Salesforce OpenCTI
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    Salesforce OpenCTI

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    Article summary

    To configure Acqueon Workspace with Salesforce Open CTI, the following details are required from the customer:

    Salesforce Admin Account

    Salesforce account with Admin privileges to perform the following operations:

    • Follow the installation steps mentioned here and install AcqueonCTI Connector Unmanaged Package: Acqueon CTI Connector Unmanaged Package.

    • Create apex classes.

    • Create Visualforce page for outbound widgets.

    • Configure Call Center.

    • Test the Screen Pop for various call types.

    • Assign call center to a Salesforce user. (Refer to the section Assign User to Call Center in Setup Call Center)

    • Create Softphone layout and Assign Softphone layout. (Refer to the section Configuring Softphone Layout in Components and Module)

    • Set up omni-channel.

    Salesforce Account for a Test Agent

    Salesforce accounts with standard object access (Contact, Lead, Activity, Case, Opportunity) for Agent.

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