Contact Selection Strategy
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    Contact Selection Strategy

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    Article summary

    A Contact Selection Strategy (CSS) helps you decide the order of contacts to call in a Campaign. For instance, if you have three groups of credit cardholders, Platinum, Gold, and Silver, a CSS allows you to set rules to call a certain number or percentage of Platinum contacts first, followed by Gold, and then Silver. This way, you can make sure the most important contacts, like Platinum cardholders, are called more often or sooner than the others.

    Create new CSS Group

    Perform the following steps to create a new CSS Group:

    1. Click Add New.

    2. Enter a CSS Group Name.

    3. Enter a Condition Name. This is a mandatory field. You cannot use special characters in the name, except underscore, dash, and at (_, -, and @, respectively) in the Condition Name.

    4. Select the Target Group from the dropdown list to associate this CSS condition.

    5. You can create conditions either using the Build Conditions or the Write Conditions option. Activate the required switch based on your preference.

    Build Condition

    1. Click Add New to create a new CSS condition and complete the following steps:
    2. Enter a new CSS Group Name.
    3. From the System Fields / Business Fields dropdown list, select an appropriate item.
    4. Select a comparison operator from the options below, which defines the condition for the contact to be selected. Available operators include:
      1. is exactly equal to
      2. is less than
      3. is less than or equal to
      4. is greater than
      5. is greater than or equal to
      6. is not equal to
      7. Like
      8. in
      9. Not in
      10. Not Like
    5. Enter the Value that this condition should meet for the contact to be selected for delivery.
    6. Click Add to add another condition.
    7. Click Save to complete.
    8. Click Add to add another condition.

    Advance Condition Builder

    1. Turn the Advanced Builder switch ON to build an Advanced Condition. Using the Advanced Builder requires meticulous manual nesting of conditions. Incorrect placement of brackets may result in selecting wrong and unintended contacts for delivery to the dialer. If the Advanced Builder switch is OFF, you can add conditions in groups with pre-selected and/or conditions.
    2. Enter an open bracket {( } in the first cell.
    3. From the System Fields / Business Fields dropdown list, select an appropriate item.
    4. Select a comparison operator from the options below, which defines the condition for the contact to be selected. Available operators include:
      1. is exactly equal to
      2. is less than
      3. is less than or equal to
      4. is greater than
      5. is greater than or equal to
      6. is not equal to
      7. Like
      8. in
      9. Not in
      10. Not Like
    5. Enter the Value that this condition should meet for the contact to be selected for delivery and close the bracket.
    6. Click Add to add another condition.
    7. Click Save to complete.

    Write Condition

    You can use the Write Conditions option instead of using the Simple or Advanced condition builder. To start writing the CSS conditions, activate the Write Conditions switch. Consider the following points before selecting this option: 

    • The application validates only the syntax and does not allow you to save conditions with incorrect syntax.
    • The application does not validate any fields. If the syntax is valid but the query does not return any results, check and refine or rewrite the query.

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Begin your condition by opening a curly brace ({). The application will present three items:
      1. System Fields
      2. Business Parameters
      3. Expression 
    2.  Click Save to save the query. You can use the Query button from the Actions panel to read the condition that you have created using the Write Conditions feature. 

    Order By

    The Order By section defines the sequence in which the matched contacts for the defined conditions are delivered to the dialer, either in ascending or descending order.

    1. From the System Fields/Business Fields dropdown list, select an appropriate item.

    2. From the Sort dropdown list, select Asc for Ascending or Desc for Descending.

    3. To add more sort orders, click Add.

    4. Once you have set the sort orders, click Save to complete the CSS conditions. The saved condition will be listed after the System Conditions.

    5. Click Save & Flush to save the changes, flush all contacts on the dialer, and reopen those on the application.


      You can skip creating conditions and select any Default CSS condition.

    6. The saved condition is listed after the System Conditions. Use the CSS Condition Action button to perform the following actions:

      1. Edit the CSS condition: The screen is similar to the Create New CSS Group. Make the necessary changes and click Save to complete the edit.

      2. Delete the CSS condition.

      3. Show Contacts matching the CSS condition: The contacts are displayed.

    7. After the contacts matching the CSS condition are displayed, you can select specific contacts or use one of the following options:

    8. Select All checkbox is used to select the contacts on the current page and the Global Select checkbox is used to select all contacts across all pages.

    9. Click Actions and choose one of the following operations for the selected contacts:

      1. Set the Revise Reschedule Time. Reschedule the contact to a later date and/or time. Specify the Start Time and End Time to reschedule the contact within this window. Click Reschedule Contacts to complete the action.

      2. Click Reset as Fresh Contact. This action resets the contact as a Fresh Contact.

      3. Click Reopen Contacts. Reopen the contact for dialing.


    If you select the Undo Business Field values updated by agents checkbox, the application will discard any updates to business field values made by agents during their interactions and revert to the original business field values at the time of contact upload.

    For example, if contact A is uploaded with a mobile number and Customer ID of 123456, and during an agent agent Interaction, the customer requests a change in their mobile number and Customer ID to 345678, the agent updates these values. When reopening this contact using the CSS conditions, selecting this checkbox will revert the mobile number and Customer ID to the original values (123456).

    This option is not applicable for Block Contacts and Close Contacts.

    1. Select Block Contacts to prevent the selected contacts from being dialed by changing their status to Blocked.

    2. Select Close Contacts to close the selected contacts.

    System Condition

    There are five system CSS conditions that can be applied to a campaign, in addition to any conditions you have created. Following is an overview of the dialing pattern for these five default CSS conditions:

    1. Contact Priority Calls - New Contacts: These are fresh contacts that the application has not delivered to the Cisco CCE dialer, starting from the latest upload to the oldest. No dialing attempts have been made on these contacts.

