SMS Template Editor
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    SMS Template Editor

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    Article summary

    You can create multiple SMS templates and run SMS campaigns sending out text messages based on various templates within the same Campaign. To achieve this, you must create SMS campaigns and write conditions to use each of these templates. For example, you can send out text messages reminding account holders of payment on bill generation, then a reminder a few days before the due date, and on payment, a Thank You message. You could also send a notice of suspension of service due to non-payment of bills.

    Create SMS templates that your SMS campaigns can use to send out messages to contacts. Perform the following steps:

    1. Click Add SMS Template to create a new SMS template.

    2. Select the Template Type from System and Designer.

    3. In the Conditions section, write condition using the Build Condition facility. Turn the Advanced Builder switch ON to use it. Refer Condition Builder on how to write conditions.

    4. Expand the SMS Template Editor section to create an SMS template.

    5. If Template Type is System, enter the text (including a signature) that forms part of the text message.

    6. If Template Type is Designer, select the Form from the dropdown list. For more information on Forms, see Script Designer.

    7. Click Save to complete.

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