Trend Operators
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    Trend Operators

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    Article summary

    Trend operators enable you to Segment records based on recurring periods, such as days of the week, weeks, months, quarters, or years, allowing for flexible pattern tracking over time. They facilitate data trend analysis by matching specific intervals, like "Q1" or "Friday," across multiple periods. The Trend operator includes additional criteria and period options to refine your data conditions further.

    The following table describes the different trend operators:

    Trend Operator


    On or After

    Matches records where the specified period (day of the week, week, month, quarter, or year) occurs on or after the chosen value. For example, if you select "Week 20," it will include records from Week 20 onward.

    On or Before

    Matches records where the specified period occurs on or before the chosen value. For example, if you select "March," it will include records from January to March.


    Matches records where the specified period occurs after the chosen value. For example, if you select "Q2," it will include records from Q3 and beyond.


    Matches records where the specified period occurs before the chosen value. For example, if you select "Friday," it will include records from Sunday to Thursday.


    Matches records where the specified period exactly matches the chosen value. For example, if you select "2023," it will include records only from the year 2023.

    The time period options that can be selected for the trend operators are:

    • Days of the week (Sunday to Friday)

    • Week 1 to Week 51

    • Months of the year

    • Quarters

    • Years (2000 to 2024)

    To understand these, here is a table that describes the mentioned time period options.

    Period Option


    Reference Dates

    Days of the week (Sunday to Friday)

    Indicates specific days within the week to define conditions.

    For instance, "Monday" refers to any Monday; if today is 09/10/2024 (Tuesday), the next Monday is 09/16/2024.

    Week 1 – 51

    Refers to the numbered weeks of the year, starting with Week 1 as the first week of January and ending around late December.

    Week 1: First week of January. Week 51: Last week December.


    In 2024, Week 1 starts on January 1, 2024 (Monday), and ends on January 7, 2024 (Sunday).

    In 2025, Week 1 starts on January 1, 2025 (Wednesday), and ends on January 5, 2025 (Sunday).

    Similarly, Week 51 in 2024 begins on December 16, 2024 (Monday), and ends on December 22, 2024 (Sunday).

    Months of the year

    Denotes any of the 12 calendar months from January to December.

    For example, October refers to the period from October 1 through October 31, and March refers to March 1 through March 31.


    Divides the year into four three-month periods: Q1 (Jan-Mar), Q2 (Apr-Jun), Q3 (Jul-Sep), Q4 (Oct-Dec).

    For example, in the year 2024, Q1 refers to January 1 through March 31, 2024.

    Q3 refers to July 1 through September 30, 2024.

    Years (2000 to 2024)

    Represents any full calendar year from 2000 through 2024.

    Year 2020 refers to 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2020. Year 2024: 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2024.

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