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V 3.13 - 06 Jul 2023
- DarkLight
Acqueon Desktop
New Features and Enhancements
The following table describes the new features and enhancements of this release.
Feature | Description | Platform |
Make and Break Connection | Acqueon Desktop for Amazon Connect now supports Make and Break connection in addition to the existing continuous tethered architecture. The tethered call is automatically placed in the disconnect flow at the end of every call and reconnected again, which now enables the use of Amazon Connect metrics derived from call recording/transcription more accurately. | Amazon Connect |
Multi-party Conference | You can now enable Amazon Connect to allow up to six parties on a call: the agent, the caller, and four more participants. By default, Amazon Connect allows agents to have up to three parties on a call: the agent, and caller, and another participant. This feature applies only to untethered (HVOC) architecture New behavior with multi-party calls:
| Amazon Connect |
Softphone UX Enhancement | A few enhancements have been made to the overall softphone to make it easy for the agents to use. Labels have been introduced for the call controls so that the agents can easily identify each control. The labels can be enabled/disabled for individual layouts and can be useful for new agents being onboarded to the contact center. | Amazon Connect |
New Outbound Widgets for Salesforce OpenCTI | The new Outbound widgets can now be used with Salesforce OpenCTI. The widgets loaded in an AD layout can be embedded inside a Visualforce page in Salesforce to screen pop the customer information. | All platforms |
Agent State Change | This feature automatically sets the status of the agent to ‘Offline’ or to any status you choose when the agent session ends. If you would also like to control this feature based on the current state of the agent, you can add the IfCurrentAgentIs tag to the feature, and assign a comma-separated list of statuses that you would like the feature to execute on. You can also use the SessionEndTimer feature as well - this delays the state change for the desired amount of time. This feature is useful to account for agents with slow internet refreshing their page. When your agents log back in, they can be moved to a pre-defined state. If you would like to control which status to set your agents, you can configure it with SetInitialAgentState setting. | Amazon Connect |
Logging Enhancements | We have now enhanced the logging details which control the level of data to be logged. The administrator can disable the logging of sensitive/customer data. These logs will be masked when the browser logs are downloaded through the softphone. | All platforms |
Enhancements to Preview/Direct Preview calls | The preview timer and the action to be performed on the expiry of the timer are now inherited from the AE configurations. The AD application performs one of the following actions if the agent does not perform any action within the configured time - that is, if the preview times out:
| Amazon Connect |
Microsoft Edge Chromium Support | Acqueon Desktop now supports Microsoft Edge Chromium. For more information about supported browsers, see the Compatibility matrix. | All platforms |
Standalone Workspace for Cisco Enterprise with Outbound Widgets | The standalone Workspace for Cisco Enterprise now supports the Outbound widgets in the new UX. In the last release, we launched the widgets in the new UX for Service Cloud Voice and Amazon standalone desktop. With this extension, agents can use Acqueon’s standalone desktop and widgets if their underlying platform is Cisco CCE/CCX. | Cisco CCE / CCX |
Enhancement to the Teams Gadget in Softphone | Supervisors can now view the Not Ready or Logout reason code to know the exact status of each agent in their team. | Cisco CCE / CCX |
Cisco AD in Acqueon Cloud (AWS) | Automated installation and configuration of Cisco AD in Acqueon Cloud (AWS) using Terraform scripts. | Cisco CCE / CCX |
Amazon Connect
When blending is switched from Outbound to Inbound, agent handles an Inbound call, and then makes a blind transfer through dial pad by dialing a valid number, then “Tethered call failed” message is thrown - 91916
When the conferenced external party is dropped and the agent redials to same external party few times, there are no further events received from AE. The Acqueon Desktop application completely freezes in this scenario - 91474
When agent tries to consult an external party again when there is an active request in place, a web socket error “External consult call already in progress” is shown as error message - 92173
Inbound Calls - Refresh in the ACW state, MCD toggle buttons are disabled and MCD gadget is showing No Active call - 110180
Manual Outbound Call - Refresh in the ACW state, MCD toggle buttons are disabled and MCD gadget is showing No Active call - 110181
Consult call scenario - When customer call is ended with Agent1, Agent1 continues to be on call with Agent2 but gadgets display the message No Active call. Once Agent2 consult call is ended, gadgets retrieve the data for ACW state - 110182
Consult call scenario - When customer call is ended with Agent1, Agent1 continues to be on call with Agent2. MCD gadget customer phone number is vanished from field. Once Agent2 consult call is ended, MCD gadget-Phone number is still not retrieved in the field - 110183
MCD Toggle button label overlaps with gadget’s name when it is set with maximum length in Admin setting - 110184
Non-PEWC refreshes the browser while the call is connected. Softphone widgets as well as gadgets show No active call -110186
Non-PEWC call, control buttons are getting disabled after clicking on Submit and Clear - 110187
For Non-PEWC Call - Privacy compliance gadget is showing No Active call – 110188.