    2. Contact Priority Calls - Old Contacts: These are contacts from older uploads that have not yet been delivered to the Cisco CCE dialer.

    3. Specific Moment: Contacts that you have rescheduled to be dialed at a specific moment.

    4. Specific Agent: Contacts that have been assigned to be dialed to reach a specific agent, also known as Account Executive Mapping (AEM).

    5. Specific Agent with Specific Moment: Contacts that have been both tagged and rescheduled to be dialed to reach a specific agent at a specific moment.

    Any additional CSS conditions you create are listed after the default System Conditions.

    System Fields/Business Fields



    Max Retries

    This is the current incremented value for the maximum number of retries that can be made for dialing each contact in the campaign.

    Daily Retries

    This is the current incremented value for the maximum number of retries that can be made for dialing each contact in a day for this campaign.

    Cycle Retries

    This is the current incremented value for the maximum number of retries that can be made in a dialing cycle. A cycle is a set of dialing attempts, once to all modes that a contact is uploaded with. For example, a contact is uploaded with three modes - Home, Work, and Mobile numbers. A dialing cycle is completed when the application dials all these modes (in the configured order) once each.

    Email Retries

    This is the current incremented value for the number of retries allowed for contacts to be delivered for email campaigns.

    SMS Retries

    This is the current incremented value for the number of retries allowed for contacts to be delivered for SMS campaigns.

    Last Accessed

    The contacts with the configured date and time of last access to be delivered as part of this CSS.


    The priority assigned to the contacts that is to be accounted when delivering as per this CSS.

    Lead Score

    The Lead Score that is to be considered for delivering contacts are per this CSS. Lead Score helps in identifying the most prospective customer to be reached out from a campaign. This score can also be set at the time of upload or wrap up, while defining the business / Telephony Outcome.


    This is the call start time as set by the rescheduler. Calls that fall within the start time mentioned in this condition are selected for delivery.


    This is the call end time as set by the rescheduler. Calls that fall within the end time mentioned in this condition are selected for delivery.


    The list ID that the contact belongs to. Contacts belonging to the ListIDs in this CSS condition are delivered.


    The call type. For example, Personal Callback, Regular Callback, regular call, etc.


    The last outcome set for this contact. Contacts with the selected Last Outcome are delivered.

    Global ListID

    The Global List ID that this contact belongs to. Contacts belonging to the Global ListIDs in this CSS condition are delivered.


    This the agent ID tagged to the contact. Calls are delivered to the dialer and are patched to the agent mentioned in this field.

    Phone Number

    The phone number of the contact to deliver as per this CSS.

    Zone Name

    The name of the time zone to which the contact belongs.

    BTTC NOW %

    Write Condition System Fields/Business Fields



    Max Retries

    This is the current incremented value for the maximum number of retries that can be made for dialing each contact in the campaign.

    Daily Retries

    This is the current incremented value for the maximum number of retries that can be made for dialing each contact in a day for this campaign.

    Cycle Retries

    This is the current incremented value for the maximum number of retries that can be made in a dialing cycle. A cycle is a set of dialing attempts, once to all modes that a contact is uploaded with. For example, a contact is uploaded with three modes - Home, Work, and Mobile numbers. A dialing cycle is completed when the application dials all these modes (in the configured order) once each.

    Email Retries

    This is the current incremented value for the number of retries allowed for contacts to be delivered for email campaigns.

    SMS Retries

    This is the current incremented value for the number of retries allowed for contacts to be delivered for SMS campaigns.

    Last Accessed

    The contacts with the configured date and time of last access to be delivered as part of this CSS.


    The priority assigned to the contacts that is to be accounted when delivering as per this CSS.

    Lead Score

    The Lead Score that is to be considered for delivering contacts are per this CSS. Lead Score helps in identifying the most prospective customer to be reached out from a campaign. This score can also be set at the time of upload or wrap up, while defining the business / telephony outcome.


    This is the call start time as set by the rescheduler. Calls that fall within the start time mentioned in this condition are selected for delivery.


    This is the call end time as set by the rescheduler. Calls that fall within the end time mentioned in this condition are selected for delivery.


    The list ID that the contact belongs to. Contacts belonging to the ListIDs in this CSS condition are delivered.


    The call type. For example, personal callback, regular callback, regular call, etc.


    The last outcome set for this contact. Contacts with the selected Last Outcome are delivered.

    Global ListID

    The Global List ID that this contact belongs to. Contacts belonging to the Global ListIDs in this CSS condition are delivered.


    This the agent ID tagged to the contact. Calls are delivered to the dialer and are patched to the agent mentioned in this field.

    Phone Number

    The phone number of the contact to deliver as per this CSS.

    Zone Name

    The name of the time zone to which the contact belongs.

    BTTC NOW %


    The Contact ID generated by application.


    This is the call start date as set by the rescheduler. Calls that fall within the start date mentioned in this condition are selected for delivery.


    This is the call end date as set by the rescheduler. Calls that fall within the end date mentioned in this condition are selected for delivery.


    The geographical state of the contact.


    The zip code that the contact belongs to.


    The area code that the contact belongs to.


    The date and time the contact was added / rescheduled. Contacts with this created time are selected for delivery if this is part of the condition.


    The contact’s secondary zip code, if mapped.

    Copy CSS Condition

    You can copy existing CSS conditions both condition groups and individual CSS conditions.

    1. Click Copy on the CSS Group pane on the left to copy the CCS Group.

    2. Enter a Name for the cloned CSS Group and click Save to complete.

    3. Click Copy on the CSS condition section pane on the right to copy CSS Condition. The condition page appears with the required details.

    4. Enter a Name for the cloned CSS Condition.

    5. Click Save.

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