- DarkLight
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ID | ID | int (not null) | The autogenerated ID for the Profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | CampaignID | CampaignID | nvarchar (64) (null) | The campaign ID for the profile to upload contacts. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ProfileName | ProfileName | nvarchar (512) (null) | The profile name. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | FileHeaders | FileHeaders | nvarchar (4000) (null) | The header details of the contact upload file. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SrcDetails | SrcDetails | varchar (512) (null) | The name of upload file containg the contacts. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | Priority | Priority | varchar (8) (null) | The priority for the contact uploaded via this profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ContactMoment | ContactMoment | varchar (26) (null)
| A specific date and time to dial out the contact. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | AgentID | AgentID | varchar (8) (null) | The agent ID for the agent handling this contact. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | TimeZone | TimeZone | nvarchar (128) (null) | The time zone for the contact being uploaded via this profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | Modes | Modes | nvarchar (512) (null) | The modes to which contacts can be uploaded via this profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | BusinessFlds | BusinessFlds | nvarchar (2000) (null) | The business fields for the contact as in the contact upload file. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ZipCode | ZipCode | int (null) | The contact zip code | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | UPLOADTYPE | UPLOADTYPE | nchar (1) (null) | The upload type – JSON, API, and so on. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SrcType | SrcType | varchar (8) (null) | This is the source type for the contact upload file – whether it is a database table/view, Service Cloud Voice file, text file, JSON, and so on. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SmsData | SmsData | varchar (20) (null) | The message text that is mapped via this Profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ApplyDNC | ApplyDNC | bit (null) | This indicates if the DNC validation is enabled in the profile. This is 1 if enabled; 0 if not enabled. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | UserID | UserID | varchar (50) (null) | The user ID of the user creating this profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | Date | Date | datetime (null) | The date and time the profile is created. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DuplicateFilter | DuplicateFilter | bit (null) | Whether the contacts should be checked for duplicates at the time of upload. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DuplicateFilterKeyID | DuplicateFilterKeyID | varchar (50) (null) | The key on which the contact is checked for duplicate before being uploaded. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ContactDetail | ContactDetail | nvarchar (max) (null) | This contains the profile field mapping information. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | MailSubject | MailSubject | varchar (8) (null) | The subject line of the email message. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | MailMessage | MailMessage | varchar (8) (null) | The body of the email message. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | MailAttach | MailAttach | varchar (8) (null) | Whether an attachment is part of the email. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SmsText | SmsText | varchar (8) (null) | The SMS message text. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | Delimiter | Delimiter | char (1) (null) | The delimiter used in the upload file. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | AreaCodeDelimiter | AreaCodeDelimiter | char (1) (null) | The delimiter used to separate the area code from the phone number. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ContactNextUploadTime | ContactNextUploadTime | datetime (null) | The date and time the contact file is to be taken for upload. This is applicable for Service Cloud Voice and Database profile uploads. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ScrubNextUploadTime | ScrubNextUploadTime | datetime (null) | The date and time the scrub file contact is to be taken for upload. This is applicable for Service Cloud Voice and Database profile uploads. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | AUTOUPLOADTIME | AUTOUPLOADTIME | nvarchar (16) (null) | The date and time the file was auto uploaded. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | LASTUPLOAD | LASTUPLOAD | nvarchar (16) (null) | The date and time of the last upload from this profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | UpdateBussFld | UpdateBussFld | bit (null) | Whether to update the business field for contacts uploaded via this profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ListIdToUpdate | ListIdToUpdate | nvarchar (1024) (null) | Whether to update the List ID when a new upload is performed via the profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | State | State | int (null) | The state to which the contact belongs to. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCBusinessFields | DNCBusinessFields | nvarchar (128) (null) | The fields that are considered to mark a contact as DNC. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | UploadLevel | UploadLevel | char (1) (null) | The upload level for contacts in this file – Global or campaign-specific upload. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | IsAppend | IsAppend | bit (null) | Whether the contacts are to be appended during the upload process. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | IsUpdate | IsUpdate | bit (null) | Whether the contacts are to be updated during the upload process. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | IsOverwrite | IsOverwrite | bit (null) | Whether the contacts are to be overwritten during the upload process. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCCampaignID | DNCCampaignID | nvarchar (max) (null) | If contact is marked DNC for a specific campaign, the campaign ID for which it is DNC. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCCountryCode | DNCCountryCode | int (null) | The country code of the DNC contact. