application. |
ABDTreatment | varchar | The Abandon Treatment configured for this campaign. Possible values are Transfer to IVR or Play Message and Disconnect. |
ABDWaitTime | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is configured, the Wait Time configured in the application. |
ABDContactFlowId | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is Transfer to IVR, the name of Custom Contact Flow ID used by the application. |
ABDInitialAudioPromptType | varchar | Flag to indicate if Abandon Treatment is Initial Play and Disconnect Prompt Type. |
ABDInitialAudioPromptName | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is Initial Play and Disconnect, the Audio Prompt file name to play. |
ABDInitialAudioTTSMessage | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is Initial Play and Disconnect, the TTS Message configured in the application. |
ABDInitialAudioTTSLanguage | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is Initial Play and Disconnect, the TTS Language configured in the application. |
ABDInitialAudioTTSVoiceTalent | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is Initial Play and Disconnect, the TTS Voice Talent configured in the application. |
ABDFollowupAudioPromptType | varchar | Flag to indicate if Abandon Treatment is Follow-up Play and Disconnect Prompt Type. |
ABDFollowupAudioPromptName | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is Follow-up Play and Disconnect, the Audio Prompt file name to play. |
ABDFollowupAudioTTSMessage | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is Follow-up Play and Disconnect, the TTS Message configured in the application. |
ABDFollowupAudioTTSLanguage | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is Follow-up Play and Disconnect, the TTS Language configured in the application. |
ABDFollowupAudioTTSVoiceTalent | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is Follow-up Play and Disconnect, the TTS Voice Talent configured in the application. |
ABDTimeOutAudioPromptType | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is on account of Time Out, the Prompt Type configured. |
ABDTimeOutAudioPromptName | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is on account of Time Out, Audio Prompt file name. |
ABDTimeOutAudioTTSMessage | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is on account of Time Out, the TTS Message configured in the application. |
ABDTimeOutAudioTTSLanguage | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is on account of Time Out, the TTS Language configured in the application. |
ABDTimeOutAudioTTSVoiceTalent | varchar | If Abandon Treatment is on account of Time Out, the TTS Voice Talent configured in the application. |
IVRContactFlowId | varchar | The Custom Contact Flow ID configured for the Progressive IVR campaign. |
Business Fields (Agent View Enabled) | varchar | The business fields that are enabled for Agent View. |
ContactCreatedTime | Datetime | This indicates the date and time of a contact created in the system. |