Non-PEWC call - End the call and set the disposition by clicking on Submit. Click the Clear button. MCD toggle button is disabled for Disposition gadget. – 110189.
Service Cloud Voice - In AD’s Salesforce admin, when you configure a Salesforce object (Contact or Account) to be opened during a No match scenario, duplicate screenpop of the same object happens whenever the agent puts the call on hold and retrieves. – 104554.
UCCX 12.0/12.5/11.6 - Queue is not showing/updating the count - 100119
Tab Synchronization - State change is not getting reflected in other tabs - 89128
When an outcome is set, AE data are not retained after refresh; blank tabs are displayed - 101443
Non-PEWC call, AE data is not displayed for an ongoing call - 102022
When an outcome is set, AE data are not retained after refresh; blank tabs are displayed - 101444
When lynx.admin.service is stopped in side A ,switching did not happen to side B - 94039
After refreshing the browser, when the agent mapped with a first call of the pacing mode and clicks on the call info section in agent softphone, the softphone is refreshed - 107022
Open Issues
The following issues are open in this release:
Tethered Model - Amazon
Agents are able to enter alphabets in the contact number dropdown field - 108255
For Non-PEWC calls, the call is in wrap-up state when the agent terminates it. The Submit and Clear buttons in the disposition gadget are not visible once the agent refreshes the browser - 115245
While reviewing the Console Dexie logs for business-related purposes, numerous errors were observed - 114554
For Non-PEWC calls, if the Call Guide gadget is not configured, it should display data that is not available instead of no active call message - 115157
When the agent reopens the DTMF in Horizontal UI, the DTMF values disappear - 115158
When an agent handles the call, and sets the outcome, there are synchronization issues between the gadgets and widgets. Widgets are not reflected by parent business outcome settings made in the disposition gadget - 115159
When an agent handles a non-PEWC call, disconnects, and clears the call without submitting the disposition, the gadgets have cleared the data; the widgets continue to hold the non-PEWC record data. To set a disposition and clear non-PEWC record, a Submit and Clear button should be available - 114988
When an agent handles a consult call in connecting state, the first call's icons are active and usable on the second call - 115268
Untethered Model - Amazon
Agents are able to enter the alphabets in the contact number dropdown field - 108255
When an agent accepts the contact, sets the disposition, and ends the call, the contact is immediately cleared, and the next contact is presented to the agent. Currently, before displaying the new contact details, the previous contact details are displayed for a while - 109097
For Non-PEWC calls, the call is in wrap-up state when the agent terminates it. The Submit and Clear buttons in the disposition gadget are not visible once the agent refreshes the browser - 115245
While reviewing the Console Dexie logs for business-related purposes, numerous errors were observed - 114554
When the agent reopens the DTMF in Horizontal UI, the DTMF values disappear-115158
When an agent handles a non-PEWC call, disconnects, and clears the call without submitting the disposition, the gadgets have cleared the data; the widgets continue to hold the non-PEWC record data. To set a disposition and clear non-PEWC record, a Submit and Clear button should be available - 114988
When an agent handles a multi-party manual outbound and inbound calls, the Privacy Compliance widget displays Agent not logged in instead No active call - 115155
Service Cloud Voice
Customer Journey widget keeps reloading with No active call message in a specific case - 104832
Non-PEWC contacts calls are not showing in the gadget - 108343
Account Executive Mapped contact calls are not delivered to the SCV agents - 108324
For Non-PEWC calls, the call is in wrap-up state when the agent terminates it. The Submit and Clear buttons in the disposition gadget are not visible once the agent refreshes the browser - 115245
While reviewing the Console Dexie logs for business-related purposes, numerous errors were observed - 114572
When an agent handles a manual outbound call and inbound call, consults, and navigates to conference, the Salesforce UI widget title displays Customer Extension instead of Customer Number - 113821
When an agent uses Cisco OpenCTI to conduct a manual outbound or inbound call, the screen pop updates with Consulted Number instead of the Customer Number as it should - 113848
When an agent handles a non-PEWC call, disconnects, and clears the call without submitting the disposition, the gadgets have cleared the data; the widgets continue to hold the non-PEWC record data. To set a disposition and clear non-PEWC record, a Submit and Clear button should be available - 114990
Non-PEWC (Prior Express Written Consent) tab header label is not displayed - 100547