Progressive IVR Pacing Mode
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    Progressive IVR Pacing Mode

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    Article summary

    1. Select a group and click Edit.

    2. Go to the Pacing Parameters.

    3. Select an appropriate Contact Flow from the dropdown. Create a contact flow on the Amazon Connect application. Data is downloaded via a SYNC operation.

    4. Set the value for the Maximum Lines per Group. The upper limit is set for the number of calls to dial per group. If this value is set as 4 and there are 30 groups, the number of contacts per iteration is limited to 120. Allowed values are between 1 and 2000. The default is 10.

    5. Set the value for Dial request Iteration Interval. Use the slider or enter a number. This is the interval in seconds between each iteration for the application to retrieve contacts to be dialed. Allowed values are between 10 and 30. The default is 15.

    General Settings

    1. Go to the General Settings.

    2. Select an ANI (CLI) from the dropdown list.
      This is the phone number displayed as an Outbound Caller ID to the customer receiving a call.

    3. Set a value for ACW Time in seconds.
      This is the duration a customer call can stay in the queue after which the call is abandoned. Allowed values are between 1 and 1800. The default is 900.

    4. Set the value for Ringing Duration.
      It defines the duration of ring.

    Answering Machine Treatment

    1. Go to the Answering Machine Treatment > Treatment.

    2. Turn the Enable Answering Machine Detection to ON to detect an answering machine.

    3. Select the AMD Detection type from Disconnect, Transfer to Agent, Transfer to IVR, or Play Message and Disconnect.

    4. If you select the Disconnect, no settings are configurations required. If you select the Transfer to Agent, the application transfers the call to an agent when it encounters an answering machine response.

    5. If you select the Transfer to IVR, the application transfers the call to an IVR. Select a Contact Flow from the dropdown. All the contact flows configured on Amazon Connect are synchronized with Campaign Manager.

    Contact Parameter

    1. Use a slide bar to set the Initial Number of Contacts.
      This defines the number of contacts that are sent to the dialer initially.

    2. Use the slide bar to set the Increment By percentage to increase the contact delivery to the dialer.

    3. Use the slide bar to set the Decrement By percentage to decrease the contact delivery to the dialer.

    4. Set the Upper Threshold limit as a multiple of the Initial Number of Contacts that are delivered to the dialer.

    5. Set the Iteration Interval. This is the wait time between iterations in seconds.

    6. Enable the Auto Balancing checkbox to automatically distribute the contacts from the uploaded file equally to all campaigns mapped to the group.

    7. Enable the Throttling checkbox to control contact delivery to maintain the service-level agreement (SLA) like control queue time / reduce abandoned calls.

    8. Go to Time Zone.
      All the time zones selected in the application in Time Zones are displayed.

    9. Select the checkboxes for the Time zone and the callable window time for each time zone (optional configuration) which overrides the global Time zone selection.

    10. Go to the Agent Mapping section. All the Workers are listed as Agents in the dropdown list. Select the agents as required for this pacing mode.

      • Agent Mapping is not available for all the pacing mode.

      • The campaign balancing feature as defined in this section works based on Campaign Priority and NOT contact distribution among configured campaigns. During every iteration, when the responses from specific campaigns are received, the algorithm does not validate the per campaign response rate to select the campaigns to distribute contacts for the next iteration. Irrespective of the responses from specific campaigns, the algorithm distributes contacts to configured campaigns based on the originally defined percentages.

    Auto Balancing

    Auto Balancing automatically distributes the contacts from the uploaded file equally to all campaigns mapped to this group. Application skips automatic distribution if the campaigns are in a Stopped or Time-suspended state.

    Example: If there are three executing campaigns C1, C2, and C3 mapped to a group CG1. The auto balancing feature allocates the 33% of contacts to C1, 33% of contacts to C2, and 34% contacts to C3. In the first iteration, assuming that there are 100 contacts uploaded and awaiting allocation, C1 gets 33 contacts, C2 gets 33 contacts, and C3 gets 34 contacts. The percentages are automatically reallocated to the other campaigns mapped to the group. If Camp1 is in a time-suspended state, the automatic distribution is reset to 50 percent each for Camp2 and Camp3.

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