Scrub Profile Type
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    Scrub Profile Type

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    Article summary

    If the created profile type is Scrub:

    Import Profile

    1. Select the Source Type from Formatted File, Database Table, or Database View.


      Formatted File - The contacts are available in a formatted file with various fields separated by a separator. For example, pipe (|), tilde (~), and so on can be field separators, as can be a comma-separated file. You can place these files on a local disk, a shared path, an Amazon S3 bucket, or Simple Storage Service.

    2. If the source type is Formatted File,

      1. Select file type from Text/CSV or Custom.

      2. If the file type is custom, select the Format as JSON.

      3. Select a Delimiter.

      4. Click Choose File to Import.

      5. If a file type is Others, select an appropriate format - Fixed Width (formatted text files without headers) or JSON (default option).


        If the application is in a localized language other than English, save the contact file placed for upload in UTF-8 encoding.

    3. If the source type is Database Table or Database View.


    Do not use the Campaign Manager database details for uploading contacts through the database.

    1. Specifies the Database Server Name where the database is hosted.

    2. Enter the Database Name within the server that contains the required data.

    3. Enter the User Name to provide authentication credentials for accessing the database.

    4. Enter the Password to add security by requiring a password to authenticate the database connection.

    5. Enter the View Name to specify the database view from which data will be fetched.

    6. Select the Table or View from which data needs to be uploaded.

    7. The field Profile Name displays the profile name and is non-editable.

    8. The field Campaign ID displays the campaign ID and is non-editable.

    9. Enter the Profile Execution Time, which determines when the upload process runs.

    10. Click Connect to establish the connection and proceed with the data upload configuration.


    • The application supports uploads only from an SQL database.

    • Contacts can be uploaded through a database table or view.

    • Uploading contacts can be scheduled only once per day at the configured Profile Execution Time.

    Scrub Condition Builder

    1. In the first field, select the System Fields or Business Parameters. When you place the cursor there, a list appears.

    2. In the second field, select a Compare Option—this is the condition that the field should satisfy for a contact to be selected. Some comparison parameters for your condition could be > (greater than), < (less than), = (equals), and so on.

    3. In the third field, select a Value that this condition should meet.

    4. To use the Advanced Condition Builder, activate the Enable Advanced Condition Builder toggle button and add the values to the field.

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

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