VPN Tunneling
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    VPN Tunneling

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    Article summary

    For security reasons, the communication between  Campaign Manager on the cloud and Avaya POM (either on-prem or on the cloud) must be carried out via VPN. An Exclusive VPN Connection that only these two applications can use must be made available.

    Customer must ensure that the VPN tunneling is completed at their site/cloud by using the following details:

    1. The  Campaign Manager application IP Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range. The customer has to validate and confirm CIDR does not conflict with their network. For example, Here, the numbers 0/25 indicate the range.

    2. Team shares a customer-specific text file containing all the details, including steps to configure VPN tunneling. This file has the following customer-specific details and procedures:

      1. VPN Connection ID

      2. Virtual Private Gateway ID

      3. Customer Gateway ID

      4. Details for IPSec Tunnel 1:

        1. IKE configuration

        2. IPSec configuration

        3. Tunnel Interface configuration

        4. Static Route configuration

      5. Details for IPSec Tunnel 2:

        1. IKE configuration

        2. IPSec configuration

        3. Tunnel Interface configuration

        4. Static Route configuration

    The Campaign Manager team is responsible for the VPN tunneling for access to the application on the cloud. This tunneling relies on the details provided by customer:

    1. Public IP of Peer Devices: Primary and Secondary IPs of Peer Devices (Firewall and Router).

    2. Private Subnet Range: The private subnet IP range in the CIDR format.

    3. Make, Model, and Firmware of the device. For example,

      1. Make – Cisco

      2. Model – ASA 5500

      3. Firmware – ASA 9.x

    4. DH Group Number

    5. IKE version: The Internet Key Exchange version used for VPN connectivity.

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