- DarkLight
- DarkLight
Fields | Description | Platforms |
Login Duration | It displays the duration of the login session in seconds. | All Platforms |
Tethered Duration | It displays the duration, in seconds, that the agent spent on tethered calls. | All Platforms |
Idle Duration | It displays the total time, in seconds, that the agent spent in the Idle state. For tethered calls, the time from being Connected to the next state is counted as idle, and for non-tethered, the time from being Available to the next state is considered as idle. | All Platforms |
Reserved Duration | It displays the total duration, in seconds, that the agent spent in the Reserved state. | All Platforms |
Talk Duration | It displays the total talk time of outbound call in seconds. | All Platforms |
Talk Duration RPC | It displays the total talk time of Right Party Connect (RPC) calls in seconds. | All Platforms |
Average Talk Duration RPC | It is the total RPC talk time divided by the number of RPC calls. | All Platforms |
Average Talk Duration Non-RPC | It is the total talk time of Non-Right Party Connect (Non-RPC) calls divided by the number of Non-RPC calls. | All Platforms |
Handle Duration RPC | It is the total time, in seconds, an agent spends handling Right Party Connect (RPC) calls, including after-call work (ACW). | All Platforms |
Handle Duration Non-RPC | It is the total time, in seconds, an agent spends handling Non-Right Party Connect (Non-RPC) calls, including after-call work (ACW). | All Platforms |
Average Handle Duration RPC | It displays the average call handle duration, in seconds, spent by the agent on outbound customer calls with a Right Party Connect (RPC) outcome. | All Platforms |
Average Handle Duration Non-RPC | It displays the average call handle duration, in seconds, spent by the agent on outbound customer calls with a Non-Right Party Connect (Non-RPC) outcome. | All Platforms |
Average ACW Duration RPC | It displays the average time, in seconds, that an agent spent in the after-call work (ACW) state for calls resulting in a Right Party Connect (RPC). | All Platforms |
Average ACW Duration Non RPC | It displays the average duration, in seconds, that an agent spent in the after-call work (ACW) state for calls with a Non-Right Party Connect (Non-RPC) outcome. | All Platforms |
Average ACW Duration | It displays the average duration that an agent spent in the after-call work (ACW) state. | All Platforms |
External Consult Duration | The total number of external consultation calls made during the login session. | All Platforms |
ACW Duration Non RPC | It displays the total duration, in seconds, that the agent spent on after-call work for outbound customer calls with a Non-Right Party Connect (Non-RPC) outcome. | All Platforms |
Not Ready Duration | It displays the total duration, in seconds, that the agent spent in a Not Ready state. | All Platforms |
Preview Duration | It displays the total duration, in seconds, that an agent spent previewing contacts. | All Platforms |
Inbound (Blending) Duration | It displays the total duration, in seconds, spent on inbound customer calls for blended agents. | All Platforms |
Handle Duration | It displays the total call handle time, in seconds, spent by an agent on calls, including after-call work (ACW). | All Platforms |
Avg Handle Duration | It displays the average call handle duration, in seconds, that an agent spent on outbound customer calls. | All Platforms |
Talk Duration Non RPC | It displays the total talk time of Non-Right Party Connect (Non-RPC) calls in seconds. | All Platforms |
Consult Duration | It displays the total duration, in seconds, that the agent spent on outbound consult calls. | All Platforms |
Conference Duration | It displays the total duration, in seconds, that the agent spent on outbound conference calls. | All Platforms |
Hold Duration | It displays the total duration, in seconds, that the agent put an outbound customer call on hold. | All Platforms |
ACW Duration | It displays the total duration, in seconds, that the agent spent in the ACW (After-Call Work) state. | All Platforms |
ACW Duration RPC | It displays the total duration, in seconds, that the agent spent on after-call work for outbound customer calls with a Right Party Connect (RPC) outcome. | All Platforms |