User Roles and Rights
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    User Roles and Rights

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    Article summary

    Add a User

    In the navigation pane, right-click Users, and select Add User.



    First Name

    First name of the user

    Last Name

    Last name of the user

    Full Name

    Automatically populated from First Name and Last Name fields.


    Number automatically assigned the first time that you save the user’s properties. You can change the number to any unique four digits.

    Phone Number

    This field is no longer used.

    Email Address

    Email address required for voicemail notification and announcement.

    User Name

    Login ID for the VCC. User names are case sensitive and must be unique across all Five9 domains. To ensure a unique user name, use the email address, which is populated when you type the email address. You can also use a different format, such as

    <first name last name> or <first initial last name>. Do not use these characters: ' * \ ' ~ & % # , ! I () ^ / \ < > : ; ? [ ] { } + = and any non-Latin symbols.


    Default password populated when you type the email address.

    Start date

    Start date field is used in reporting to enable analysis of agent performance.

    Apply User Profile

    Optional user profile. If you assign a predefined profile, the roles and skills for this user are taken from the user profile properties.

    User Time Zone

    Date and time fields displayed to users. You may choose a time zone or let the system detect the user’s time zone.

    Federation ID

    User name or ID used for single sign-on.

    Agent DID

    DNIS assigned directly to an agent. Any unassigned DNIS may be assigned to an agent. Calls to this DNIS are treated as agent-to-agent calls.


    If your domain is enabled for multiple languages, you can change the language displayed in the user applications to any language supported in your domain. This value overrides the value selected by the agent. The Administrator, Supervisor, and Reporting roles can override the default locale.

    User is Active

    Enables users to log into Five9 applications. Inactive users appear in reports. Deleted users appear in some reporting data as [Deleted].

    User Can Change Password

    Enables the user to change the password. Overwrites your domain setting (Configure > Password Policies > Users Can Request New Password on Login Page). Enabled by default. Without this permission, users cannot see the Security Settings tab in My Settings and are not prompted to select or update their security questions when they log in.

    User Must Change Password on Next Login

    If the previous option is enabled, you can force the user to change the password at the next login. Enabled by default.

    User Can Access

    Billing Tab

    Whether users can see the Billing tab after logging into the Five9 account.

    Assigning User Roles and Permissions

    The roles assigned to users determine which Five9 applications they can access. Each user must have at least one role. Agent is the default role. you need to define the permissions for the tasks each user is allowed to perform in the assigned role.

    Agent Permissions

    Administrator must not check the following options: The agent must not be given any privileges to create a new outcome.

    • User can add numbers to DNC List

    • User can manually dial numbers in the DNC list

    • User can select system disposition named Recycle

    • User can skip contact records in Preview Dialing mode

    Administrator Permissions



    User can access Java VCC Administrator application

    Can access Administrator application. Users will see the link

    for only the selected client in the Five9 Portal.

    User can use Administrator Services

    Can run Configuration Web Services API requests.

    All administrators permissions (User can edit other administrator users)

    Full access to all roles, permissions, and users in the administrator application.

    Limited Permissions

    User Can Access VCC configuration, and can set default ANI

    • Can change the VCC Configuration (Actions > Configure) and the domain's default ANI from the Actions menu

    • Can edit the trusted IP ranges in the VCC configuration.

    • Can edit the list of recipients of maintenance notifications that apply to the domain.

    User can manage users, except administrator users

    • Depending on the permissions selected below, can see and edit users, user profiles, and skill and agent groups.

    • Users and user profiles - Can see and edit other users (except other administrators) and user profiles.

    • Skills - Can see and edit the Skills folder.

    • Agent groups - Can see and edit the Agent Groups folder.

    User can manage campaigns

    • Can edit campaign properties and perform other campaign-related actions, according to the permissions below.

    • Start and stop campaigns - Can start, stop, and force stop campaigns.

    • Reset, update, and schedule updates for dispositions - Can manage dispositions in campaigns.

    • Reset campaigns - Can reset campaigns.

    • Reset list position - Can reset the list position.

    • Edit, create, and delete campaigns - Can add, delete, and edit campaign properties.

    • Edit email list for maintenance notifications - Can edit the list of recipients of maintenance notifications that apply to campaigns.

    User can manage lists, contact records, and DNC list

    • Can manage contact record, depending on the permissions below.

    • Calling lists - Can create and delete dialing lists and perform list-related actions, such as updating lists.

    • Contact records - Can manage contacts and perform related actions, such as updating contact records.

    • DNC list - Can add numbers to and remove numbers from the Do Not Call list and check the DNC list for numbers.

    User can edit IVR scripts

    Can add, remove, and edit IVR script properties.

    User can edit campaign profiles

    Can add, remove, and edit campaign profiles properties.

    User can edit connectors

    Can add, remove, and edit connector properties.

    User can edit dispositions

    Can add, remove, and edit disposition properties.

    User can edit prompts

    Can add, remove, and edit prompt properties.

    User can edit reason codes

    Can add, remove, and edit reason code properties.

    User can edit workflow rules

    Can add, remove, and edit workflow rules.

    User can edit variables

    Can add, remove, and edit call variable properties and call

    variable groups.

    User can edit export destinations

    Can add, remove, and edit export destinations set at the

    domain configuration or campaign level. Default is enabled.

    Was this article helpful?

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.

    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence