Tethered Model - Disconnect Flow
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    Tethered Model - Disconnect Flow

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    Article summary


    This is applicable from V4.2.1.2307 release.

    To download the Contact Flows, click here.

    The Contact Flow must be imported in the following order:

    S No

    Contact flow name

    Contact Flow Type

    No of Lambda function ARN needs to modify

    Name of the Lambda function to add in contact flow












    AEC Agent Flow MAB

    Contact flow




    AEC Empty Agent Whisper Flow

    Agent Whisper




    AEC Empty Customer Whisper Flow

    Customer Whisper




    AEC Empty Queue Flow

    Customer Queue




    AEC Master CPA Flow MAB

    Contact flow



    Perform the following steps to import contact flow:

    1. Log in to AWS account.

    2. Go to the Routing and import the contact flows and modules from Amazon Connect:

      User must import the CallSummaryAttributes and StopMediaStreaming module and map in the AEC Master CPA Flow.

    3. Click Create contact flow.

    4. Select the required contact flow and click Import flow. Following is the sample of a contact flow designer.

    5. In the AEC Master CPA Flow MAB, map the CallSummaryAttributes and StopMediaStreaming modules.

    6. In the AEC Master CPA Flow MAB, find the lambda function. Click to see the function ARN name.

    7. Select a lambda function from the dropdown and click Save.

    8. Click Save and Publish. If you do not get a confirmation that the contact flow was saved successfully, look for a symbol near the node. Click symbol to see the error details and take appropriate actions to clear the same.

    9. After you have imported the contact flows, save the Phone Number to the AEC Master CPA Flow MAB.

    10. Go to Routing > Phone Number > Edit Phone number.

    11. From the Contact flow / IVR dropdown, select AEC Master CPA flow.

    12. Click Save.

    Configure Amazon Event Bridge


    This is required only of you have configured the Agent State to Initiate Tethered Call with one of the options presented. If you are not configured this field, ignore this section. The Agent State to Initiate Tethered Call can be found in the System > Dialer Configuration page.

    Configure the Event Bridge to receive the real-time events. Perform the following steps:

    1. Go to the Amazon Event Bridge from the logged-in AWS Console page.

    2. Select Rules from the left pane.

    3. Enter the rule Name as AECTetheredAgentStateUpdate.

    4. Ensure the Enable the rule on the selected event bus is selected.

    5. Select Rule with an event pattern as Rule type.

    6. Click Next.

    7. Select the Event Source as AWS events or EventBridge partner events.

    8. Go to the Event pattern section in the Creation method. Enter the Event pattern JSON string as detailed:

      "source": [
      "detail-type": [
      "Amazon Connect Contact Event"
      "resources": ["<Amazon Connect Instance ARN need to be filled>"],
      "detail": {
      "initiationMethod": ["INBOUND"],
      "eventType": ["QUEUED"],
      "channel": ["VOICE"]
    9. Click Next.

    10. In the Target 1, enter the following:

      1. Select Target type as AWS service.

      2. Select Lambda from the Select a target dropdown list.

      3. Select AECTetheredAgentStateUpdate from the Function dropdown list. Create a New Connection.

      4. Expand the Additional Settings.

    11. In the Retry policy, enter the Maximum age of event as 00 hour(s) 2 minute(s) 00 second(s).

    12. Set the Retry attempts as 3.

    13. Click Skip to Review and Create.

    14. Leave other fields as it is.

    15. Click Create rule to complete the process.

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