Upload Contacts Profile Type
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    Upload Contacts Profile Type

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    Article summary

    If the profile type is Upload Contact:

    Import File

    1. Select the Source Type from Formatted File, Database Table, Database View, or Salesforce CRM.


      Formatted File - The contacts are available in a formatted file with various fields separated by a separator. For example, pipe (|), tilde (~), and so on can be field separators, as can be a comma-separated file. You can place these files on a local disk, a shared path, an Amazon S3 bucket, or Simple Storage Service.

    2. If the source type is Formatted File,

      1. Select file type from Text/CSV or Others.

      2. Select a Delimiter.

      3. Click Choose File to Import.

      4. If a file type is Others, select an appropriate format - Fixed Width (formatted text files without headers) or JSON(default option).


        If the application is in a localized language other than English, save the contact file placed for upload in UTF-8 encoding.

    3. If the source type is Database Table or Database View:


      You must not use Campaign Manager database details for uploading contacts through the database

      1. Enter the Server Name, Database Name, User Name, Password, and View Name.

      2. Click Connect.

      3. Currently the application supports uploads only from an SQL database. Uploading contacts through database table or view can be scheduled only once in a day at the time configured in the field Profile Execution Time.

    4. If the source type is Salesforce CRM,

      1. Enter a SF Campaign Name. All the campaigns created by the logged-in user on the Salesforce CRM are populated here. Select one from the dropdown list. If the logged-in user is an administrator, all the campaigns created on the Salesforce CRM are populated.

      2. Enter a SF Member Status. The contacts (members) on the Salesforce CRM are associated with various statuses like Sent, Uploaded, Responded, Error, and so on. These statuses are shown here as check-boxes. Select the member statuses that you want imported to the campaign. You are allowed to select multiple member statuses.

      3. Select a Delimiter from the dropdown.

    Fixed Width

    This option is applicable only if selected file format is Others.

    1. Select the intended TXT file. The Fixed Width section appears.

    2. The first row of data from the file is displayed on a character scale. It allows you to delimit the columns and define the headers for each of them.

    3. Click on the places along the data row to mark the limits for each column. A maximum of 128 characters is permissible per column.

    4. The first established column is named as Column 1 and the consecutive columns are numbered accordingly. The character range is also specified for each column. The range for the first column starts from 1. The end point of a column is the starting point of the next.

    5. Define the header for each column in the appropriate text box.


      Only TXT files without headers are suggested for upload. If a TXT file with a header is uploaded, the header is treated as a record. Any header mismatch is not reported in Global Upload history. They can be availed from the Error Log folder under Global Upload path.

    6. To delete a column, click Remove alongside the column and confirm on the Delete Confirmation pop-up that appears. The last column cannot be deleted.

    7. Click the APPLY button to save the changes. Once applied, the changes cannot be reverted. The column headers are now populated for data mapping in the subsequent fields. Navigate to the Field Mapping section to map the headers to the fields.

    Field Mapping

    1. Select the Priority for the contact.

    2. Select the appropriate ZoneName value from the dropdown list. This displays the configured business parameters. Map the time zone for the contacts to ensure dialing is performed based on the customer’s time zone.

    3. Enable the Area Code and enter its Start and Length. Select a Start from the number panel. This is the first character from where the area code starts. Select a Length from the number panel. This is the number of characters in your area code from the Start.

    4. Enable the Zip Code and enter its Start and Length. Select a Start from the number panel. This is the first character from where the zip code starts. Select a Length from the number panel. This is the number of characters in your zip code from the Start.


      Select a Start from the number panel. This is the first character from where the zip code starts. For example, if your zip code data contains 10 digits and the zip code commences in the second digit, select 1 from the number panel.

    5. Select the value for Zip Code from the dropdown list.

    6. Select the value for State Name from the dropdown list.

    7. Select appropriate values for Contact Moment, Moment DateTime Format, Lead Score, Agent ID, Additional Zip code, and Device ID from the respective dropdown lists.


      1. It is not mandatory to enter an additional zip code. Where an additional zip code has not been entered, the primary zip code applies.

      2. When an invalid zip code is entered for a contact, the application picks up the default zip code value from the Contact Uploader component’s web.config file, if enabled. If a default zip code is not enabled, the - contact is not dialed out.

      3. When an invalid zip code is entered for a mode, the specific mode is rendered invalid and is not dialed out.

    Mode Mapping

    This section displays all the modes configured for the campaign.

    1. Select the appropriate value from Field dropdown list for each mode.

    2. Select an applicable Zip Code for the mode from the uploaded list. Complete mapping for all displayed modes. This mapping is used to determine the contact Time Zone for dialing.

    Business Field

    Business Field displays fields defined for the campaign.

    1. The fields forming part of the contact upload file are displayed in the Value dropdown list. Map each business field to a value in the contact field.


      If you are creating a profile to upload contacts from a Salesforce CRM campaign, the CRM business fields are listed for mapping.

    2. The Optional Business Field section lists down all the fields forming part of contact file. Select checkboxes for the fields that needs to be treated as optional business fields for this campaign.


      The optional business fields mapped here appear as screen pop data on the Agent Workspace.

