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    Article summary

    Users can configure UJET dialer to your Campaign Manager application via API. Click Dialer Configuration from the System Menu.


    Complete the process of Acqueon Dialer Configuration before proceeding with UJET Configuration.

    Page includes the following:

    • Name: The name of the dialer that the application uses.

    • Description: The description for the dialer.

    • Instance ID: The UJET instance ID that is configured for the application.

    • Dialer: The selected Acqueon Dialer for the UJET configuration.

    • Sync Status: The Sync Status indicates the status of the sync process with the UJET instance.

    • Enable: The switch to Enable a dialer as active or turn off as inactive.

    • Actions: The Actions button to edit and delete configurations.

    To add a new configuration, click Add UJET Configuration in the bottom right corner of the listing page.

    Basic Configuration

    The Basic Configuration tab appears with the following details.

    1. Enter the Name of the dialer.


      The name cannot be longer than eight characters while adding a dialer name.

    2. Enter the Description for the dialer.

    3. Select the Acqueon Dialer from the dropdown list.

    4. Enter the URL obtained from the UJET to access the application.

    5. Enter the Key obtained from the UJET to access the application.

    6. Enter the Code. This is the password obtained from the UJET to access the application.

    7. Click SAVE AND SYNC to synchronize the dialer with the Campaign Manager application.



    • This tab is not active if the mapped UJET instance is disabled.

    • When you create a Queue on the UJET system, ensure that the name is no longer than 55 characters.

    • The Queue Name and Queue ID of UJET are concatenated to derive the Campaign Manager Queue name.

    All the Queues on the UJET system mapped to this dialer appears. The page includes the following details:

    • The Campaigns that these queues are associated to are also shown.


      If you rename any queue on the UJET application, the contacts uploaded to the old queue name are not assigned to the new queue automatically. Create a new Campaign and upload them to the new queue.

    • Expand the Campaign dropdown list to see the campaigns associated to any specific queue.

    • Select checkboxes for the Queues to map to this instance of Dialer Configuration. You can select multiple queues; to select all queues, select the Select All checkbox in the grid header row. When you select one or more Queues to map to this dialer and synchronize the Campaign Manager  application with the dialer, the Queues appear as Campaign Groups. These campaign groups are created with the Predictive Pacing Mode and all the default settings associated with the Predictive pacing Mode. You have to manually change the pacing mode and other associated settings as required.

    Automatic Number Identification (ANI)

    The ANI tab lists the ANIs (Outbound Caller IDs) that are configured for the dialer. These are the numbers that show up on the customers’ phones as the call origination number.

    To add a new ANI, click the ADD button. Complete the following details:

    1. Enter a Name.

    2. Enter a Description.

    3. Enter the ANI.

    4. Click Save.


    • Name: The configured name that goes out to the customer along with the call or the message.

    • Description: A description for the ANI.

    • ANI: The ANI or the Outbound Caller ID that goes out to the customer.

    • Groups: The respective Group that the ANI is mapped. Expand the dropdown to view the associated groups.

    • Actions: The Actions button to edit and delete ANI.

    Acqueon Dialer Configuration

    The Acqueon Dialer Configuration tab allows you to configure the Acqueon Dialer.

    To add a new dialer, click Add Acqueon Dialer Configuration placed at the bottom right corner of the listing page.

    1. Enter a provider Name.


      The name cannot be longer than 64 characters.

    2. Enter the Dialer URL. This is the application API URL (FQDN, Fully Qualified Domain Name) that the Amazon Connect accesses to invoke the APIs to provide CPaaS services.

    3. Enter the API Key provided by the CPaaS provider. This is the unique Amazon Connect user information to access the CPaaS provider API service.

    4. Enter the Secret Key. This is the password to access the CPaaS provider API services.

    5. Enter the Gateway URL. This is the URL for the Amazon Connect application to access the Acqueon dialer.

    6. Click Save.


    • Name: The name of the configured dialer.

    • Dialer URL: The Acqueon dialer URL that is configured for dialing purpose.

    • Gateway URL: The Gateway URL for the Acqueon dialer.

    • Actions: The Actions button to edit and delete configurations.

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