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The Schedule tab helps you schedule contact delivery to the dialer. A schedule is a structured plan that outlines the specific times and days for various elements of a Campaign to operate, including contact selection strategies, campaign runtimes, contact mode settings, and designated holidays when the campaign will not run. The three elements that determine the schedule for your campaign are:
CSS Schedule: A Contact Selection Strategy (CSS) schedule helps you use different contact selection strategies at different times of the day. You can define these CSS schedules for blocks of time for each day of the week. For configuring CSS to be used here, see Contact Selection Strategy.
Runtime Scheduling: If you have different campaign runtimes for each day, use this functionality to define campaign start and end times for each day of the week.
Contact Mode Scheduling: Use this section to configure the times and days of the week for the Contact Strategy to be used for dialing. You can select a contact strategy for the entire day or a maximum of three time splits during a day. You can also use different contact strategies on different days of the week and/or define the weekly day off when the campaign does not run.
Only Advance Contact Strategies are available for selection.
Holiday: This section allows you to select the campaign holidays — the days that your campaign does not run.
Holidays are added in the System menu. This section only allows you to select from the added holidays.
CSS Schedule
On the Schedule page, expand the Contact Selection Strategy (CSS).
Use the slider to select the time range you want displayed. The CSS option is displayed for the selected time range.
You can either click the Add Schedule button or double-click on a cell in the weekday grid.
In the popup, select the day for which you are adding the CSS Schedule. You can also select the All Days checkbox. If you double-click a grid to configure a CSS Schedule, the day of the week is pre-selected in the popup.
From the time panel, select a Start Time and an End Time for this CSS Schedule. Then, select a CSS from the dropdown list.
You can select multiple overlapping time slots, but the start and end times should be unique. For example, you can select a time slot from 10:00 to 18:00 with CSS as CSS1. You can also select a time slot from 09:00 to 19:00 with CSS as CSS2. In this case, the application delivers contacts as per CSS2 from 09:00 to 10:00 and again from 18:00 to 19:00. In the interim, it delivers contacts as per CSS1 from 10:00 to 18:00.
Click Add to add this schedule to the campaign.
To add more CSS Schedules, click Add Schedule or double-click on a cell in the weekday grid to select the CSS Schedule time.
Repeat the process for as many days of the week as you require to configure the schedules.
Runtime Scheduling
The Runtime Scheduling determines the campaign run times for a specific date. The campaign runs during the times configured here, overriding the start date time and end date time configured during campaign creation.
Click Add to add a new run time for the campaign.
Enter a Run Date to configure the run time.
From the Time Panel, select a Start Time and an End Time.
Click Add to add more run times.
You can add only three run times per day.
Click Save.
Contact Mode Scheduling
Contact Mode Scheduling helps configure the Contact Strategy used for delivering contacts to the dialer for each weekday. You can configure a maximum of three splits per day, defining three different strategies for different time slots. Perform the following steps to configure Contact Mode Scheduling:
The days are listed in the first column. Select the day to configure and turn the Working Day switch ON.
The campaign does not run on the days for which the Working Day switch is turned OFF.
From the dropdown list, select a Contact Strategy to be applied for contact delivery.
Only Advanced Contact Strategies are available for selection.
The selected contact strategy runs throughout the day. If you require the contact strategy to run only at specific times, turn the Custom Time switch ON.
The Time Range column shows default start and end times of 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM, respectively. Use the time panel to change the start and end times.
Click Add to add another time range.
You can add a maximum of three-time ranges per day.
Click Save to save the information.
Using the Holidays feature, you can map the campaign holidays, which are the days the campaign does not operate. All the holidays created in the System Configuration Holiday feature are available for selection. Map those holidays to this campaign.
The holidays available for selection are displayed.
Select the checkboxes corresponding to the holidays you want to map for this campaign or select the Select All checkbox to attach all the holidays to this campaign.
Click Save to save the information.