V 3.7.6 - 16 Aug 2021
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    V 3.7.6 - 16 Aug 2021

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    Article summary

    Acqueon Desktop

    New Features and Enhancements

    The following table describes the new features and enhancements of this release.




    DTMF inputs using the DTMF Dial pad

    When the agent establishes a consult call via Quick connect or via the Dial pad with a connected tethered outbound call, the agent can now provide DTMF inputs using the DTMF dial pad.

    Amazon Connect

    Blind / Direct Transfer Functionality

    Blind transfer or Direct transfer functionality is now available when the agent is on an Inbound call and wanted to transfer the call to a queue or external number.

    Amazon Connect

    Next Status Feature

    Agents can now use the ‘Next status’ feature to pause new contacts being routed to them while finishing the current contacts. When all the slots are cleared, the Workspace automatically sets the CCP to the ‘Next status’ (such as Lunch) as selected by the agent. The agent can also cancel the ‘Next status’ during the call if they want to continue taking new contacts.

    When there is an active tethered outbound call, agents can now cancel the previously set 'Next status'.

    Amazon Connect

    Map Multiple Queues or Campaigns to the Same Rule

    The administrator can now map multiple queues or campaigns to the same rule to define the list of contact attributes that should display in the agent softphone.

    Amazon Connect

    Salesforce Classic Console Mode Compatibility

    Acqueon Salesforce Connector for Amazon Connect is now compatible with Salesforce Classic Console mode.

    Amazon Connect

    Server Version Update

    Acqueon Desktop now supports CentOS 7.9 and Nginx 1.20.1

    Amazon Connect


    Horizontal Softphone

    • Horizontal Softphone - IB - Consult overlay is highlighted in blue color though consult overlay is closed in this case - 92134

    • Horizontal Softphone - IB - Sometimes consult icon is not working. When we click on the Consult icon, nothing happens.

    • Horizontal Softphone - OB - Business field - When due date data are changed and submitted, they are not retained after submission - 91063

    • Horizontal Softphone - Dialpad - When the agent scrolls through the scrollbar, the overlay closes on its own and doesn't stay open to make a selection - 91114

    • Horizontal Softphone - OB - When the agent refreshes during the ACW state, call variable information is NOT retained - 91115

    Vertical Softphone

    • Vertical Softphone - OB - When the agent refreshes during the ACW state, call variable information is NOT retained - 91061

    Amazon Admin

    • Amazon Admin - Call Variable Configuration for DN & Campaign addition on new installation - (SF Ticket ID: 00025158)

    Acqueon Campaigns Outbound

    • When agent1 initiates a consult to an external number, and the external number does not answer the call, line2 is not dropped from the UI - 91118

    • Requires disposition enabled in AEC post refresh still agent is not retained in ACW to set an outcome - 90830

    • During an active outbound call , the ‘Ongoing’ banner color does not remain green after refreshing (AE Issue as call state is changed after refresh from CustAnswered -> custAnswered) - 90834

    • LAHX -Dial to a configured external india number, if external number is not answering the call with in 60 sec, consult line2 does not drop automatically - 91119

    • Amazon Horizontal Softphone - OB - During ACW state agent refreshes, call variable information is NOT retained - 91115 & 91061

    • Telephony outcome, Parent Business Outcome, Child Business Outcome auto fill logic fixed (SF Ticket ID: 00025017)

    Open Issues

    Amazon Vertical Softphone

    • When CCP dropped an OB call while the agent was in the ACW state, the agent is able to move to other states along with the ACW UI - 90658

    • In a case, the selected ‘Next Status’ is NOT overwritten - 92128

    • When an agent clicks on the 'More choice' button, the next status selected during the call is automatically cleared - 92161

    • Agent is thrown with 'Cannot change agent state: Invalid agent or contact state." while dialing from available state - 92164

    • Post logging out, the agent is unable to re-login - 92168

    • By default, consult line data are collapsed - 92176

    • Call controls that are no longer in use are retained as a disabled symbol - 92180

    • When DNC is set for business field and multiple category, incorrect data is captured in task - 91330

    • During Inbound call, Non-PEWC and PCB tabs are visible in UI - 91413

    • The focus of AE Tabs is not on the first tab; rather, it is on the PCB tab by default - 92175

    Amazon Horizontal Softphone

    • When the agent is in Meeting state during a manual OB call, if the agent selects ‘Available’, it will be still in state dropdown - 92007

    • Though the consult overlay is closed, it is highlighted in blue - 92134

    • Sometimes consult icons are not working. When we click on the consult icon, nothing happens. - 92162

    • The agent is not prompted with a refresh alert message during refreshing - 92181

    • During Inbound call Non PEWC and PCB tabs are visible in AEHX - 91486

    • Ready for outbound - Dropped OB calls, AE tabs, and data are still visible - 92179

    • SF Admin - Workflow mappings - The mapping rule does not include a campaign name with a space and a hyphen - 92169

    Acqueon Campaigns Dependent Bugs

    • Even if a call is missed or the agent is not ready, a tethered call is initiated for the agent. Post this initiation the agent moves back to available, tethered call is not being received - 91485

    • Post refresh when agent swaps between calls, DTMF is missing in consult line - 91849

    • When blending switches from OB to IB, during consult/ blind transfer -> dial pad -> “Tethered call failed” message is thrown - 91916

    • Post refresh, button states are hidden in AE. Events affecting AD and Nailed status shown as ‘media_timeout’ - 91995

    • When tethered maps during not ready state , the ‘Available’ state is missing - 92001

    • When an OB call maps and an agent tries manual out at the same time, Acqueon Desktop is affected - 92005

    • Consult call to an external number is failing in a case - 92051

    • When consulted external call is not answered and agent1 holds manually, button states for line1 is hidden; this has an impact on the Acqueon Desktop call controls - 92059

    • When the conferenced external party is dropped and agent repeatedly contacts the same external party, no more events are received from AE. Acqueon Desktop is entirely frozen - 91474

    • When the agent tries again to consult with another external party again, websocket error “External consult call already in progress” occurs in the console logs - 92173

    • In a conference call, agent1 leaves, and agent2 and the customer continues. When the call is terminated by the customer/agent2, dropped events are not correctly received - 92177

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