Preview Pacing Mode
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    Preview Pacing Mode

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    Article summary

    1. Go to Strategy Details.

    2. Complete the Campaign Strategy Configuration first. The information on this page varies with the Pacing Mode.


      All Strategy attributes are dynamic to Campaign Manager and are populated from a master table. To add more fields or show/hide existing on account of business requirements, contact Support.

    3. Select Preview from the Pacing Mode dropdown list.

    4. The Action on AMD, Enhancement CCA, Silent Call Detection, and the Background AMD fields are not active for this pacing mode.

    5. Select a Driver App. A DriverApp defines the CCXML application that you can use for the outbound calls. This field lists all applications defined as POM:Driver in the Experience Portal application configuration. The selected application must have all resources (TTS, ASR) required by the applications invoked from this strategy.

    6. Select a Nailer App from the dropdown list. This is applicable only for Agent-based campaigns. Specify a CCXML application that establishes contact with an Available Agent - this is also called as nailing the agent.

    7. If you want to change the pacing mode of a POM campaign (Campaign Group) during runtime, turn the Runtime Change Pacing Type to ON.

      When you change the pacing type during a campaign runtime, certain fields may be rendered non-relevant to the changed pacing type—these fields are non-editable.

    8. Turn the Allocation switch to ON if required. The allocation switch decides how the ports are allocated to the tasks depending on the value selected. The default value is Dynamic port allocation.

    9. CanCancelPreview decides if the agent can cancel a preview. Turn ON to allow an agent to cancel a preview.

    10. Enter a Default Completion Code. Agents normally provide a completion code on completion of a call. In the event of an agent not providing this information, specify the completion code and assign the completion code to the call.

    11. Turn the Timed Preview switch to ON if you want the agents to complete the preview process in a time-bound manner.

    12. Use the slider or enter a time in seconds, to configure the Preview Timer. This is the time allowed to an agent to preview a call.

    13. Use the slider or enter a number to set the Max Agents. This the maximum number of agents that can be allocated to this task - in this case, this POM campaign.

    14. Use the slider or enter a number to set the Min Agents. This the minimum number of agents that can be allocated to this task, in this case, this POM campaign.

    15. Enter a Priority. This denotes the priority for dialing out uploaded contacts. Note that higher the number, the better the priority. For example, a task with Priority 7 gets more ports assigned to complete this task as compared to one with a Priority 5.

    16. Enter Sender’s Address.

    Contact List Attributes

    Contact List Attributes are Business Fields on Campaign Manager. These attributes are synchronized from the Avaya POM server. These contact list attributes are listed on the left. You can associate a maximum of 25 attributes to this POM campaign. The attributes you associate here appear as Business Fields on your Campaign Manager campaigns mapped to this POM campaign (group). The following points are applicable in respect of Contact List Attributes.

    1. Go to Contact List Attributes.

    2. All attributes are shown with data type as String on the Campaign > Business Parameters. Attributes with DateTime are shown with DateTime data type and not string.

    3. Ensure the business parameters you upload as part of the contact files have the same data type as it was created such as DateTime, Number, and so on. If there is a conflict, the contact with such error must be skipped from dialing.

    4. Contacts skipped from dialing are shown with an Outcome of Delivered. There are no further updates available to indicate these were not dialed.

      If the campaign is enabled, you cannot edit the mapping.

    5. Select the Attribute and click > to move this attribute from the Available Attributes to the Assigned Attribute. You can select multiple attributes. To select all attributes and move them, click >>.

    Create an Attribute

    1. Click Add above the Available Attributes.

    2. Enter an Attribute Name and an Attribute Type from the Number, Float, String, Date, Time, and Timestamp.

    3. Enable the Private if required. This marks the attribute as private for a specific Tenant and is visible to that tenant only.

    4. Enable the Read Only if required. Agent can only view the attribute and not edit it.

    5. Enable the Masked for agents if required. This attribute is not visible to agents.

    6. Enable the Masked for all users if required. - This attribute is not visible to any user.

    7. Click Save. Attribute now listed under the Available Attributes.

    CPA Settings

    The CPA Settings section allows you to configure the various parameters for performing the Call Classification Analysis (CCA). The CPA Settings screen is shown here. This section is common for all the pacing modes.

