Channel Settings
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    Channel Settings

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    Article summary

    The Channel Settings tab helps you configure various details relating to non-voice channels like Email and SMS for a campaign.

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Select an Email Server for the campaign. All the servers that you configured in the System > Digital > Email section are listed in the dropdown list.

    2. Set a timeout, in hours, for Emails in the Email Timeout field. This threshold determines the maximum allowable time for the system to process and send emails. You can set this threshold from 1 to 24 hours.

    3. If this is an SMS campaign, select an SMS Server for the campaign. All the servers that you configured in the System > Digital > SMS section are listed in the drop-down list.

    4. Set a timeout, in minutes, for SMS in the SMS Timeout field. This threshold determines the maximum allowable time for the system to process and send SMS messages. You can set this threshold from 1 to 24 hours.

    5. Select the Primary Short Code from the dropdown list. This is the main short code used for sending SMS /email in the campaign.

    6. Select the Secondary Short Code from the dropdown list. This is the secondary short code used for sending SMS /email in the campaign.

    7. Select the SMS Timeout Disposition from the dropdown list, such as Success. These are the business outcomes.

    8. Select the SMS Text Type from the dropdown list such as Dynamic, Static, TwoWay. It is used to define the format and functionality of the SMS messages in the campaign.

      1. Dynamic: Allows the use of personalized or variable content within the SMS, such as inserting customer-specific information like names, account details, or order statuses.

      2. Static: Sends a uniform message to all recipients without any customization. This is suitable for generic notifications, alerts, or promotional messages.

      3. TwoWay: Enables two-way communication, allowing recipients to reply to the SMS.

    9. To engage a Chatbot for 2-way SMS communication, select one from the ChatBot Account dropdown list.

    10. Select the Call Guide from the dropdown list. Call Guides help in structuring interaction with customers. The dropdown list fetches values from the Script Designer.

    11. Enter a Prefix to add a specific string to the beginning of the uploaded contact information.

    12. Enter a Suffix to append a string to the end of the contact information before it is sent to the dialer.

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