Upgrade to Flex UI 2.0
- DarkLight
Upgrade to Flex UI 2.0
- DarkLight
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Perform the following steps to integrate the Campaign Manager with the Twilio Flex UI 2.0 from the existing 1.30.x.
Log in to the Twilio Flex and go to the Twilio Flex admin page.
Click Manage to open the Version.
Click Select.
Click Confirm to upgrade from version 1.30.x to 2.1.0.
To roll back to the previous version, click Revert to 1.30.x button. Following is the the Workspace view after the upgrade of Twilio Flex UI to the 2.1.0 version.
Upgrade the Twilio Flex CLI to the latest version, using the following command:
npm install -g twilio-cli@latest
Upgrade the Flex Plug-ins CLI using the following command:
twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-flex
See Twilio Flex CLI Plug-in to re-deploy the plug-ins.
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