V 3.7.4 - 18 Jun 2021
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    V 3.7.4 - 18 Jun 2021

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    Article summary

    Acqueon Desktop

    New Features and Enhancements

    The following table describes the new features and enhancements of this release.




    Outcome tab Displays Campaign-specific Call Outcomes

    The outcome tab in the outbound widget will now display campaign-specific call outcomes based on the configurations in Acqueon Campaigns Cloud (AEC).

    Amazon Connect

    Pre-selected Outcomes

    The outcomes are now pre-selected based on the number of values in the dropdown.

    Amazon Connect

    Mandatory Outcome Selection Based on AEC Settings

    The enforcement mandatory outcome selection will now be determined depending on AEC settings before proceeding to the next call. Global settings that were available in Acqueon Desktop and applied to all campaigns have been removed.

    Amazon Connect

    DNC - Call Outcome

    • When a user selects DNC in the call outcome, the DNC logic is applied based on the campaign-specific settings configured in AEC, such as the ‘DNC period type’ and ‘DNC type’ configurations.

    • When a user selects DNC in the call outcome, whether or not to display in the customer time zone by default is now determined by campaign-wise settings in AEC.

    Amazon Connect

    Notify Error Message - CCP is Lost

    The softphone can now notify the user with an error message if the connection to CCP is lost.

    Amazon Connect

    Outbound Widget - Increased Scrollbar Width

    The scrollbar width for the Outbound widget has been increased so that the user can easily navigate to select the appropriate value. This applies to the dropdown fields inside the Outbound widgets too.

    Amazon Connect


    Amazon Horizontal Softphone

    • Agent1 conference with agent 2, the 'Conference call connected successfully' message is not displayed in UI - 90449

    • When preview timer in AEC is set to 0, the timer is displayed in UI - 90678

    Amazon Vertical Softphone

    • Consult Dial pad - Numbers entered during call1 are retained for next call as well - 90386

    • When consults to queue, the ' Requested' banner state is 'Initiated' instead of 'ongoing' - 90403

    • PCB - Search is NOT working - 90654

    AE Horizontal Softphone

    • In the UI, after refreshing, the callback start date and time and callback end date and time are missing.

    • Outcome tab - Some data submitted against DNC is NOT retained after the refresh.

    AE Vertical Softphone

    • Outcome tab - Telephony and Business Outcome drop-downs do not close on their own.

    • PCB tab - Expand option (+) is missing.

    • DNC end date and time are missing in the UI after refreshing the DNC start date and time.

    Open Issues

    Amazon Vertical Softphone

    • During a consult call, the agent 2's end record button with loader is displayed.

    • When an agent presses the 'REC' button before answering, transferring, or consulting a call, the loader is in the loading state(keep loading).

    • Tethered call remapping is not happening post handling a Non-PEWC call in ‘Ready for outbound’ state, agent is struck in busy state.

    • Ready for Outbound state - Non-PEWC calls are rarely dialed.

    • Call is auto dialed in the UI, however a tethered message is displayed throughout the call.

    • Consult - Agent/Queue/External - Scroll bar issues.

    • Warm queue/External transfer - The banner should be renamed to ‘Ringing’.

    • When the CCP drops during an outbound call and the agent is in ACW state, the agent can move to other states along with the ACW UI.

    • When the agent refreshed during an ACW state, call variable information is not retained.

    Amazon Horizontal Softphone

    • Recording - Loader is displayed on the record button till we perform any action in this scenario. When the record button is pressed, no action is taken.

    • Positioning of Accept and Reject buttons for Inbound and Outbound (warm queue transfer) is different.

    • Tethered call remapping is not happening post handling a Non-PEWC call in ‘Ready for outbound’ state, agent is struck in busy state.

    • Ready for Outbound state - Non-PEWC calls are rarely dialed.

    • Call is auto-dialed in the UI, however a tethered message is displayed throughout the call.

    • When agent 2 ends the consult call, a record button is displayed with loader.

    • When the CCP drops during an outbound call and the agent is in ACW state, the agent can move to other states along with the ACW UI.

    • Dialpad - When the agent scrolls through the scrollbar, overlay is closed on its own, not retained to make any selection

    • When the agent refreshed during an ACW state, call variable information is not retained.

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