Twilio Flex
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    Twilio Flex

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    Article summary

    Every Group or workflow on Twilio Flex is represented as a Campaign group in the Campaign Manager. You can create multiple campaigns in the Campaign Manager and attach them to any Twilio Flex workflow. Campaign Manager campaigns can be considered sub-campaigns or extensions of the  Twilio Flex workflow or campaign groups in Campaign Manager.

    The campaigns mapped to the group are listed with their defined Deliverable Percentages. The Deliverable Percentage represents the proportion of contacts delivered to each campaign, helping to prioritize which campaign dials contacts and achieve optimal campaign balancing.

    You can set the deliverable percentage for campaigns, such as 75 percent for one campaign and 25 percent for another. A campaign with a 75 percent deliverable receives more contacts to dial. If two campaigns are set at 100 percent deliverable, the first listed campaign receives contacts first. Once the first campaign has exhausted its contacts, the second campaign begins dialing. You can change the campaign sequence by dragging and dropping them to reorder.

    Create a Campaign Group

    You can create the following campaign groups:

    Configure Campaign Group

    After you complete the Dialer Configuration and synchronized the dialer with the Campaign Manager application, all the campaign groups are listed in the Group page.

    1. Click a Group to configure the group for any Pacing Mode.

    2. The configurable elements of the group vary according to the pacing modes. The following pacing modes are available in the application:

      1. Predictive Pacing Mode

      2. Progressive IVR Pacing Mode

      3. Preview Pacing Mode

      4. Progressive Pacing Mode

    3. You can change the pacing Mode only if the group is in the Stopped state.





    Allow you to view Group and their mapped campaigns.

    Campaign Group

    Queue name given on the Amazon Connect application, or while creating on Campaign Manager using the API.

    Pacing Mode

    Pacing mode of the campaign group.

    Group Type

    This indicates if the group is synchronized from the Amazon Connect application or manually created on Campaign Manager.

    Group Status

    This is the group status such as Executing, Stopped, or Disabled.


    Allows to edit a group.

    Use to stop an executing group. Stopping a group means contacts are no longer delivered to campaigns in the group.

    Delete the group. You cannot delete a group (queue) on the Campaign Manager. You can delete only groups that you have manually created on Campaign Manager.

    Initial Number of Contacts

    Initial Number of Contacts is the number of contacts you intend sending to the dialer initially. Use the slider to set a number. The Initial feed corresponds to each campaign as to how many records need to be supplied to the dialer when the campaign starts for the first time or during the start of each business day.

    Increment By

    Increment By is the percentage by which you intend increasing the contact delivery to the dialer. You might want to increase this because the dialer is dialing out calls at a rate faster than expected and is running out of contacts.

    Increment is necessitated when the dialing rate is high and there are just a few residual records present in the dialer. The percentage increment is applied on the initial feed parameter set.

    Decrement By

    Decrement By is the percentage by which you intend decreasing the contact delivery to the dialer, because the dialer has enough contacts. You might want to decrease this because the dialer is dialing out calls at a rate slower than expected and is accumulating contacts to be dialed out.

    Decrement is required when the dialer is dialing at a slower speed either due to improved connect rates, non-availability of agents, increased Talk Time, or other factors. If the number of residual records is more in the dialer the system automatically reduces the volume of records being supplied to the dialer and decrements the record count based on the percentage factor specified.

    Upper Threshold

    Upper Threshold is the upper limit as a multiple of Initial Number of Contacts that can be delivered to the dialer. This allows the user to control the delivery of contacts factoring the residual contacts and avoid flooding beyond the upper threshold.

    If we allow too much of residual records in the dialer then the new selection strategy would take time to percolate. The best practice is to keep to this value is in the range of 200%

    Iteration Interval

    Iteration Interval is the wait time, between iterations, in seconds. The delivery engine uses this configuration after delivering contacts to the dialer, before commencing the next delivery iteration. The default value is 240 seconds.

    Auto Balancing

    automatically distributes the contacts from the uploaded file, as far as possible, equally to all campaigns mapped to this group.

    Time Zone

    Go to the Time Zone section. All the time zones selected in the application in Time Zones are displayed. Select the checkboxes for the Time zone and the callable window time for each time zone (optional configuration) which overrides the global Time zone selection).

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