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Real Time Reports
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Real Time Reports provide graphical data on ongoing campaigns, specifically for the current day. These reports are updated with interval data every 5 minutes by default. Comprehensive filter criteria allow users to view detailed insights from high-level overviews down to granular details in real-time. You can also configure the real-time reports to suit your needs.
To access the default report, go to Reports > Real Time. The default report presents the following data:
Displays the number of campaigns available in the system. This also shows the number for Active, Inactive, and Terminated campaigns.
Fields | Description |
Total Campaigns | Displays the number of campaigns available in the system. This also shows the number of Active, Inactive, and Terminated campaigns. |
Active | Number of campaigns which are executing at this moment. Campaign Status is Executing. |
Inactive | Number of campaigns which are not executing at this moment. Campaign Status is Time Suspended or Stopped. |
Terminated | Number of campaigns elapsed the end date and time. Campaign Status is Time Suspended but campaign date time must be less than current time. |
Total Contacts | Total number of contacts uploaded to the application across all campaigns. This also shows a breakup of Open, Fresh (yet to be dialed), Scheduled, Closed, and Other contacts. |
Open | Number of contacts open at this moment for given filter criteria. Contact Status is Open and Delivered. |
Fresh | Number of contacts attempted not even once for the given filter criteria. Contact Status is Open and Delivered. |
Rescheduled | Number of contacts that are rescheduled and open at this moment. Contact Status is Open and Delivered. |
Closed | Number of contacts closed for the given filter criteria. Contact Status is Closed. |
Others | Number of contacts stopped delivering. Contact Status is Scrubbed and Flushed. |
Contacts Uploaded | Total contacts uploaded across all campaigns and a breakup of successful uploads, failed uploads, and duplicates. |
Success | Number of contacts successfully uploaded into the contact table. |
Failure | Number of contacts failed to upload into contact table due to various failures. It does not include Mode failure. |
Duplicate | Number of contacts failed to upload due to duplicate records available in the contact table. It does not consider whether duplicate occurs in the file or duplicate available in the contact table. |
Performance | Total number of contacts dialed today and the connect ratio. Number of Unique Contacts In Call activity table. Connect Ratio - Percentage of Total Contacts Connected out of Total Contacts Dialed. Total Contacts Dialed is the Number of unique contacts which are dialed today. |
Business Performance | Total contacts with Outcomes marked as Success and the ratio of contacts with Success outcomes. Number of Unique Contacts in call activity table. Success Ratio - Percentage of Total Business Success Contacts out of Total Contacts Connected. |
Attempts | Shows the number of attempts successfully connected with an Agent across contacts, including multiple successful connects for a single contact. This includes connects on rescheduled calls, both on account of business and telephony reasons. Attempts Ratio - Ratio of Number of Calls Dialed and the Number of Contacts Dialed. Attempts ratio indicator shows the average number of attempts on each contact. |
Connected | Shows the total calls connected between an agent and a customer across all campaigns and the connect ratio for these numbers Attempts Connect Ratio - Percentage of Number of calls connected out of Number of calls dialed. Number of calls connected is the Count of Connected Contacts with Live Call Outcomes and Live Call Outcomes is Outcomes which are enabled as Live Call Outcomes. |
Calls Abandoned | Shows the number of attempts received abandon as an outcome across contacts. If ACR is disabled, Abandon Ratio is percentage of Abandon Calls out of sum of Abandon Calls and Live Calls. |
AHT | Average Handling Time for a call, in HH:MM:SS format. It is ratio of the success call duration and the number of calls connected. |
Real-time reports allow you to perform the following:
Auto Refresh
This refresh interval is configured at the back end in the web.config file of the Campaign Manager Service configuration. The default interval is set at five minutes.
Auto Refresh operates only for the currently configured tab, not across all tabs. If an Administrator goes to a different tab or page within the application and then returns to the original tab (where the Auto Refresh interval is configured), the report tab will refresh, and the timer will restart.
Add Multiple Reports in Different Tabs
You can add and open multiple reports simultaneously in different tabs. This feature allows users to monitor overall Contact Center performance in real-time as well as focus on specific areas defined by the selected filtering criteria. When a real-time report is opened for the first time, the default tab appears. Up to 10 tabs can be loaded in the application (the default tab plus nine additional). The default tab displays real-time data for the entire contact center unless the user changes the filter criteria.
Click Add icon to multiple reports. Report tab opens beside the Default tab.
Select the required filter criteria.
Click Add Widget and select the widget to add in the report.
Reports Filter Criteria
The reports filter allows a user to have a look at a macro view of the contact center and drill down to the micro level of a contact, call, or an agent.
Reports Time Zone Filter
You can generate real-time reports for specific time zones. Select the time zone from the TimeZone dropdown before selecting any other filtering criteria. The report for the current day of the selected time zone appears.
This is an optional configuration. The property IsTimeZoneRequiredForFilter must be set to true in the LCMService web.config configuration file to get reports by time zone.
Reports Other Filter Criteria
Filter criteria allow you to do the following:
Fields | Description |
Global List | All global lists are displayed for selection. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all global lists, select the Select All checkbox. |
Campaign Group | All campaign groups that contain contacts for the selected global lists are populated. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all campaign groups, select the Select All check-box. |
Campaign | All campaigns that contain contacts for the selected campaign groups are populated. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all campaigns, select the Select All checkbox. A single campaign selection allows filter to the next levels. If you select multiple campaigns, filtering to next level is disabled. View the reports at this level. |
List | All the contact lists uploaded for this campaign are populated. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all lists, select the Select All checkbox.
Lists are populated for the default date on the date panel, that is, current day. To select more lists, select dates from the Date panel and click OK. Select the required lists for the report, from those populated. |
CSS Group | All Contact Selection Strategies (CSS) applicable for the selected lists are available for selection. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all CSS groups, select the Select All check-box. |
CSS Group Condition | The conditions for the above CSS Groups are populated and available for selection. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all CSS group conditions, select the Select All check-box. |
Select applicable filters and click Show Records to populate the report with records up to that level of selection.
Report Widgets Feature
Report widgets have the following options in common:
Click Unpin to float the report widget from its anchored place to the center of the screen, so that you can maximize the widget size. This is a toggle button and clicking again anchors the widget back to its rightful place. It also restores the removed widget back to the page.
Click Maximize to view the report full screen.
Click Minimize to move the report widget back to the anchored location from the full screen view.
Click Chart Context Menu to download the report in PNG or JPEG or SVG Vector or Pdf format.
Views for individual reports vary - they are explained along with the reports. All reports display the graphical data in text when hovering the mouse over any graphical representation of data.
Reports Type
Campaign Manager provides different types of reports in Real-time. To know more, see Real Time Report Type.