    Message Mapping

    The Message Mapping section allows you to map mailing fields and SMS fields.

    1. In the Mailing Fields section, select the Subject, CC, BCC, Body, and Attachment from Mailing from the respective dropdown lists.

    2. In the SMS Fields section, select the Message from the dropdown list.


    The Configuration section allows you to make contact-related upload configurations.

    1. Select the Upload Level - Campaign or List.

    2. Define Time to Live for the list. Time to Live is the validity period for this list of uploaded contacts to be eligible for dialing.

    3. Select a Start Date for Time to Live. The Time to Live is calculated by the number of days given in the corresponding field in the mapped campaign.

    4. Select the Operation type from Overwrite or Append/Update.

    5. Enable Append or Duplicate Filter or Update option based on the action to be performed.

      1. The Duplicate Filter ensures duplicate contacts are not uploaded. This is determined based on the Business Fields you want the system to monitor for duplicates. From the Filter section, select one or both Business Field 1 / Business Field 2 from the respective dropdown lists.


    Configure the compliance requirements in this section.

    1. Enable the NDNC Filter checkbox to ensure that the contacts marked as National Do Not Call are not uploaded.

    2. Enable the DNC Filter checkbox to ensure that the contacts marked as Do Not Call are not uploaded. Select a Type of the field on which DNC filter needs to be applied - available options are Phone Number or Business Fields.

    3. The Litigator feature allows the administrator to perform compliance checks during data upload. It ensures that legal requirements are met when uploading and delivering contacts. Select this checkbox to perform the Litigator check.



    This section is applicable only if you upload contacts from Salesforce CRM.

    1. Select the days of the week on which Salesforce CRM contacts are uploaded to Campaign Manager. User can select a day, multiple days, or All Days.

    2. Use the number panel to select the Interval (Min) for the application to look for the Salesforce CRM contact file.

    3. Select the Time Slot button to specify the time. The application searches for the Salesforce CRM contact file at the specified time. Enter or select a maximum of three time slots.

    4. Click SAVE PROFILE.

    Placing Contact Files in Amazon S3

    This section contains instruction on how place your contact files in an Amazon S3 bucket.

    1. The Profile Path field fetches the Amazon S3 Bucket folder path from the LCMConsole component’s web.config app settings. Contacts are picked from the file placed in this location.

    2. You can configure your Amazon S3 Bucket folder path in the app settings section of the LCMConsole component’s web.config file as follows:

      <add key="S3BucketFolderNamePath" value="<Path>"/>
    3. The application needs authenticated access to the contact files in S3. To provide this access, navigate to the <Application Install Folder>\Application\LCMContactsUploader folder and open the configuration file with a suitable editor. Search for the following property.

      <FileLibrary StorageType="AmazonS3" ClearExternalFiles="false">
      <add key="AwsAccessKeyId" value=""/>
      <add key="AwsSecretKeyId" value=""/>
      <add key="AmazonRegionEndPoint" value=""/>
    4. Enter the values for AwsAccessKeyId, AwsSecretKeyId, and AmazonRegionEndPoint properties. Save the changes and exit.

    5. Go to <Application Install Folder>\Application\LCMService and enter values for the same properties in the configuration file for Campaign ManagerService. Save the changes and exit.

    Update a Profile

    1. Select a profile, click the Profile Action icon.

    2. Click Edit to update profile parameter.

    3. Click Save Profile.

    Activate a Profile

    1. Select a profile, click the Profile Action icon.

    2. Click Start to activate a profile and select Stop to deactivate a profile.

    Copy and Create a New Profile

    1. Select a profile, click the Profile Action icon.

    2. Click Copy and enter a Profile Name.

    3. Update the Campaign Id and click Continue.

    4. Update the applicable parameters and click Save Profile.

    Delete a Profile

    1. Select a profile, click the Profile Action icon.

    2. Click Delete to remove a profile.

    3. Click Ok on the confirmation pop up.

    Formatted File

    Ensure that the application has authorized access to the folder local or network where you place the files for upload. It is recommended that the Profile/Auto Upload file name must be FILENAME.PROFILENAME.txt or PROFILENAME.TXT.

    Example, if external resources place the file Data.profile1.txt into the C:\ComplianceProfilePath directory, it validates the file name to finding out the related profile (removes the extension of the file; splits with dot value and gets rightmost item). Since this file name available as a profile1, it chooses the Profile1 template and processes the records. If your contact file contains Optional Business Fields, file headers for these fields should not contain any special characters anywhere. Also ensure that the file header for these fields do not begin with a number.

    The following fields are reserved fields and should not be used as headers in the file containing contacts for upload:



    • FTimeZone

    • FPriority

    • FValidModes

    • FContactID

    • FCallStartDate

    • FCallStartTime

    • FCallEndDate

    • FCallEndTime

    • FZipCode

    • FEmailCC

    • FEmailBCC

    • FEmailSubject

    • FEmailMessage

    • FEmailAttachment

    • FSMSText

    • FState

    • FAreaCode

    • FLineOrRowNumber

    • FAgentId

    • BussFld1 to BussFld26 (26 reserved fields)

    • Mode1……anynumber

    • Mode(anynumber)_Zipcode

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    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence