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    Article summary

    Creating a Salesforce Connection

    As soon as you log in, the home page is displayed and by default, the Connections tab is selected.

    To create a new connection, follow these steps:

    1. Click Add New on the right side of the home page. The CONNECTOR SETTINGS pop-up is displayed.

    2. Provide a name to your connection in the New Connection Name field.


      • The character limit for your connection name is 100.

      • The Connection name cannot contain spaces and special characters other than hyphen and underscore.

    3. From the Connector Type dropdown menu, select Salesforce.

    4. Select the preferred Salesforce Environment. To use data from a Salesforce sandbox environment, select Sandbox, or from a production environment select Production.

    5. Click Login.

    6. On the Salesforce login page, provide your user credentials and click Log in.

      The Allow Access? page is displayed.

    7. Click Allow. By clicking Allow, you agree that Data Cloud can access resources and perform actions on your behalf.

      The page redirects to the CONNECTOR SETTINGS and you are now logged in successfully to proceed with creating a Salesforce connection.

    8. Click Create.


      The Create button is available only after you log into your Salesforce account.

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    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

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