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCAreaCode | DNCAreaCode | int (null) | The area code of the DNC contact. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCCValue | DNCCValue | int (null) | It stores the indexes of file header mapped as DNCCvalue for DNC filter in the profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCImportMode | DNCImportMode | nchar (1) (null) | The DNC import mode – Automatic or Manual upload. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCType | DNCType | char (1) (null) | The DNC type – campaign, category, or global. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | Forever | Forever | bit (null) | Whether the contact is marked DNC Forever. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | NDNCBusinessFields | NDNCBusinessFields | int (null) | The business fields based on which a contact is marked NDNC. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ProfileExecutionTime | ProfileExecutionTime | nvarchar (60) (null) | The date and time the profile executed to upload contacts. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ProfilePath | ProfilePath | nvarchar (256) (null) | The path where the contacts files are placed for upload via this profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ZipCode_Optional | ZipCode_Optional | nvarchar (64) (null) | The optional additional zip code for this profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | Modes_ZipCodes | Modes_ZipCodes | nvarchar (100) (null) | The zip codes mapped to the modes in the profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ConditionSTR | ConditionSTR | nvarchar (2048) (null) | This is the custom filter condition used for upload of matching contacts via this profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | MailCC | MailCC | nvarchar (max) (null) | The email addresses to be copied when a campaign email is sent. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | MailBCC | MailBCC | nvarchar (max) (null) | The email addresses that receive a blind carbon copy when a campaign mail is sent. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ProfileStatus | ProfileStatus | bit (null) | The profile status – Active or Inactive. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | LEADSCORE | LEADSCORE | int (null) | The Lead Score of the contact. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | FileType | FileType | nvarchar (10) (null) | The profile upload file type. For example, JSON, text, and so on. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | FileTypeFormat | FileTypeFormat | nvarchar (10) (null) | This is the file extension as selected in the profile. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCStartDate | DNCStartDate | varchar (16) (null) | The date and time for a contact to commence the DNC status. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCEndDate | DNCEndDate | varchar (16) (null) | The end date and time when the contact ceases to be a DNC contact. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCDateFormat | DNCDateFormat | varchar (32) (null) | The date format for the DNC dates. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DeviceID | DeviceID | nvarchar (255) (null) | The ID of the device to which identity authentication notification are sent. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | FixedWidthData | FixedWidthData | nvarchar (max) (null) | Whether the data being uploaded is from a fixed-width file. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | AreaCode | AreaCode | int (not null) | The area code of the contact. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | City | City | int (not null) | The contact’s city. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ZoneName | ZoneName | int (not null) | The zone name that the contact belongs to. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | DNCCampaignCategoryID | DNCCampaignCategoryID | nvarchar (max) (null) | The campaign category for marking a contact DNC. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ConditionSTRInfo | ConditionSTRInfo | nvarchar (max) (null) | This field stores the condition for a profile used to scrub contacts. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | IsBusinessFieldDNC | IsBusinessFieldDNC | bit (null) | Whether the business field is used as a filter to mark contact as DNC. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | ConsentType | ConsentType | nvarchar (16) (not null) | The consent type – whether the contact is PEWC or non-PEWC. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | CPTTimeZoneType | CPTTimeZoneType | varchar (8) (null) | The time zone type of the Customer Preferred Time (CPT) to call. For example, Campaign Time Zone, State Time Zone, and so on. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | CPTTimeZone | CPTTimeZone | varchar (8) (null) | The time zone of the Customer Preferred Time (CPT) to call. For example, Campaign Time Zone, State Time Zone, and so on. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | CPTDayofWeek | CPTDayofWeek | varchar (8) (null) | The Day of Week for the CPT. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | CPTTimeFormat | CPTTimeFormat | nvarchar (16) (null) | The time format for the CPT. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SlotAStartTime | SlotAStartTime | varchar (8) (null) | The start time of the first slot preferred by customer. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SlotAEndTime | SlotAEndTime | varchar (8) (null) | The end time of the first slot preferred by customer. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SlotBStartTime | SlotBStartTime | varchar (8) (null) | The start time of second first slot preferred by customer. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SlotBEndTime | SlotBEndTime | varchar (8) (null) | The end time of the second slot preferred by customer. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SlotCStartTime | SlotCStartTime | varchar (8) (null) | The start time of the third slot preferred by customer. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | SlotCEndTime | SlotCEndTime | varchar (8) (null) | The end time of the third slot preferred by customer. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | AreaCodeEnabled | AreaCodeEnabled | bit (not null) | Whether the area code is enabled – this is to segregate from the phone number. | All |
OBD_AutoUploadParam | AreaCodeSubString | AreaCodeSubString | nvarchar (10) (null) | The area code substring that segregates the phone number from the area code. | All |