V 3.18.1 - 21 Feb 2024
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    V 3.18.1 - 21 Feb 2024

    • Dark

    Article summary

    Acqueon Workspace

    New Features and Enhancements

    The following table describes the new features and enhancements of this release.





    Manual Dial - A new widget

    The Manual Dial Widget is a new widget designed to facilitate agents in manually contacting customers. This can be used to manually dial Non-Content customers as per PEWC (Prior Express Written Consent), or for records the agents do not want to use the Dialer. Unlike outbound campaigns, where contacts are directly sent to the dialer, Manual Dial loads relevant contacts for agents to access and dial manually, offering increased control and flexibility in outbound communication processes. With this feature, agents can initiate outbound calls and set outcomes for each interaction.


    • The Manual Dial widget will replace the Non-PEWC widget eventually. Non-PEWC is compatible up to the Acqueon Campaigns version 2308.

    • This feature which was introduced in 3.18.0 for Amazon Connect is now extended to Cisco.


    Cisco (UCCX, PCCE, UCCE, and Webex CC)

    Update Contact Attribute API

    UpdateContactAttribute is a new API that offers more flexibility to the agents by letting them modify user-defined contact attributes associated with a specific contact. The agents can also modify the contact attributes during active and completed calls.


    Amazon Connect

    Get Agent Details API

    GetAgentDetails is a new API that retrieves information regarding agents, such as their names, IDs, routing profile, login statuses, and more. This facilitates efficient resource management and improved customer experience.


    Amazon Connect

    Answering machine indication display

    In Amazon tethered calls, when an outbound call is connected to an agent, the Acqueon softphone displays the CPA Result label. This field denotes the value Machine if the call is picked up by an answering machine.


    Amazon Connect

    Open Issues

    The following issues are open in this release:

    • When an agent handles a Non-PEWC call, disconnects, and clears the call without submitting the disposition, the widgets clear the data. However, the widgets display the Non-PEWC record data also. To set a disposition and clear Non-PEWC record, a Submit and Clear button must be available on the widget.

    • When an agent handles a consult call that is in the connecting state, the icons of the first call are also active and usable on the second call.

    • Calls of Non-PEWC contacts are not showing on the widget to agents logged in to SCV, since agent names exceed the allowed field length.

    • Account Executive Mapped contact calls are not delivered to SCV agents, since agent names exceed the allowed field length.

    • In Cisco Acqueon Workspace, if the agent refreshes the screen, at times, the widgets display the Agent Not logged in message. To overcome this issue, the agent must change the agent state and again return to the previous state.

    • Telephony outcomes are disabled for Manual dial groups campaigns.

    • The Submit and Clear buttons should become enabled within the outcome gadget once the agent retrieves data from the manual dial gadget.

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