    1. Select a CCA Start from the On Connect and On Progress. On Connect allows CCA to commence from the moment the call is answered and On Progress allows CCA to commence immediately when POM finishes dialing the number and the call progress starts.

    2. Set a number to enter the CCA Timeout in milliseconds. This is the value you set for CCA to time out if not completed by the application.

    3. The default value of On Connect is 7500 and it varies between 5000 and 20000.

    4. The default value of On Progress is 24000 and it varies between 5000 and 45000.

    5. If required, turn the Compliance Timer to ON. The default is ON.

    6. If you set the timers to OFF, the POM driver waits for the result of the call classification before starting any application or connecting to the agent, and the maximum wait time for CCA result is defined by the CCA Timeout.

    7. If you set the compliance timers to ON, POM waits for call classification results till the expiry of the compliance timers. If call classification results are not available within the given time, Answer Human treatment is started for the call. The completion code gets updated as per the classification events received till the call is alive for Notification campaign; or before getting patched to the agent for an agent-based campaign.

    8. If Compliance Timer is enabled, enter the following parameters:

    9. Enter the Start of Voice Timeout. This is the timeout value if start of voice is not detected. Set the value in milliseconds. The default value is 2000. The combined value of the Start of Voice Timeout and Live Voice Timeout cannot be more than the CCA Timeout value.

    10. Enter the Live Voice Timeout. This is the timeout value if a live human voice is not detected. Set the value in milliseconds. The default value is 1800. The combined value of the Start of Voice Timeout and Live Voice Timeout cannot be more than the CCA Timeout value.

    11. Set the value in the AMD False Positive Rate under the Nuisance Rate Calculation. This setting in milliseconds determines when to consider an answering machine detection as a false positive.

    12. Enable or Disable the Consider Answer Machine by Agent switch.

      When Consider Answer Machine By Agent is True, such calls are considered in the Nuisance Rate Calculations.
    13. Click Save.

    14. In the Attributes tab, enter a Name and a Description for the Call Type. Leave other fields blank or with default values.

    Contact Parameters

    1. Use a slide bar to set the Initial Number of Contacts.
      This defines the number of contacts that are sent to the dialer initially.

    2. Use the slide bar to set the Increment By percentage to increase the contact delivery to the dialer.

    3. Use the slide bar to set the Decrement By percentage to decrease the contact delivery to the dialer.

    4. Set the Upper Threshold limit as a multiple of the Initial Number of Contacts that are delivered to the dialer.

    5. Set the Iteration Interval. This is the wait time between iterations in seconds.

    6. Enable the Auto Balancing checkbox to automatically distribute the contacts from the uploaded file equally to all campaigns mapped to the group.

    7. Enable the Throttling checkbox to control contact delivery to maintain the service-level agreement (SLA) like control queue time / reduce abandoned calls.

    8. Go to Time Zone.
      All the time zones selected in the application in Time Zones are displayed.

    9. Select the checkboxes for the Time zone and the callable window time for each time zone (optional configuration) which overrides the global Time zone selection.

    10. Go to the Agent Mapping section. All the Workers are listed as Agents in the dropdown list. Select the agents as required for this pacing mode.

      • Agent Mapping is not available for all the pacing mode.

      • The campaign balancing feature as defined in this section works based on Campaign Priority and NOT contact distribution among configured campaigns. During every iteration, when the responses from specific campaigns are received, the algorithm does not validate the per campaign response rate to select the campaigns to distribute contacts for the next iteration. Irrespective of the responses from specific campaigns, the algorithm distributes contacts to configured campaigns based on the originally defined percentages.

    Auto Balancing

    Auto Balancing automatically distributes the contacts from the uploaded file equally to all campaigns mapped to this group. Application skips automatic distribution if the campaigns are in a Stopped or Time-suspended state.

    Example: If there are three executing campaigns C1, C2, and C3 mapped to a group CG1. The auto balancing feature allocates the 33% of contacts to C1, 33% of contacts to C2, and 34% contacts to C3. In the first iteration, assuming that there are 100 contacts uploaded and awaiting allocation, C1 gets 33 contacts, C2 gets 33 contacts, and C3 gets 34 contacts. The percentages are automatically reallocated to the other campaigns mapped to the group. If Camp1 is in a time-suspended state, the automatic distribution is reset to 50 percent each for Camp2 and Camp3.

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