Scrubbed List
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    Scrubbed List

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    Article summary

    The contact lists feature includes a tab named Scrubbed List, which contains details of contacts scrubbed from various uploaded contact lists. A scrubbed list is a compilation of contacts removed from various uploaded contact lists based on specific criteria defined in a scrub file. This process ensures that certain contacts, such as those that should not be contacted due to compliance or preference reasons, are identified and excluded from active contact lists. The Scrubbed List tab in the contact lists feature provides detailed information about these scrubbed contacts, including the original list they are part of and the conditions under which they are scrubbed.

    For example, when a list is uploaded to scrub contacts, and these contacts are distributed across multiple uploaded lists, all these contacts are scrubbed based on conditions specified in the scrub file.

    The scrub details are listed in this tab. The details provided include:

    • List ID: The list ID generated for the scrubbed contact list. This is a continuation of the previous upload list ID and does not begin from 1.

    • Processed Time: The date and time when the contacts in this list were scrubbed.

    • Scrubbed Contacts: The count of contacts scrubbed from an uploaded list.

    Expanding Scrubbed Contacts Detail reveals the details for each list. The Scrubbed Contact Detail drill-down includes the List ID from which the contacts were originally uploaded, and the number of contacts scrubbed from that list.

    Scrub Contacts

    To scrub contacts from a Campaign, perform the following steps:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Select the Scrub Contacts to upload contacts.

    3. There are three possible sources from which you can scrub contacts:

      1. Formatted File - The contacts are available in a file with various fields separated by a common separator or a comma-separated file.


        If using the application in a non-English language, save the contact file in UTF-8 encoding.

      2. Database Table or Database View - The contacts are stored in a Database Table or View and can be uploaded directly to the campaign. If the source type is Database Table or Database View, enter the following:

        1. Server Name

        2. Database Name

        3. User Name

        4. Password

    4. If scrubbing Contacts from a Formatted File:

      1. Select the File Type from Text/CSV and Custom.

      2. If the selected file type is Text/CSV, select the delimiter that separates the fields in your contact file from the Delimiter dropdown list.

      3. If the selected file type is Custom, select the file format as JSON from dropdown list.

      4. Click Choose File and select the file containing the contacts.

    5. If you have a Profile for this upload, select it from the Profile dropdown list. A Profile ensures automatic mapping for this contact list as configured.

    6. Profiles can be used as shortcuts for contact-related uploads, allowing you to upload, scrub, or handle DNC/NDNC/PEWC (compliance) contacts without setting parameters and conditions manually.

    7. Set the condition to scrub.

    8. Click Scrub.

    Building Scrub Conditions

    1. Click Add New to create a new CSS condition and complete the following steps:
    2. Enter a new CSS Group Name.
    3. From the System Fields / Business Fields dropdown list, select an appropriate item.
    4. Select a comparison operator from the options below, which defines the condition for the contact to be selected. Available operators include:
      1. is exactly equal to
      2. is less than
      3. is less than or equal to
      4. is greater than
      5. is greater than or equal to
      6. is not equal to
      7. Like
      8. in
      9. Not in
      10. Not Like
    5. Enter the Value that this condition should meet for the contact to be selected for delivery.
    6. Click Add to add another condition.
    7. Click Save to complete.
    8. Click Add to add another condition.

    Advance Build Condition

    1. Turn the Advanced Builder switch ON to build an Advanced Condition. Using the Advanced Builder requires meticulous manual nesting of conditions. Incorrect placement of brackets may result in selecting wrong and unintended contacts for delivery to the dialer. If the Advanced Builder switch is OFF, you can add conditions in groups with pre-selected and/or conditions.
    2. Enter an open bracket {( } in the first cell.
    3. From the System Fields / Business Fields dropdown list, select an appropriate item.
    4. Select a comparison operator from the options below, which defines the condition for the contact to be selected. Available operators include:
      1. is exactly equal to
      2. is less than
      3. is less than or equal to
      4. is greater than
      5. is greater than or equal to
      6. is not equal to
      7. Like
      8. in
      9. Not in
      10. Not Like
    5. Enter the Value that this condition should meet for the contact to be selected for delivery and close the bracket.
    6. Click Add to add another condition.
    7. Click Save to complete.

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