State, Area Code, and ZIP Code
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    State, Area Code, and ZIP Code

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    Article summary

    The State, Area Code, and ZIP code management system maintains a master list of ZIP codes and area codes, associated with their respective states and time zones. This helps in scheduling calls and messages at times that are convenient for recipients, avoiding early morning or late-night disturbances, and taking into account weekends and other applicable periods. By automating the process of checking time zones and local regulations, Campaign Manager ensures that local rules are followed, making contacts at permissible times based on recipients' geographic locations and local time zones. This results in more efficient and effective Campaign Management.

    Add State

    Perform the following steps to add a new State:

    1. Go to State/Area/Zip Code under System Menu.

    2. Go to State and click Add State.

    3. Select a Zone Name for the state.

    4. Click Save.

    Add an Area Code

    To add an Area Code:

    1. Go to System > State/Area/Zip Code.

    2. Go to the Area Code tab and click Add Area Code.

    3. Enter the area code as a numeric value and select a Zone Name (time zone) to map to the area code.

    4. Enter the State for the area code. It is a mandatory field.

    5. Turn the Block Status of the area code On or Off. This allows you to block or unblock an area code.

    6. Select the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time for the area code to be blocked or unblocked.

    7. Click Save under the Action tab.

    Import an Area Code

    To import an Area Code:

    1. Click Import Area Code.

    2. Click Choose File and select the area code file.

    3. Select the appropriate values from the dropdown list for mapping. Map the Area Code, Zone Name, and State.


      State is a mandatory field. The state mentioned in the file must be available in the system to map the field correctly.

    4. Click Import.

    Block or Unblock Area Code

    The application does not deliver blocked area contacts to the dialer. Use the BLOCK / UNBLOCK feature of the Area Code functionality to block delivery of contacts.

    To import the area codes file to block or unblock:

    1. Go to Area Code > Block/Unblock.

    2. Select a file type from Block or Unblock.

    3. Click Choose File and select an area code file.

    4. Select the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time for an area code to block or unblock.

    5. Select the Area Code from the dropdown list for mapping.

    6. Click Import.

    Add Zip Code

    To add a zip code:

    1. Go to the Zip Code > Add Zip Code.

    2. Enter the Zip Code and select a Zone Name to map the zip code.

    3. Enter a State corresponding to the zip code. It is a mandatory field.

    4. Turn Block Status of zip code to On or Off. This allows to block and unblock a zip code.

    5. Select the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time to define a duration of zip code to block or unblock.

    6. Click Save under the Action tab.

    Import a Zip Code

    To import the Zip code:

    1. Go to the Zip Code > Import Zip Code.

    2. Click Choose File and select a zip code file.

    3. Select the appropriate values from the dropdown list for mapping. Map the Zip Code, Zone Name, and State.


      State is a mandatory field. The state mentioned in the file must be available in the system to map the field correctly.

    4. Click Import.

    Import Zip Code to Block or Unblock

    To import the Zip codes file to block or unblock:

    1. Go to Zip Code > Block/Unblock.

    2. Select the file type from Block or Unblock.

    3. Click Choose File and select a zip code file.

    4. Select the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time for zip code to be blocked or unlocked.

    5. All the fields in your text file are displayed in the dropdown list in the Field Mapping Section. Select the field in your upload file that corresponds to the Area Code. Select a zip code from the dropdown list for mapping.

    6. Click Import.

    Edit Area Code or Zip Code

    To edit Area Code or Zip Code:

    1. Select an Area Code or Zip Code and click Edit under Action tab.

    2. Update the details. Turn the Block Status switch ON to block the area code or zip code.

    3. Click Save.




    Zip Code

    It is a postal code consisting of five or nine digits.


    It is the state name.

    Block Status

    It defines if an area or zip code is blocked or unblocked.

    Start Date/Time

    Start date and time for an area code or a zip code to be blocked or unblock.

    End Date/Time

    End date and time for an area code or a zip code to be blocked or unblock.


    It allows to edit or delete an area code or a zip code.

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