V 3.7.7 - 18 Apr 2022
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    V 3.7.7 - 18 Apr 2022

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    Article summary

    Acqueon Desktop

    New Features and Enhancements

    The following table describes the new features and enhancements of this release.




    Softphone UX Revamp

    Acqueon Desktop for Cisco Horizontal softphone UX has been revamped.

    Cisco (UCCX, PCCE, UCCE, and Webex CC)

    Billing Reports - Track License Usage

    The license usage can be tracked using the billing reports that provides the named and concurrent agent count.

    Cisco (UCCX, PCCE, UCCE, and Webex CC)

    Map multiple DN or campaigns

    The administrator can now map multiple DN or campaigns to the same rule to define the list of contact attributes that should display in the agent softphone.

    Cisco (UCCX, PCCE, UCCE, and Webex CC)


    Cisco Vertical Softphone

    • After refreshing the browser tab, AE data is not retained; a blank tab is displayed - 100510

    • PCB tab is missing for a non-PEWC call - 100546

    • The Regular/NCB call count in non-PEWC call is showing as 0 rather than the actual count - 101858

    • In UCCX, the queue icon did not appear in the soft phone - 98640

    Cisco Horizontal Softphone

    • Occasionally , the previous call data is not presented in widgets (Outcome, Business field, Change number, and Mode details) while in the 'Not ready' condition - 90063

    • The same record appears twice in the Personal Callback (PCB) tab - 90126

    • When the agent moves from ‘Ready’ to ‘Not ready’ state, the non-PEWC tab takes longer to load - 90182

    • When an outbound call is completed and the agent enters the 'Not Ready' state, AE is displayed in few widgets -90531

    • When ‘Callback end time required’ option is disabled in the admin, the agent is unable to submit the outcome in the widget - 100507

    • The agent is unable to select and submit the DNC outcome - 100508

    • The AE data is preserved after refreshing the browser tab, and a blank tab is displayed - 100510

    • PCB tab is missing for a non-PEWC call - 100546

    • The Regular/NCB call count in non-PEWC call is showing as 0 rather than the actual count - 101858

    • When the agent/supervisor clicks the ‘Queue’ tab, and selects a ‘Skill name’, the tab closes automatically - 90457

    • The agents can also see the silent monitoring feature - 90518

    • When an Acqueon Dialer call is patched to an agent, the data on the business variables tab is not displayed - 90529

    • In UCCX, the queue icon did not appear in the soft phone - 98640


    • Screenpop and Salesforce object creation do not occur unless the agent refreshes the browser for the first time - 92423

    • When the administrator clicks reset password in the Acqueon Desktop Salesforce admin and enters the token details, an error message occurs - 90726

    Open Issues

    • In UCCX 11.6, 12.0 and 12.5, the Queue information displays -1 (negative) value, which is returned by the Finesse API - 100119

    • Tab Synchronization – When Acqueon Desktop is open in multiple tabs, and the agent changes the ‘Agent state’, the change is not reflected in other tabs - 89128

    • When the agent opens the Outbound widget during a non-PEWC call, the non-PEWC tab is displayed, but the focus is on a different tab - 100547

    • Vertical layout - If the agent refreshes the screen during an outgoing call, the AE tabs are either blank or show only a portion of the data - 101443

    • Salesforce widget in Vertical softphone - There is a dragging effect in the UI when the agent extends the WhoID from the dropdown and then scrolls the page.

    • Horizontal layout - If the agent refreshes the screen during an outgoing call, the AE tabs are either blank or show only a portion of the data - 101444

    • High availability – When the lynx.admin.service on Side A is stopped, the auto switchover to Side B does not occur. During this time, the administrator is unable to use the Acqueon Desktop admin application - 94039

    • When Agent 1 consults a non-PEWC call with Agent 2, and drops the consult line, AE tabs are blank for Agent 2. The same is true for a supervisor who is silently monitoring a non-PEWC call - 90579

    • For an Outbound consult/transfer/Conference call, agent 2 focuses on the PCB tab rather than the Business field tab - 90584

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