V 3.16.0 - 13 Oct 2023
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    V 3.16.0 - 13 Oct 2023

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    Article summary

    Acqueon Desktop

    New Features and Enhancements

    The following table describes the new features and enhancements of this release.





    Standalone AD for Genesys

    Acqueon widgets and EHR Connector can now be used along with Genesys softphone, all loaded inside Acqueon Standalone Workspace. The agent can access telephony controls and view customer/patient screen pop within the Acqueon Desktop .


    Genesys PureCloud

    IDP URL support for AD for Amazon Connect

    Amazon Connect supports identity federation by configuring SAML with AWS to enable web-based single sign-on (SSO) from the organization to Amazon Connect instance. To support this feature, Acqueon Desktop allows you to configure a federated URL that redirects the user, on clicking the Login button, to the Identity Federation page instead of the Amazon Connect login page.


    Amazon Connect


    The following issues are fixed in this release:

    • When the browser is refreshed, Amazon Horizontal and Vertical layouts do not load properly.

    • ACW time is not updated in SF task.

    • Inbound and manual outbound call due dates are not updated in SF task.

    • Acqueon outbound widgets fail to load in SCV, intermittently.

    • Although the agent is actively logged in SCV, no calls are being received in the Direct Preview mode.

    • When user selects the multiparty option, the DTMF and Conference icons do not appear.

    • Protect User Credentials - Sensitive data such as email addresses, usernames, and passwords are not encoded.

    • When agents set both Telephony Outcome as Callback and a Child Business Outcome, the application does not update the Child Business Outcome.

    Open Issues

    The following issues are open in this release:

    • When an agent handles a Non-PEWC call, disconnects, and clears the call without submitting the disposition, the widgets clear the data. However, the widgets display the Non-PEWC record data also. To set a disposition and clear Non-PEWC record, a Submit and Clear button must be available on the widget.

    • When an agent handles a consult call that is in the connecting state, the icons of the first call are also active and usable on the second call.

    • Calls of Non-PEWC contacts are not showing on the widget to agents logged in to SCV, since agent names exceed the allowed field length.

    • Account Executive Mapped contact calls are not delivered to SCV agents, since agent names exceed the allowed field length.

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