Report Filter Criteria
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    Report Filter Criteria

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    Article summary

    The reports module comes with a powerful filter that allows a user to have a look at a macro view of the Contact Center and drill down to the micro level of a contact, call, or an Agent. You can filter the reports based on the following parameters:

    Time Zones

    You can generate Historical Reports for a specific time zones. Select the time zone from the TimeZone dropdown before selecting other filter criteria.


    This is an optional configuration. The property IsTimeZoneRequiredForFilter must be set to true in the LCMService web.config file to get reports by time zone.

    Report data is populated based on the selected periodicity:

    • Today: Displays the report data pertaining to the current date in the selected time zone.

    • Yesterday: Displays the report pertaining to the previous day up to midnight in the selected time zone.

    • This Week: Displays the report data from Monday through the current day in the selected time zone.

    • This Month: Displays the report data from the first of the calendar month through the current day in the selected time zone.

    • Custom: Displays the report data for a date range as per the Start Date and End Date chosen in the selected time zone.

    Global List

    All global lists are displayed for selection. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all global lists, click Select All.

    Campaign Group

    All campaign groups that contain contacts for the selected global lists are populated. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all campaign groups, click Select All.


    All campaigns that contain contacts for the selected campaign groups are populated. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all campaigns, click Select All.


    A single campaign selection allows filter to the next levels. If you select multiple campaigns, filtering to next level is disabled. View the reports at this level.


    All the contact lists uploaded for this campaign are populated. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all lists, click Select All.


    Lists are populated for the default date on the date panel, that is, current day. To select more lists, select dates from the Date panel and click OK. Select the required lists for the report, from those populated.

    CSS Group

    All Contact Selection Strategies (CSS) applicable for the selected lists are available for selection. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all CSS groups, click Select All.

    CSS Group Condition

    The conditions for the above CSS Groups are populated and available for selection. Both single and multiple selection allowed. To select all conditions, click Select All.

    At any stage of the filter selection above, you can click Search to populate items of a specific string and/or click Show Records to populate the report with records up to that level of selection. You can revert directly to the Campaign level from wherever you are in selecting your filters. Beyond this, you have to deselect the campaigns to revert to Campaign Group and deselect the campaign groups to revert to the Global List level.


    It is possible that each report can have different columns depending on the filter criteria chosen. For screenshots, we have taken reports from the broadest of filter criteria - selecting all campaigns. These are, therefore, only illustrative.

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