V 3.15.0 - 11 Sep 2023
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    V 3.15.0 - 11 Sep 2023

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    Article summary

    Acqueon Desktop

    New Features and Enhancements

    The following table describes the new features and enhancements of this release.





    Acqueon Desktop for Genesys

    The Acqueon Desktop widgets and EHR Connector can now be used along with Genesys CCaaS Desktop to screen pop the customer information during a call.


    Genesys PureCloud

    Reject and Reschedule

    In addition to the Skip and Close buttons, a Delay button has been included. When an agent selects this option, the call is rejected and rescheduled to be called later. The administrator can also disable the Delay button if it is not needed.


    Amazon Connect

    Enhancement to Call Guide

    Beginning this release, the URL is displayed as a hyperlink in the Call Guide widget. The agent can click the URL and open it in a new browser window.


    All platforms

    Enhancement to Responsive Design

    The responsiveness of the Outbound widgets and EHR Connector has been improved to work with multiple screen sizes and resolutions.


    All platforms


    Amazon Connect

    • When the default inbound agent count is 1 and the agent is placed in the routable state, the inbound call is not patched - 114965

    • At times, the agent does not appear in the list of source agents. (Unable to consult the agent in the tethered model) - 115667

    • In Direct Preview, no business parameters other than LCM key are available in the call variable; in this scenario, the preview is just updating with the LCM key - ACQIN-3314

    Open Issues

    The following issues are open in this release:

    Tethered Model

    • Agents are able to enter alphabets in the contact number dropdown field - 108255

    • For Non-PEWC calls, the call is in wrap-up state when the agent terminates it. The Submit and Clear buttons in the disposition gadget are not visible once the agent refreshes the browser - 115245

    • While reviewing the Console Dexie logs for business-related purposes, numerous errors were observed - 114554

    • For Non-PEWC calls, if the Call Guide gadget is not configured, it should display data that is not available instead of no active call message - 115157

    • When the agent reopens the DTMF in Horizontal UI, the DTMF values disappear - 115158

    • When an agent handles the call, and sets the outcome, there are synchronization issues between the gadgets and widgets. Widgets are not reflected by parent business outcome settings made in the disposition gadget - 115159

    • When an agent handles a non-PEWC call, disconnects, and clears the call without submitting the disposition, the gadgets have cleared the data; the widgets continue to hold the non-PEWC record data. To set a disposition and clear non-PEWC record, a Submit and Clear button should be available - 114988

    • When an agent handles a consult call in connecting state, the first call's icons are active and usable on the second call - 115268

    • In the Outcome gadget, minutes and hours alignment is mismatched for callback - 116615

    • When the browser is refreshed, the Amazon Horizontal and Vertical layouts do not load properly - 116738

    Untethered Model

    • Agents are able to enter the alphabets in the contact number dropdown field - 108255

    • When an agent accepts the contact, sets the disposition, and ends the call, the contact is immediately cleared, and the next contact is presented to the agent. Currently, before displaying the new contact details, the previous contact details are displayed for a while - 109097

    • For Non-PEWC calls, the call is in wrap-up state when the agent terminates it. The Submit and Clear buttons in the disposition gadget are not visible once the agent refreshes the browser - 115245

    • While reviewing the Console Dexie logs for business-related purposes, numerous errors were observed - 114554

    • When the agent reopens the DTMF in Horizontal UI, the DTMF values disappear-115158

    • When an agent handles a non-PEWC call, disconnects, and clears the call without submitting the disposition, the gadgets have cleared the data; the widgets continue to hold the non-PEWC record data. To set a disposition and clear non-PEWC record, a Submit and Clear button should be available - 114988

    • When an agent handles a multi-party manual outbound and inbound calls, the Privacy Compliance widget displays Agent not logged in instead No active call - 115155

    • In the Outcome gadget, minutes and hours alignment is mismatched for callback - 116615

    • When the browser is refreshed, the Amazon Horizontal and Vertical layouts do not load properly - 116738

    • Service Cloud Voice

      • Customer Journey widget keeps reloading with No active call message in a specific case - 104832

      • Non-PEWC contacts calls are not showing in the gadget - 108343

      • Account Executive Mapped contact calls are not delivered to the SCV agents - 108324


    • The MCD gadget shows on a smaller screen, although having the same height and breadth as the Customer Journey gadget - 116610

    Acqueon EHR Connector

    The following table describes the new features and enhancements of this release.





    Enhancement to Responsive Design

    The responsiveness of the Outbound widgets and EHR Connector has been improved to work with multiple screen sizes and resolutions.


    All platforms

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