Setting up Destination Mapping
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    Setting up Destination Mapping

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    Article summary

    After setting up your Campaigns Destination, follow these steps to configure your destination mappings:

    1. Go to your Campaigns Destination and click Configure.

    2. The Destination Mapping page is displayed.

    3. Click Add. The following fields are displayed:

      • Segment –  The dropdown menu contains the names of all the Segments you created. Select the required segment from the list. For example, Purchase history.


        A single segment cannot be mapped to multiple campaigns. Segments are not editable once saved.

      • Campaign – Displays campaign names that are set up in Acqueon Campaigns through the Campaigns Connection.

      • Profile – Shows the profile name associated with the selected campaign, populated based on your campaign choice.

      • Activation – Choose the activation mode (Manual or Scheduled) for your mapping. Click the tick mark to save.

        • Manual – This option allows you to manually export and send the segment data to Campaigns. The process is initiated only when you click Export; it is not automated.

        • Scheduled - Set up a schedule for the activation to occur automatically at specified intervals.

        • Actions – After saving your settings, you can manage the activation process with these options:

          • Set the activation process

            Depending on the activation mode you had selected, different actions are displayed in the Actions column. Click the icon under Actions for the specific mapping to see the available options:

            • Export – If you had selected Manual Activation, the Export option is displayed. Click Export to send the segment data to Acqueon Campaigns. When you use the Export option with manual activation mode, it sends all the profiles in that segment to the Campaigns and creates a new List ID for those profiles. A confirmation message prompts you to proceed; click Export again to finalize the process. A success message then confirms the export.

            • Schedule -  If you had selected Scheduled as your activation mode, the Schedule option is displayed. Clicking this opens the Schedule Activation pop-up, where you can set up these options:

              • Activation Method: Displays the selected activation method, Scheduled.

              • Work Scheduler Settings – Set up your task schedules here (Refer to the Scheduler Settings section).

              • Start Time – Set the start time of the schedule.

              • Repeat – Define intervals for repeating the task.

              • Stop Time – Set the schedule’s end time.

              • Time Zone – Choose your preferred time zone based on which the schedule will execute. By default, it displays the user's time zone.

                Click Apply to save changes. A success message is displayed to confirm your updates.

          • Bulk Activation: Click the bulk activation icon to apply the selected activation mode to all mappings at once.

          • Edit: Click Edit to edit the record. Then click the tick mark to save changes.

            Campaign and activation fields are editable for the mappings.

          • Delete the Mapping: Click Delete to remove a mapping record.

          • Configurations: The Configure option in the Actions column plays a crucial role in customizing how your profile data interacts with Acqueon Campaigns. This feature applies only to the Schedule activation mode. Based on your engagement strategy, it lets you define the specific behaviors and conditions under which profiles are sent, updated, or removed (scrubbed). This way, you set detailed rules for each mapping record, tailoring the actions to meet your campaign needs. To set these rules, click Configure and the Field and List ID tabs are displayed.

            In the Field tab, you configure what profiles must be sent to Acqueon Campaigns as part of every schedule.

            • New Profiles when Entering a Segment: Use this option if you want to send new profiles that enter a segment to Acqueon Campaigns. To enable, select the Entering a Segment checkbox.

            • Updated Profiles when: Choose when to send updated profiles to Acqueon Campaigns. You can select one of the following criteria:

              • Field changes: Any changes to the existing fields in the profile.

              • Segment field changes: Specific updates to fields that are used in the Segmentation condition.

              • Custom field changes: Updates to custom fields defined in your setup.

          • Exiting Profiles (to Scrub) when: This option handles profiles that are exiting a segment and need to be scrubbed, meaning the contact is removed from Acqueon Campaigns. Choose when to send to Acqueon Campaigns a profile that exited a segment. You can select one of the following criteria:

            • Field Changes: Use this to scrub profiles based on general field changes.

            • Segment Field Changes: Use this to scrub profiles due to changes in fields that are used in the Segmentation condition.

            • Custom Field Changes: Updates to custom fields defined in your setup.

            In the List ID tab, you configure the List ID for each segment-campaign mapping with a scheduled activation type. The List ID specifies where profiles from the segment are exported and uploaded in the campaign. You can also choose a reset frequency for the List ID from the schedule dropdown list.

            List ID - Schedule Option:

            • Daily – Resets the List ID every day.

            • Weekly – Lets you pick a specific day of the week (example: every Monday).

            • Monthly – Allows you to choose a specific date (example: the 15th of every month).

            • Custom – Gives more flexibility. You select a start date and then set the frequency in the Every auto populate text field, which represents months. For example, if you choose Custom, set the start date as March 1st and type 2 in the Every field, the List ID resets on March 1st, May 1st, July 1st, and so on.

    Other Operations on the Destination Mapping page:

    • Bulk Delete: Use the Select All icon to delete multiple mappings simultaneously.

    • Edit All: Edit all fields that are available for editing, except segments.

    • Filter: Use the filter icon to search specific columns; select the desired column name from the pop-up so that the search term is coined for the selected column name.

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