- DarkLight
SMS Outbound Session
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
RPT_ITR_Session | Source | Source | nvarchar (36) (null) | The source contact (short code) for the outgoing SMS message. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | Destination | Destination | nvarchar (36) (null) | The destination contact number for the outgoing SMS message. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | Outcome | Outcome | nvarchar (20) (null) | The Outcome set for the SMS contact. Outcomes can be set via the script designer, delivery status of the SMS service provider, or by waiting for a reply from the recipient. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | IsTimedOut | IsTimedOut | bit (null) | This indicates if the SMS message was timed out before sending or was successfully sent. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | Date | Date | datetime (not null) | The date and time that the message was sent. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | ID | ID | nvarchar (36) (not null) | Auto-generated unique identifier for outgoing message. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | AccountNumber | AccountNumber | nvarchar (64) (not null) | The Account number (LCMKey / CAID) of the contact. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | Error | Error | varchar (100) (null) | This is related to Call Guide via Script Designer functionality of application. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | FormId | FormId | int (null) | For Form ID from which the outbound SMS message was sent. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | OutcomeType | OutcomeType | varchar (20) (null) | The outcome type. Whether the outcome set belongs to Success or Failure as configured. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | ModifiedDate | ModifiedDate | datetime (null) | The date and time this entry was last updated. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | AGENTID | AGENTID | nvarchar (64) (null) | The agent ID of the agent handling this interaction. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | STATUS | STATUS | nvarchar (32) (null) | The status of the outbound SMS message such as Sent, Processing, Failed, and so on. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | COMMITEDBY | COMMITEDBY | nvarchar (32) (null) | The user details of the user who committed this to the database. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | CampaignID | CampaignID | nvarchar (null) | The campaign ID to which the Inbound SMS is received. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | ContactID | ContactID | int (null) | The unique contact ID from which the inbound message is received. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
RPT_ITR_Session | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |