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Use Case - Field Mapping
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Scenario: ABC Contact Center aims to synchronize customer details across Salesforce and Data Cloud. This requires meticulous mapping of customer information between integrated systems. By mapping fields, ABC ensures seamless alignment and association of data, fostering a unified customer profile for comprehensive insights and personalized experiences.
To create a unified profile with the required fields, ABC must map the relevant fields in Data Cloud with its CRM objects making use of the unique identifiers.
To align the CRM details with the fields in Data Cloud, follow these steps:
Click Sources.
On the Salesforce Source that has been created, click Map Attributes.
The Field Mapping page is displayed with the following details:
Entities - In Acqueon Data Cloud, an entity is a core data structure representing key components like customer profiles or interactions. Displays all the entities.
Attribute– An attribute in Acqueon Data Cloud is a specific piece of information or property that defines the characteristics of an entity. This column displays the attribute associated with the entity.
Salesforce Objects – The broader spectrum of customer data organized and stored in Salesforce.
Object Fields – Specific bands of information associated with every broad CRM Object.
Each source can only be mapped to one Data Cloud Entity and one CRM object. For example, if you map the Case entity to the Contact CRM object, you can only map these two. To map a different CRM object, you must create a new source.
Mandatory ID Field Mapping in Sources: If you want to write back the data to the same object record, while you map fields with objects in sources, it is mandatory to map the Record ID field for each object. This is required to identify the record from which the data was ingested and write back data to the same record.
The Interaction Entity is not displayed under Entities as it cannot be mapped with any Salesforce Object fields.
You cannot delete mapped attributes if the same CRM object is also set up in any Destination Mapping for updating existing records
For accurate source mapping, you can create custom profile fields for each object mapped with the respective object’s Record ID field.
An object in a CRM application like Salesforce is a virtual container that stores information related to a particular aspect of your business in an organized manner. For example, a Customer object in a CRM tool may contain details like customer names, contact information, and purchase history. Each object has its own set of fields (like columns in a spreadsheet) that specify the kind of information it can store.
Select the required Profile Field from the list of Data Clouds Fields. For example, select First Name.
Now, select the required Salesforce Object and Object Field. Let’s take Account and Account ID respectively.
Click Map.
The mapping process is now complete.
Following these steps, ABC can continue to map as many fields as required. It is important to understand the role of Unique Identifiers while mapping fields.
View Mappings
To view the fields that are mapped, click Map Fields on the required source.
The Mapped Fields tab displays the list of mappings you created. To remove a mapping, click the checkbox against the mapping, and then click Remove Selected. Click Save to save your changes. You can map fields in the Field Mapping tab, and apply field filters in the Field Filtering tab.