- DarkLight
Upload Error
- DarkLight
Source Table | Column Name | Display Name | Data Type | Description | Platform |
RPT_Error | ERRORID | ERRORID | bigint (null) | The auto-generated Error ID for this error. | All |
RPT_Error | ERRORTYPE | ERRORTYPE | nvarchar (32) (null) | The type of error that is thrown by the application. The following values are displayed:
| All |
RPT_Error | DESCRIPTION | DESCRIPTION | nvarchar (255) (null) | The description for the error. | All |
RPT_Error | ERRORTIME | ERRORTIME | datetime (null) | The date and time the error was reported by the application. | All |
RPT_Error | ERRORRECORD | ERRORRECORD | text (null) | The Error Record – a detail of the error as in the log. | All |
RPT_Error | UPLOADERTYPE | UPLOADERTYPE | char (1) (null) | The uploader that reported this error – Contact, Global, Scrub, Compliance etc. are some uploader types. The following values are displayed:
| All |
RPT_Error | CAMPAIGNID | CAMPAIGNID | nvarchar (64) (null) | The Campaign ID that reported this error. | All |
RPT_Error | LISTID | LISTID | int (null) | The List ID to which the error pertains to. | All |
RPT_Error | FILEID | FILEID | int (null) | The file ID (if uploading via a file) to which this error pertains to. | All |
RPT_Error | FILENAME | FILENAME | nvarchar (1000) (null) | The file name of the upload file that originated this error. | All |
RPT_Error | RESERVEDFIELD1 | RESERVEDFIELD1 | nvarchar (128) (null) | For future use. | All |
RPT_Error | RESERVEDFIELD2 | RESERVEDFIELD2 | nvarchar (128) (null) | For future use. | All |
RPT_Error | RESERVEDFIELD3 | RESERVEDFIELD3 | nvarchar (128) (null) | For future use. | All |
RPT_Error | RESERVEDFIELD4 | RESERVEDFIELD4 | nvarchar (128) (null) | For future use. | All |
RPT_Error | RESERVEDFIELD5 | RESERVEDFIELD5 | nvarchar (128) (null) | For future use. | All |
RPT_Error | TenantID | TenantID | int (null) | The Tenant ID auto-generated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
RPT_Error | SubTenantID | SubTenantID | int (null) | The Sub Tenant ID autogenerated by the application when a new tenant is created. | All |
Error Code Details
Error Type | Description | Is Contact Uploaded/Blocked? |
Bad | Invalid Number | Contact allowed to upload if the other mode is valid. |
Invalid | Invalid Email address | Contact allowed to upload if the other mode is valid. |
Mismatch | Header mismatch | Blocked |
Area Code | Time zone not available for area code | Contact allowed to upload. |
Priority | Invalid priority | Blocked |
Contact Moment | Date Time format is invalid | Blocked |
BussFldValidation | Business Field validation fails | Blocked |
Time Zone | Invalid Time Zone | Blocked |
Invalid State | Invalid State name | Blocked |
DNC | Business Field marked as DNC | Blocked |
DNC | Contact marked as DNC | Blocked |
DNC | Mode marked as DNC | Mode blocked |
NDNC | Contact marked as NDNC | Blocked |
NDNC | Mode marked as NDNC | Mode blocked |
Duplicate | Duplicate in file | Blocked |
Time Zone | Invalid Zip Code and Time Zone | Blocked |
Contact Failed | If all the modes are invalid | Blocked |
Area Code | Invalid Area code | Contact allowed to upload if the other mode is valid. |
Area Code | Contact Failed due to Invalid Area Codes | Blocked |
Mode Failed | Contact Failed due to Invalid Area Code and Invalid Number | Blocked |
InvalidMailCC | Invalid Mail CC | Contact allowed to upload if the other mail address is valid. |
InvalidMailBCC | Invalid Mail BCC | Contact allowed to upload if the other mail address is valid. |
LeadScore | Invalid Lead Score | Blocked |
Zip Code | Contact failed due to an invalid or missing zip code. | Blocked |
Litigation | Contact flagged due to litigation-related restrictions or compliance issues. | Blocked |
Failed in BTTC | Contact failed during the BTTC validation. | Blocked |
ComplianceDNCScrub | Contact failed the compliance check for the Do Not Call (DNC) scrub. | Blocked |
Bad CPT | Contact failed due to a invalid CPT | Blocked |
Bad PEWC | Contact failed due to a bad PEWC | Blocked |
The error record is removed by the archive and purge process. The retention period is configurable.